Drabble # 4 featuring Super Junior

Random Drabbles

Idiot appa


“I’m dropping of a trainee of ours with you, is that okay? Someone needs to watch him for me.” Lee Soo Man said. The guys raised eyebrows simultaniously.
“Why? Can’t he look out for himself?” Siwon asked.
“He’s really something. But he doesn’t have manners either.. I wish you’d teach him how a dongsaeng should behave.. And if it helps I’ll raise your salary.” Eunhyuk cheered.
“Okay! Let’s do it! Bring in the kid!” Donghae slapped his arm.
“Yah! Don’t say that so carelessly.. How much is the raise?” The others laughed at him.
“Fine.. We’ll watch him for today..” Siwon said. Lee Soo Man rubbed the back of his neck.
“Actually I’m gone for a week.. So could you watch him for a week?” 
“Bwoh?! How much trouble is this kid?” Kangin asked.
“You can leave him with us hyungnim..” Sungmin said and the others threw him glares.
“As long as he can play Starcraft.” Kyuhyun said and with that the mood was lightened. The Super Junior members went back to their activities before Lee Soo Man had stopped by to visit them, which was playing Starcraft in Kyuhyun, Heechul, Eunhyuk and Donghae’s case and browsing the internet and listening to music for the rest. Kyuhyun puckered his lips while thinking.
“I wonder what that kid is going to be like.. Is he younger than I am?” Heechul pounced on him.
“Yah! Just concentrate on the game. No one is younger than you.” Eunhyuk laughed at that and Heechul tried to explain he meant that no one was more immature than Kyuhyun but no one listened to him. Suddenly the doorbell rung. Leeteuk answered it like the leader should.
“Ahnyeonhaseyo, you must be the trainee.” He said. The boy in the door merely glanced at him.
“That’s me.” He said, his voice was surprisingly high but cold too.
“He’s really rude..” Siwon noted. The others nodded.
“Don’t team up on him.. It’s not nice.” Leeteuk corrected them. The trainee shrugged and brushed past him.
“It doesn’t matter. We’re not going to be friends anyway.” The trainee spoke informally. Leeteuk’s jaw almost dropped. What a rude kid.
“Yah! Don’t speak like that to your hyung!” Kangin snapped. The boy shrugged.
“What’s your name?” Leeteuk asked, again trying to be nice.
“Lee Jin. Ahnyeong.” The greeting was still very informal and rude but Leeteuk accepted it.
“I’m Leeteuk.” The kid, Jin, nodded.
“I know.. Soo Man has me dancing to your songs all the time. I know who you are.” He said informally.
“Yah! Why are you talking this rude?!” Yesung asked, finally losing his temper because of Jin’s language, “you said you won’t be friends, so don’t talk informally!” Jin shrugged.
“I’m not going to be your friend but I don’t have to respect you either.” He said calmly.
“Then you can just leave! We’re not a babysitting farm!” Eunhyuk said. Jin shrugged and headed towards the door.
“Chakkaeman! You don’t have to leave.. Guys don’t be like this!” Leeteuk said, hopelessly trying to connect the two groups that had formed.
“It’s fine if I don’t stay here.. I can look out for myself only Soo Man never lets me prove it.. I can just go home it doesn’t matter.” He said. Siwon grabbed his arm.
“We said we’d take care of you so we will.” He said, obviously trying to stay calm. Jin smirked at that and raised an eyebrow.
“Really? How much are you paid for babysitting me? I can handle myself. Soo Man doesn’t have to know.. He usually calls around four so I can just show up around that time if that suits you better.” Such a coldhearted kid. Leeteuk sighed and gave the others pleading looks. Only Siwon responded with a somewhat kind and sympathetic sigh.
“No. We promised to take care,” Jin flinched at that choice of words so Leeteuk rephrased, “watch you for the week. Just stay here.. It’ll be fine.” Jin nodded.
“Arasso.” Jin followed him somewhat uneasy as Leeteuk showed him where he could leave his things. Jin’s bag did look like it was holding little things. How weird, wasn’t he going to be here for the entire week? 
“You look girly.” Ryeowook noted. Jin glared at him, dropped his bag and zipped it open.
