The First Day.


Siwons POV

It seemed like a blur to me. Like as if time had gone fast. Way too fast.

One minute I was the beloved son, next I'm living in a new house with 5 other people I've never met.

I guess I should have seen it coming. I knew they wouldn't like it.

I'm Siwon. Choi Siwon.

I'm 25 years old and a studying at University to become a doctor. And hopefully regain the love of my parents again.

The real reason I was all this way, far away from home and from the ones I loved wasn't because I was a bad child, or I was rude, disrespectful or troubled. I was here because, I'm gay.

I told my parents of my uality only last week and of course, coming from a super-strict and highly religious Catholic family, I was kicked out of home with only the clothes I was wearing. I felt as if it was a curse, since being gay was a sin in my family's mind. But it wasn't a curse. It was just who I was. Didn't God love everyone irregardless of who they were?

My parent's seemed to disagree. God hates gays.  My parents made that clear. I thought that they were only joking or mucking around or something. But they were serious.

I can remember my father hitting me and my mother just crying. I didn't hurt them, and I didn't do anything that was bad. I was dead wrong.

I spent my first night out in the street, just crying and drinking away in self-pity. I seriously contemplated suicide. But suicide was a sin too, in God's eyes. Two sins in one day, Siwon? What's wrong with you?. I prayed to god that night that he would send me a miracle, a sign, just... something that would make my life more easier.

And somehow, a pamphlet for a new house to be rented out. I immedately took the chance. I just had to. The following day I rang the agent and asked if the house was still on offer, and to my surprise it was. But there were going to be 5 other people moving in too. I accepted and got on the next bus to Seoul.

Maybe something good would come out of this.


After everything that had happened 5 days ago, I decided I needed to get some clothes, so went and spent every last cent I had in my savings account on clothes and bags and bond money for the house. I must have spent a small fortune on everything then took a taxi to the new house.

It must have taken at least half an hour or more to get to the house. It looked marvellous. It was in a newly developed housing area and was modern, and coloured in brown, white and black. I took all my belongings out of the taxi and payed the driver.

I walked up to the door and dug for the keys in my pocket with a newspaper stuffed in my mouth. I opened the front door and walked into the long, narrow hallway. The light floor boards let me to the kitchen and lounge room.

This place was marvellous!

I had noticed I was the only person here. Maybe everyone is out? Or I'm the first person. That means, if I'm the first person. I can pick the best room!

I grabbed as much stuff and bolted up the stairs and opened a door, which seemed to be the largest bedroom and noticed there was two beds. Ugh, I knew I would have to share with someone.

I put my stuff down on the bed which was closer to the window. I started to pull all of my stuff into the wardrobe and the drawers. It took much longer than I had originally thought.

I got my man-bag and took out my cigarettes. I took one and lit it up and went to walk onto the balcony. As I was halfway though my cigarette, a silver convertable pulled up and stopped. A man got out who looked as if he was covered in tattoos and piercings.

At first, I thought it looked digusting, but he took off his sunglasses and at a second glance.

He was ing gorgeous!

"Hey! Is this 99 XX Street?" he shouted. I simply nodded and and then he shouted "Looks like you have a new housemate!" 

I wanted to scream with happiness. This cute guy is talking to me and he's my roommate. God, what are you doing to me?

He introduced himself as Jaeboem, but prefered to be called Jay. He was American. He couldn't speak any Korean. Thankfully, I spoke fluent english so I was able to help him.

He bought his stuff up the stairs and walked into the room where I was sleeping. Okay, what's happening?

 I walked in sliently and sat on my bed. He pulled out a packet of Marlboro Red's and lit one up right in the room. I just looked at him in astonishment. Smoking in the room. 

This was going to be bad.

I had two turn on's. Smokers and tattoos. And he had both.

, what am I going to do?

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ty chapter, I know. But the P.O.V. will change every chapter. That's what I'm hoping.


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Please update your story.. I hope we will be friends.. hehe. i just love 2PM and Jay Park so i decided to subscribe to your story..