His Eternal Flame

Random Drabbles


I have the most wonderful parents. They're kind, they allow me to date, they are a lot of fun and take me out to restaurants in the weekends. But that last one is mostly because my mother can’t cook and dad gets home late. However, there’s ad things about them too. My mother is against visiting the doctor, for one because it’s expensive, but also because she believes in natural remedies. Nothing wrong with that of course. But she always says that whenever I feel bad, it’s because of stress. And my dad agrees with her. That’s where my problem starts.


“Umma! Appa! My stomach is hurting!” You called out while holding your lower stomach. It felt like it was on fire, it hurt very badly. Your father sighed and skipped to the next page of the newspaper that he was reading.


“Honey it’s just the stress.” Your mother called out from the kitchen. You bit your lip to fight your tears.


“But it’s really painful.. I think I need to go see a doctor.” Your father put the newspaper down.


“Sweetie, it’s Saturday evening. The doctor won’t appreciate it if you call him now. And it’ll be really expensive. Do you understand that?” You nodded and bit down harder. He smiled.


“But appa, it’s really hurting.. It feels like my insides are on fire..” He patted your head.


“Just drink some tea and it’ll be better okay?” You sighed and dragged yourself out of the room. Pain shot through your body. You could only think of one thing, call a friend!


“Honey you can’t make phone calls in the evening! It’s really expensive!” Your umma called without bothering to leave the kitchen. You ignored her and dialed.


“Yoboseyo? ~~~~~~-ah, are you okay?”You bit trough your tears.


“Aniyoh.. I’m really hurting Mimi..” You said, half crying.


“~~~~~~-ah!! What’s wrong?!”You sobbed softly.


“I’m in pain Mimi..”


“I’ll be there in a minute! Appa! ~~~~~~-ah is injured!!”You put down the phone and held your stomach while you waited. Within five minutes the doorbell rung.


“Aish! Who comes to our house this late?” Your appa groaned, “~~~~~~-ah, go answer it!” You nodded with tears in your eyes and got up. You dragged yourself to the door.


“Honey it’s the best to walk straight. It’ll make the stomachache go away.” Umma called out from the kitchen. You knew she meant well but you also knew this wasn’t an ordinary stomachache. Otherwise you wouldn’t have complained. You opened the door.


“~~~~~~-ah!” Mimi took your hands, “you look pale! Appa! What’s wrong with her?” The tall man behind her glanced at you with a serious expression. He had studied the human body for a couple of years before deciding not to become a doctor but he could tell when something was wrong.


“Where does it hurt?” You pointed at your lower stomach. His eyes widened.


“We have to get her to a hospital.. How long have you been in pain?!” You held up two fingers.


“Two hours..” He gasped.


“Nothing’s wrong, it’s just the stress.” Your father spoke, “that’s what happens when you stay up late ~~~~~~-ah.” Mimi’s father ignored him and called an ambulance on his cell phone.


“Yes, I know, I checked it.” He spoke hurriedly after giving your home address.


“What’s going on here?” Your umma called out while finally walking out of the kitchen. Mimi’s father pressed his lips into a thin line. He had never agreed with saving money on health.


“I think your daughter has an inflamed appendix. It’s very important to get her to a doctor!” Umma tilted her head and glanced at you.


“Are you sure that’s what you’re having sweetie? It could just be..-”


“Do you really want to risk her health on that?!” Mimi’s father shouted. He didn’t get mad easily but reckless behaviour like this upset him. He would never allow anything to happen to his daughter and since your parents never sent you to a doctor when you had seriously needed it he had always taken you and considered you a child of his own.


“Well no, but we can’t be sure..” Your umma tried to defend herself. Just then the ambulance arrived. Two guys in white suits got out and helped you lie down in the back. Mimi sat next to you and held your hand. You smiled weakly at her.


“Kamsahamnida Mimi.” She shook her head. Her eyes were wide and tears threatened to fall down. She was worried about you.



“Yes.. I see.. I’ll call again and inform you.” You blinked and sat up. Mimi was sitting next to you. You were in a hospital bed. As soon as she saw you woke up she clenched your hand and smiled at you. A sad smile.


“Mimi.. What happened?” You asked. She sobbed.


“I’m so sorry ~~~~~~-ah.. I should have sent you to a doctor this afternoon when you said you were in pain!” You held her hand tightly.


“At least you believed me. Mimi, what happened?” ‘The worst thing that could happen would be dying..’ You smiled at her.