“You will regret saying that!” He hissed and took out something that looked like a large gun. Only brightly yellow and orange. Before anyone could do anything Jin started firing the gun at Ryeowook who quickly dove and hid behind a couch.
“He’s crazy!” Ryeowook yelled. Jin was about to run around the couch when Leeteuk placed a hand on his shoulder.
“Jin.. I think that’s enough fun for today.. At least wait until you got your things in the guestroom okay?” 
“He’s not sleeping in the guestroom! That’s way to close to my room!” Ryeowook yelled.
“Don’t be a baby these things don’t really hurt!” Jin shouted.
“You were the one firing the gun! Let’s see how brave you are when I fire them!” Ryeowook yelled, still hiding behind the couch.
“I’m with him. The kid can sleep in your room or otherwise he can leave Leeteuk-shi.” Shindong said calmly. Leeteuk glanced at Jin who was inspecting his toy gun obviously not interested in anything being said by the members. Troublesome kid. Leeteuk nodded.
“Fine then. Come on Jin.” Jin zipped his bag and followed Leeteuk while holding his toy gun out, was he afraid of the members?
“This is the room we’ll be sharing.. That’s my bed, so you can take the next one I guess..” Jin nodded and dumped his bag next to the bed.
“So.. What do you want to do now? There’s still some time before dinner..-”
“I’ll stay here.. I still have enough bullets for target practice.” Jin ped his bag again and took out an poster which he taped to the wall before shooting it. It was a poster of Lee Soo Man, strange enough.
“Why are you shooting him?” Leeteuk asked. Jin shrugged.
“Because I dislike him. You can go back to those guys now, I’ll be fine by myself.” Leeteuk nodded and left, feeling slightly guilty when he did that. Should he have defyed the orders and stayed with him? Though it would upset the members.. Something about Jin seemed kind of sad. Leeteuk sighed.
“Is he driving you crazy hyung?” Heechul asked. Leeteuk shrugged.
“Nothing too bad.. He’s just a teenager.” Heechul nodded.
“Yeah.. We’ll kick him out if he becomes too much trouble.” Leeteuk shook his head. 
“We can’t do that.. We promised remember? Just let it slip. Who knows, kid might have a reason for behaving like this.” 
“Like what?” Hangeng scoffed, “kid never met us before, why would he be such a brat.” Leeteuk sighed. How could he protect a kid if his behaviour was this rude? It seemed he really disliked Lee Soo Man. Leeteuk decided to investigate that later on. Ryeowook cooked dinner reluctantly because the other members kept teasing him about being a whimp.
“Leave it alone would you! That toy of his is really dangerous!” Ryeowook snapped. Leeteuk nodded.
“Guys just let him finish cooking. I’m going to check up on Jin.”
“You mean the brat!” Leeteuk sighed, he had been doing a lot of that that day.
“He has a name, so use it. I’ll be checking on Jin.” He walked past the other members who shrugged and said something about the kid being a bothersome brat. Leeteuk knocked on the door first, hoping he was done trying to shoot people.
“It’s me, Leeteuk.. Can I come in?” No answer came but he didn’t hear any shooting either. Leeteuk opened the door and walked in. Jin sat on the bed, writing something in a notebook. Before Leeteuk could read what it was he quickly closed it. He shot Leeteuk a glare that made clear that he wasn’t happy with Leeteuk being overly curious.
“It’s time for dinner.. So come on out.” Jin shrugged.
“I can just skip it you know.. I bet those guys don’t want me around. Heck you don’t want me around either.. I’ll just eat something later. I can still sneak out of the house and..-”
“I said it’s time for dinner!” Leeteuk said loudly, grabbing the kids arm which was surprisingly thin, “I don’t care what the others say. I won’t let anyone starve under this roof.” Jin seemed a little surprised.
“I can just eat here. It won’t bother you as much..” Leeteuk frowned and stared at the kid. Clearly he was aware the others thought he was trouble. It somehow sounded like he’d do this to save Leeteuk trouble.
