Chapter 3: Finding the Author

[Pre Revamp] Chung Nam High (중 남 high)


(Park Sayu’s POV)

“Hey, Sayu, what’s wrong now?”

I handed the newspaper to Miyeon, Mii as I’d like to address her. I wonder who in the world could’ve written those kind of stupid stuff. The newspaper which I’ve been working and me as its editor will lose it’s credibility. . Eottoke? Eottoke?

One thing, I couldn’t have predicted was Miyeon. She laughed at it as if it wasn’t a real threat.  “Miyeon, this isn’t the time for laughing! This is trouble, and you know that!”

“I told you. Relax!” Miyeon just laughed more. “All we have to do is to find out who the wreckless, idiot, verbally incapacitated and erted author of this article is.”

I sat down, and sighed. “It isn’t any laughing matter, Mii.” Tears started to run down my cheeks. “I... I.... don’t want to lose this job.” I don’t want to lose this job. I maybe bullied because of this, but this is the only time, where I can actually be listened to by the whole studentry, acknowledged and l...loved.

“You won’t lose it, editor” a reassuring voice said as I felt a comforting hand on my shoulder.

“Sungmin Oppa?”

[Hwa Miyeon’s POV]

Sayu is up again on her anxious state. She thinks so futuristically, that I don’t even know how to comfort her anymore; to bring her back to the present world.

“You won’t lose it, editor.” A sweet voice said.

I turned and saw a guy, frowning as heavily as Sayu, as if he carries a double of Sayu’s problem.

“Sungmin Oppa?” Sayu murmured, facing the guy who patted her back.

Sungmin? Oh, the official photographer of the school newspaper. One of Sayu’s staff. Why is he still here? Classes had been over for quite a while now.

“You won’t lose your job, Sayu.” he reassured again.

Sayu faced the floor once again. “I hope so.” She squeaked with her tiny voice as she shrunk further on her seat.

“I’ll help you find the person. Just wait here, okay?” the Sungmin guy said, and then he left us.

Wait. He’ll find who? The stupid person who wrote this thing? Isn’t that my job? As Sayu’s best friend ever? Who is he to steal that job from me?

“Sayu, I’ll check something out. Will you be alright here?” I asked, helping her to stand up. She just nodded and continued on crying and wiping her tears away.

I went out of the room and followed that Sungmin guy. I swear I’ll beat him up in finding that stupid author.

But will Sayu really be okay alone? She’ll not commit suicide, right? Oh, no! She won’t do anything crazy, she’s not that kind. But what if, she faints because of her unstoppable crying. Or if she gets dehydrated because of what she’s doing?

NO! I can’t leave her alone right now. I went back to the room and found her slumped on the floor again. I was about to enter when that ‘pretending-to-be-the-knight-in-shining-armour guy’ passed by. Gah, I can’t let him win! I turned around and found this weird guy walking down the hall. He doesn’t look like a , so I guess he’ll do. Besides, I know I’ve seen him before, in one of our class, maybe?

“Yah!” I pulled the weird guy. “Watch over my friend for now. Make sure she won’t be hurt, arasso?” I blabbered, giving the stranger no chance to say no to me. I pushed him into the room and banged the door close.

“Now it’s time to find that writer.” I hissed.

Where did that Sungmin guy went?

[Lee Sungmin’s POV]

How could i find that author when I don’t even have any idea about it? And this school is huge, besides the fact that class hours is over, and most of the students are gone. Should I interrogate each students one by one? I laughed silently. Am I really willing to go that far? I touched my forehead. It makes me wonder why am I doing this. The article doesn’t bother me at all. It just asked if it is possible to be my next model. It really isn’t something to be furious about, right? So, If you’d asking me why am I doing this...

“Saaa. beats me.”

“Where do you think you’re going?” someone shouted behind me.

I turned and saw Miyeon, the best friend of Sayu. I don’t really know this girl, but Sayu has been telling stories about her and it’s hard to forget her name since then.

“I’m looking for the stupid writer, of course.” I reasoned.