“Well, appa was right about your appendix. As soon as we got to the hospital you had to get surgery. You’ve been here for six hours now..” You blinked.


“Mimi! Aren’t you tired?” She laughed and cried at the same time.


“Of course not! I wanted to stay by your side at all times. We’ve waited for you to wake up.” You smiled.


“Thanks.. I feel better but a bit dizzy. So was the surgery a success?” She nodded and tears appeared in her eyes as she smiled.


“I’m really glad you were there Mimi..” She nodded, unable to speak. Her father came closer and put a hand on Mimi’s shoulder.


“She’s a bit shocked, the doctors said that you were a really close call. If you hadn’t called Mimi, you probably would have died..” You bit your lip and nodded.


“In that case I’m even more grateful. Thank you, both of you..” He smiled and sighed.


“You’re welcome. I called your parents. They were worried.. Would you like to call them yourself?” You shook your head.


“I’m really tired.. I think I want to sleep some more..” You held Mimi’s hand tightly, “Mimi, I’m really thankful. You saved my life.” ‘Not for the first time..’ She smiled and held your hand tighter.


“I’m just glad my best friend is still alive. I’m going home now, I’ll come visit again tomorrow okay?” You nodded and yawned.


“Thank you. I’ll see you tomorrow. Ahnyeong Mimi..” They nodded and left. You pulled the blanket up and glanced at the ceiling. ‘This is going to be a long night..’ You closed your eyes and fell asleep. With sleep came nightmares and when you woke up you were even more tired than before.


“Good morning.” You looked up and saw a boy leaning against the door. You smiled and sat up straight.


“Good morning.” He limped closer and you could see he needed crutches to walk.


“What happened to you?” You asked with a smile, glancing at his leg. It was in a cast and he clearly couldn’t put any weight on it.


“I should ask you that. They were putting the cast on when someone was suddenly rushed into the hospital and they needed to operate immediately. I saw it was you, but you were unconscious by that time.” You nodded.


“Ah, I’m sorry..” He blinked.


“You don’t have to be sorry! You’re injured! Sorry if I made it sound like that.. I was just being curious is all. Mind if I sit down?” You shook your head and he sat down.


“So what happened?” He asked. You smiled softly.


“Appendix inflammation.” He blinked.


“Is it always that severe? I thought that it was a rather simple operation?” You nodded.


“It is, if you’re in time for that.” He turned to face you and glanced at you, observing you closely.


“Then why weren’t you here in time?” You sighed.


“My parents thought that it was nothing..” He leaned a little closer, making you sit back, and brushed some hair out of your face.


“That’s really horrible..” You shook your head.


“No it’s fine.. I was here in time.” He smiled.


“So they changed their minds?”


“No, my friend and her father called an ambulance.” He frowned.


“Your parents owe you an apology.” You sighed and reseated.


“They never apologized, it’ll probably just be ‘just in case that it was nothing it was good that we stayed calm’.” The boy gasped.


“That’s so irresponsible!! But I didn’t tell you why I’m here did I?” You shook your head. He smirked and threw up his hands.


“It’s not as interesting as your story. I got in a car accident and my leg fractured.. They say it’s going to be okay and I don’t remember the accident.” You smiled.


“I’m glad you’re going to be okay.” He smiled.


“Yup! Me too, I bet you I can walk again in a week!” You chuckled and shook your head.


“Don’t push yourself! That’s too little! You should go for three weeks at least.” He smiled and touched your nose.


“We’ll see about that.” He winked and got off. You smiled as you watched him walk out and hugged your knees.


“Hope I’ll see you around sometime.” You called after him. You didn’t know why. He was funny and seemed optimistic even in a situation like this. He turned and smiled at you.


“Sure! You get well soon too! We’ll hang out.” You smiled and waved at him. He waved back and left. You lay back down and closed your eyes. You were tired and the conversation had tired you out even more. ‘Still that guy was nice.. I didn’t even catch his name. Oh well.’ You smiled and sank into a deep slumber without dreams or nightmares.


“Wakey wakey!” You opened your eyes and looked up. Two brown eyes smiled at you warmly and you rubbed your eyes.


“Why are you so close to my face?” You asked. The boy in front of you pouted.


“Noona! I came to visit you and you treat me like this? How cruel!” You chuckled and patted your classmate’s head.


“Mianhae Min Gok, you just surprised me is all.” He was already smiling again.