“It doesn’t matter if I’m bothered or not. You should at least go thank Ryeowook for dinner.” Jin shrugged and said nothing. Leeteuk took that as a yes and pulled him along with him. He saw the members were suspiciously quiet as he sat Jin down next to him.
“Thanks for the food..” Jin muttered, it didn’t sound heartfelt at all. No one else said anything and they silently proceeded to eating. When done Jin left his plate on the table along with the cutlery and walked back to Leeteuk’s room. Leeteuk glanced at the others who were all content about something.
“What did you guys do?” They all smirked, glancing at one another.
“We may have spiced his food a little.. He’s not going to die from that..” Leeteuk sighed.
“You guys.. I’ll go check on him.” Ryeowook shook his head.
“Not necessary. It’s only a slight dose. Just enough to make him feel uncomfortable while eating. He didn’t complain now did he? We should have put in more spice.” Leeteuk rubbed his temples.
“Aish.. You’re making this really hard for me.. I’ll go check on him..” Kangin grabbed his arm.
“It’s okay hyung.. Let’s go do karaoke now! It’ll be fun! You can use a little relaxation.” The others nodded and Leeteuk knew he wasn’t going to escape this. He sighed and let them drag him away. Much later that night they returned home. Half the guys were really tipsy and the others were all really tired. Leeteuk dragged himself to the room he now shared with Jin. When he opened the door the lights were off, but he could faintly see the figure of Jin on the bed. He was crawled up in a ball on the blanket in stead of under it. Leeteuk frowned at this sight.
“Jin, gwenchana?” He asked, maybe he always did that.. But sleeping like this was a bad idea.
“I’m fine..” The kid had a hoarse voice and didn’t turn to face him.
“It doesn’t sound like that..”
“I said I was fine!” The kid screamed before breaking into loud coughing. He was not fine. Leeteuk wondered what exactly had been in the food if it affected him so long.
“Jin, is there anything you’re allergic too, by chance?” He asked catiously.
“It does feel like that.. Green peppers.. I’m alergic to that..” He coughed again and covered his mouth, trying to muffle his coughing as hard as he could. Leeteuk rubbed his forehead. They had said they had spiced it up.
“Do you need any medicine?” He asked. Jin shook his head.
“I’ll be fine tomorrow..” He coughed again. Leeteuk shook his head.
“At least drink some water.. I’ll get you a glass.” Jin shook his head.
“I’ll be okay..” So stubborn. Leeteuk ignored it and walked out to get Jin some water.
“Hyung, still thirsty?” Yesung asked, stumbling out of the bathroom. Leeteuk shook his head.
“No.. You remember that green pepper you put in Jin’s food?” Yesung frowned.
“How’d you know it was green pepper?” He asked. Leeteuk ignored it and walked past him.
“Yah! Hyung! What’s up with that?” Leeteuk grabbed a clean glass and filled it with water. On the way back he stopped in front of Yesung.
“It made him ill.. He’s allergic to green peppers and it doesn’t look like he has medication with him.” Leeteuk said coldly and brushed past him. Yesungs eyes followed him on the way back.
“Allergic?” He thought out loud. He felt a little guilty but brushed it off. It was the kid’s own fault, after all he’d been rude, right? ‘Is that enough reason to poison someone?’ ‘No one knew!’ ‘No one bothered to ask!’ Yesung hit his forehead, trying to stop the inner battle going on.
“Yah, why are you doing that you idiot?” Kangin asked. Yesung shrugged.
“I drank too much.. My head’s hurting.” Kangin laughed at him and went to bed. After a while Yesung went to his bed too, secretly hoping Jin was okay.
“You have to drink a little.. You’ll feel better.” Jin turned his head to face Leeteuk. His eyes were red and he looked as if he had trouble breathing. When Leeteuk leaned closer to hand him the water he felt the heat radiate of the kid. 
“You have a fever..” He muttered.
“Aniyoh.. Gwenchana..” Jin muttered softly. His voice sounded fragile, but filled with resentment. He glared at Leeteuk while he was forced to drink the water. Leeteuk didn’t bother to feel affected by that.
“Go to sleep. Under the blanket.” Jin nodded vaguely.
“Good night Jin.”