“Who are you to do that?”

“I’m one of Sayu’s staffs.” Why is she even asking these things?

“It’s my job to find whoever that culprit is because I’m her best friend. You should stay out of this.” she said, walking past me, bumping my shoulder.

Really? This girl is... annoying! She really is Miyeon and Sayu’s right on telling me I shouldn’t mess up with her. Because she’s so close minded and selfish!

“Yah, just because you're her best friend, doesn’t mean that I couldn't help! And don’t forget that I’m your senior, show some respect. KID.” I held her back.

“Because I’m her best friend, I know what’s best for her!” she screamed. “I don’t respect those people who interferes with other’s business even though he’s a senior. And I’M NOT A KID!”

“You’re an immature kid who is so selfish and insensitive! Tell me, what’s best for her? Lose her position as the editor in chief of the school paper? Have two of her friends fighting because of her? Tell me, Miyeon.”

She stared at me, still no sign of defeat. “You’re still just a friend, a staff. Nothing more.”

Is she really forcing me to say it? Because if she does, I’m going to say it. “I like her! And I’m doing this because it kills me to see her like that. Happy?”

“WHAT? You what my best friend?”

“I like her.” I repeated, more calmly now. I just confessed my feelings for Sayu to her best friend. How can I face her now?

“No way. You got to be...”

I waited for the next words, for her next insults, but nothing came. When I looked at her, I found her eyes unfocused. “Snap out of it. Your acting won’t change a thing.” I said as I snapped a finger in front of her eyes.

“Ssh... Listen.” she ordered, slapping my hand in front of her.

I obliged and listened to whatever she’s hearing.

“...I don’t like her, she looks so arrogant when receiving submissions, you know, She thinks she’s mighty and the only one who could write a proper article. She’s also ignorant about the real needs of the students. She keep on posting uninteresting news on the school paper. I’d be happy if they’d replace her with another one.” someone said.

“Jiwon, is it really that bad?” another voice asked.

“I’ve been here at this school for five years and I can tell you, she’s the worst. Know that freshman Sungmin? He never really cared about school stuffs before, when he was on middle school, but he suddenly joined their team when Sayu became the editor in chief. Hmmp... such a flirt!” the Jiwon girl said again.

I’m boiling up in here. I wanted to bang up the door and take this Jiwon girl on her neck, strangle her until she begs for forgiveness. I glanced at Miyeon but she’s... Where is she?

“How dare you speak about my best friend like that?” was the words that made me realize where the girl I was looking for is at. I glanced on the room and found Miyeon throwing Jiwon’s things on the ground.

“Who are you? And what are you doing here?” Jiwon innocently asked.

“I’m the ultimate best friend of Park Sayu, the editor in chief of the school news paper you’re talking about!” Miyeon shouted again.

“And I’m that Sungmin you mentioned earlier.” I butted in. I can’t just stand by and watch, right?

“Su-Sungmin?” she stuttered. The girl with her quickly left after seeing me, I don’t know why and I could’ve cared less.

I pulled the Jiwon girl with me but then another force started to pull her on the other direction.


[Hwa Miyeon’s POV]

He started to pull Jiwon with her. I was right, we’re thinking of the same thing. This Jiwon girl might be the stupid writer who wants Sayu to get in trouble.

I pulled Jiwon back. “She’s going with me. I found her first.” I stated. Sungmin growled at me but let her go.

We ran towards the room where Sayu is, and opened the door loudly.

We saw two things when we opened the door:

First, Sayu, who is crying so hardly a while ago, isn’t crying anymore.

Second, this guy I pulled in earlier is still there, accompanying my best friend.

“Ahemm...” Sungmin coughed loudly.


