After School

Game of Love

As the day progressed, you couldn't find anyone who wanted to be your friend and you didn't know why. The girls would just glare at you and then walk away while the boys didn't even glance your way. You sighed and slowly packed up at the end of the day.

You slowly walked out of the school gates and made your way back home. You remembered the pack of sour Skittles you had and pulled them out of your backpack. "Hey!" someone yelled and pushed themselves off the shadow of the tree. You noticed it was that Chunji guy. He smiled sweetly, "What's up?" You gave him a small smile and struggled to open your bag of Skittles.

He snatched it from you and easily tore it open. He handed it back to you with a smile, "Here you go." "Thanks," you beamed. You held it out towards him, "Want some?" He shook his head and walked side by side with you.

It soon grew awkward and you didn't know what to say or do. He coughed and cleared his throat, "So you didn't give me your name earlier." You shook your head, "Nope, because you didn't give me your name either." He stopped in his tracks, "What?" You turned back and looked at him with a bright smile, "I don't believe that Chunji is your real name. Even if these days, parents are giving their kids weird names, no one would choose to name their kid Chunji."

He gawked at you, "So my name is weird?!" You smiled and nodded, "Yep!" He couldn't even get mad at you because of how cheerfully you said it. If it was like this, you could insult anyone and they would think it was a compliment.

You turned back around and continued walking back home. Chunji caught up to you and gently grasped your arm. He turned you around, "You still didn't tell me your name." You scratched your head and laughed, "Oh yeah. It's _________." Chunji nodded and repeated your name in his head.

"How old are you?" he asked. You gave him a weird look, "Why do you need to know that?" He was taken aback by your sudden rude comment but hid it with his smile, "Just curious. I thought we could be friends."

You nodded thoughtfully, "Oh. I guess." Chunji was confused now. So were you going to answer his question or not? He chuckled and released you, "Never mind." You popped a few Skittles into your mouth and nodded, "Okay. Bye then." You skipped up the walkway to your house and didn't see the sandal that was thrown out into the middle of the walkway. Chunji winced as you painfully tripped over it.

"Ow," you groaned and touched your knee. It was scraped! You pouted and blew on your bangs, 'Second time today!' You sighed and got up. You made your way into the house. Chunji smiled in amusement and walked his way home.
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Hello new reader here ^^
Please update soon >.<
SoJinn #3
Hahaha thanks!!<br />
And I'm sorry for deleting so many Candice and then starting new ones LjoeTaeminRmaLIV!<br />
I'm sorry!! You're my best supporter!! Thankyou!!<br />
And thanks to everyone who comments and subscribes too!!
hahaha i think im gonna love this story alot lols update soon
SoJinn #5
Heh! Thank you!!!!
shinee4ever2012 #6
wow sounds interesting...better suscribe now..keep updating..