“Whatever..” Jin crawled into a ball under the blanket. Throughout the night he kept coughing. Sometimes really harsh and Leeteuk worried about it. Leeteuk finally fell asleep but even in his dreams the coughing came back and he woke up with a bad feeling in his stomache.
“Jin.. Are you asleep?” He asked softly. Jin turned his head and he appeared sound asleep. Leeteuk checked his forehead. It was still warm but less than the day before. Jin slowly opened his eyes.
“I was until you woke me..” He coughed softly then rubbed his throat.
“Let’s go get you medicine.. Even if you ignore it, you’re in pain. I don’t want to see it anymore.” Jin blinked.
“You say strange things in the morning.. It’s almost gone already.. There’s no need for medication..”
“Then drink some tea. It’s good for your throat.” Jin nodded softly.
“If you say so.” Leeteuk smiled.
“I see you’re finally listening to me?” Jin shook his head.
“It’s not like that.. I dislike people who tell me what to do.. And I dislike it more when people praise me when I do things I don’t want to do just because I’ve been told to do so.. But I guess if it’s for the sake of my throat I can handle it.” Leeteuk nodded.
“Just to make sure.. I wasn’t praising you.” Jin nodded.
“That’s great.. I’ll make tea myself.. I’d like it without green peppers for today.” He smirked and walked out of the room. Leeteuk followed him. Such an impudent brat.. But somewhere it didn’t seem like he should behave in a different way. The others all watched them as they entered the kitchen.
“Good morning.” They greeted Leeteuk who greeted back. Jin ignored them and walked towards the water boiler.
“Do you want tea? We already made some..” Yesung said, he sounded a little hurried. Jin slowly turned to him and gave him the coldest glare anyone had ever seen.
“I like my tea without green peppers if that’s okay.. I’ll make it myself..” He said softly and turned back to the water boiler. The members all exchanged glances except for Yesung and Leeteuk. Leeteuk stared straight ahead while Yesung glanced at his feet.
“That kid.. Quite the troublemaker..” Kangin muttered. Jin ignored all of them and when he finished making tea he poured a second cup which he handed to Leeteuk calmly. Leeteuk blinked a few times before taking it.
“Kamsahamnida..” Jin shrugged and walked out of the room with the second cup of tea in his hands.
“What was that about?!” Siwon demanded to know.
“He gave me tea. What else?” Leeteuk answered calmly.
“He knew we put green peppers in his food..” Ryeowook said calmly.
“He’s allergic to them.. He had a fever last night and was constantly coughing.. I’m surprised you didn’t notice it.” Leeteuk said at the same calm tone. He felt disappointed with them. He wasn’t sure why, but bullying someone was always wrong. No matter what they did.
“He is?” They all looked at him except for Yesung.
“I heard him cough last night.. Does he need a doctor?” Yesung asked softly. Leeteuk shook his head.
“Kid’s too stubborn.. It took me fifteen minutes to get him to drink a glass of water.. I can’t believe that kid..” Leeteuk turned around and left with his tea. The others watched him walk away.
“It wasn’t our fault, right? We didn’t know he was allergic..” Shindong started. Some others nodded in agreement.
“We didn’t bother to ask..” Yesung muttered before leaving the others. The guilt weighed heavily on his shoulders.
“Do you think we should apologize?” Ryeowook asked cautiously. Kangin shook his head.
“No way! We didn’t know and had no ill intentions.. Also nothing bad happened.. He started it by acting all rude.. Let’s just forget it.” The others nodded, not as much because they truly agreed to it but because they wanted to get rid of the nauseating feeling in their stomaches.
Author's Note: I might continue this one day.. I like it.
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i see that the gd and you fic is also in drabbles! ill read it here and finish it there ^0^ since i see they are teh same<br />
an omo your beast story is scary and sad!
i know this isn the place to post this but i am possibly interestedin your gd and you fanfic ! i love you fanfics and gd and i clicked this one faster than my eyes could read that one!<br />
i will read an let you know about both! :D
oooooo I like them both =)<br />
<br />
Can't wait to see what you do with them ^_^
TidalWave #4
You have to write this when you can!!!!!!!!!!! you made me waaaay to curious!