“Mimi! She’s awake now!” Mimi pushed him out of the way and smiled at you.


“Ahnyeong ~~~~~~-ah.. I’m sorry, he insisted to come here with me.” She glared at him, “I don’t even know why..” He threw up his arms.


“So I come to visit and spend time and it’s still not good? You really are confusing me Mimi!” Mimi slapped his arm.


“Respect your elders you idiot!” He shrugged and popped his bubblegum. You smiled at their bickering.


“How was school?” Min Gok made a face.


“I’m sure you got that inflammation on purpose! It’s so boring! And we have to work really hard now!” Mimi hit him, harder this time.


“~~~~~~-ah would never do that you moron!!” She screamed, a little high pitched. You smiled at her.


“It’s okay Mimi.. I know not to take him serious.” Min Gok sighed and sat down on your bed. Mimi glared at him but didn’t say anything.


“So your parents ignored it again huh? Stress again?” He asked. You chuckled and nodded. Min Gok and Mimi both knew that your parents were very good at concluding an ache or injury as stress.


“Yes, I don’t know what it is that I would be stressing about this time…” He smiled.


“Probably about your parents who never listen to you.” That made you and even Mimi laugh a little.


“Yeah probably.. Should I tell them that?” Min Gok shook his head.


“Nah, they’ll just preach on you again..” Mimi hit his arm and he glared at her.


“Do you think I don’t feel that or something?” She ignored him and took your hand.


“You really should tell them that their behaviour is bothering you ~~~~~~-ah. If you don’t you’ll never get if off your chest.” You smiled softly.


“But I’m not bothered by it Mimi.. We were just theorizing is all.” Min Gok sent Mimi a triumphant smirk but she didn’t even look his way. He pouted. ‘My poor friend, Mimi won’t even notice he’s in love with her.’


“We should go now Mimi.. Sorry ~~~~~~-ah, we have a test tomorrow.” You nodded.


“Yeah of course, go, go!” Mimi smiled at you and hugged you half as you were still laying on the bed. Min Gok just waved at you.


“Bye guys! Study well!” You called out and kept smiling until they walked out of the room. Then you sighed and stared at a pile of books next to your bed.


“Hey there.” You looked up. That same boy again. You smiled at him.


“Ahnyeonghaseyo.. Could you possibly hand me one of those books?” He chuckled and walked closer.


“It’s rude to ask a guest that! Are you going to read while I’m next to you?” You shook your head, slightly embarrassed.


“Mianhamnida..” He smiled.


“Just kidding. Which one do you want?” You glanced at the books.


“The purple one.” He smiled and handed it to you. You put it on your lap and looked up at him. He sat down on your bed and put his crutches next to him.


“So, how’s the inflammation going?” You smiled softly and sighed.


“That’s gone.. But I’m really exhausted I suppose.” He nodded.


“I caught that your name is ~~~~~~, am I right?” You nodded.


“How did you know?” He glanced at the door and looked at you with a very serious face.


“I’m a spy hired to check on you by a tall handsome man.” You laughed  and put your hands on your stomach. It hurt a bit but you were glad this guy could make you laugh like this.


“Oh really? I’m lucky he sent such a nice and funny spy.” You played along half jokingly. He smiled and softly touched your hand.


“I’m glad you think so highly of me.” You smiled.


“So what’s your name, mysterious spy?” He smiled and held out his hand.


“You should shake hands when you meet people. My name is Lee Hyukjae, now tell me your name.” You smiled softly.


“You already know my name.” He shook his head.


“Not formally. Unless you want me to keep calling you ~~~~~~.” You shrugged.


“That’s fine too. It’s Kim ~~~~~~.” He pulled your hand closer and kissed your hand.


“It’s a pleasure to meet you Miss Kim.” You chuckled.


“If you didn’t have to wear that cast I might have actually believed you.” He tilted his head with a cheerful smile.


“Are you really that gullible?” You shook your head and laughed.


“Definitely not.”

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i see that the gd and you fic is also in drabbles! ill read it here and finish it there ^0^ since i see they are teh same<br />
an omo your beast story is scary and sad!
i know this isn the place to post this but i am possibly interestedin your gd and you fanfic ! i love you fanfics and gd and i clicked this one faster than my eyes could read that one!<br />
i will read an let you know about both! :D
oooooo I like them both =)<br />
<br />
Can't wait to see what you do with them ^_^
TidalWave #4
You have to write this when you can!!!!!!!!!!! you made me waaaay to curious!