UBE and CHEESE corner

Yapari~! annyeong readers, so... after our long break... our crazy... errr... manic tandem is back.. (I want to broaden my vocabulary so, bear with me. ^^” By the way, I learned that manic thing from BoA.. Hurrah BoA!!!!! *sings* Supersonic Manic Bionic energy) anyways, I Missed you ate rhei!!!!!!!!!
*shakes head while nodding* >how exactly did i do that?< anyway.. i missed you too miyo!!! and i missed you guys... *waves* sorry about that song Miyo just sang... *covers ears* and for her vocabulary enhancement... i can’t keep pace too, so don’t worry guys.. LOL (kidding)
And I actually thought I did sound good...*cries* waaaaaaaaa.......... Yahhhhh.. Onew Oppa is not yet back? T^T
You sound great Miyo! >lies< .. okay, you know i was kidding, right? and Onew is here.. *pulls a huge box with ribbons*.. there, that’s a peace offering...
You’re actually giving him back??? O_____O *opens the box cautiously*
BOOM! ROFL.. sorry, wrong box.. here you go.. *hands over another box with ribbons*  i checked that one.. and yes, i’m giving you back your Jinki since we already started this MANIC fic of ours...
YAYYY!! *opens the box* Jinki Oppa.......................................... *coughs* so, we actually started introducing the girls.. so, Yeah.. watch out for your character.. *winks* I won’t tell you when you’ll be on.. so make sure you read!!!
*reads* ugh.. i know you’re excited guys.. >we’re more excited< but you have to wait.. it’s for the thrill.. anywway, i’m sure you’ll find out if you’re chosen or not sooner or later.. Miyo and Jinki are busy doing things.. I wonder where Kyuhyun is... *looks for Kyu*
I’m not busy.... Since Onew was kidnapped... KIDNAPPED!!! by Kyu Oppa.... he dragged him to play warcraft with him. =.= (Shiro Kyu Oppa!!!, Shiro!!!) My precious time with Jinki Oppa.... gone!!!! By the way, We’re not introducing everyone on the start of the fic, some character will be introduced later on. So, Patience is much much required.
But he’s there now.. so live with it.. *deadly glare*.. don’t worry dear readers.. >dear?< we’ll be good .. we’ll try to update once in a … year?(ROFL) wait.. i’m busy looking for Kyu!!! *searches for Kyuhyun again*
Duhh... Where else can he be? I told you they’re off to the game room. He dragged my Onew Oppa!!!! *cries*  Because of that stupid warcraft... =.= and yeah.. we’ll be really really nice to update that frequent. Once in a year... (LOL) Yeah... ^^”
Oh, there he is... *confiscates laptopS* (YAY!!!! NO MORE WARCRAFT!) we’ll be back soon guys.. I just have to give a lecture to Kyuhyun about GIVING TIME TO HIS GIRL thingy.. and I think Miyo wants to spend quality time with Onew.. *bangs the door close and lectures Kyuhyun* oh yeah.. BYE!!!
So yeah... we’ll be gone now... Byee guys.... Take Care. and see you next update. We’re quite sure, aff will be apprising you when that update is up. (Yeah, my vocabulary enhancing exercise again.) Farewell!!!
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Chapter 4: ohohohoho waiting for the update~!
onehelllove #2
please update soon
Yay!!! Finally :) congrats jiwon(^O^☆♪!!!!! I love miyeon's character ! Fighting !!
CHUKAHE BUNNYBOM!!!!! <# More updates to come bud and ate miyo!!! <3 I was waiting for story updates... >.< I can't even update mine...
mingzhuliu #5
ive just applied =]
UNNIEE!! BUDD!!!!!! HAHA! Funny and cute convo!!! >.< Why are you both so cute!?!?! Update more!! I lav ya!!
I wish u would refrain from the connotations (*giggles* *lol*) when you're writing. I understand why u put it in the letter but now I see them in chapter 2. Work on substitutions. It'll make you sound like a better writer.<br />
And I think the side conversations between you too are sooorta irrelevant. It's good if you're informing readers, but when you're just having a silly conversation is something you do somewhere else, right?<br />
All in all this is INTERESTING and I'm waiting for Bloo to be introduced!
ijjimaseyo_07 #9
^__^ i just dropped by and saw these awesome comments.. it just took all of my stress away.. thanks for supporting us guys.. *hugs everyone*<br />
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