
Carmen: Her Mysterious Smile



“Senior Wu Fan!” A sugar sweet voice echoed through the audition room as Wu Fan turned around, a smile automatically tugging on his lips.

“Lady Cecile.”  He breathes out, bowing before the angel in front of him, taking her hand and kissing the back of it as a sign of courtesy.

“How are you? It’s been a long while my lord.” She smiled, retreating back her hand and putting it behind her as she wipe the back of her hand on her dress.

“I’m utterly fine; I hope that the same goes for you my lady.” 

“I suppose” she giggled, “So how are the auditions going?” she asks, looking at the woman who is currently singing her heart out but still, the judges were not really impressed like, they are looking for something more.

Wu Fan sighed before looking at the ongoing audition.

“Terrible” he mumbles, audible enough for Lady Cecile to hear.

“Terrible? But, why?”

“It’s been 2 days of audition my lady, but it seems that the judges are not satisfied with what they are showing to them.” He said, looking at the line of females who are waiting for their turn.

“I’m not satisfied with it either” he added,

“Why not?” she asks, tilting her head to the side.

“Well in my opinion, all of the females who have auditioned have a beautiful face and a beautiful voice. But Carmen is someone who should have not only a beautiful face and a beautiful voice but also a powerful one and with great emotions that can allure anyone who can hear it. I guess, they are still looking for that woman who possesses all of those.” Wu Fan looked at Lady Cecile, hoping that she will notice his hint that he wants her to take the audition and maybe, just maybe, she could become his leading lady.

But Lady Cecile was dense enough not to notice it and just nodded in understanding.


“My lord, a telegram has been delivered to you just now.”  A voice spoke behind them, both turned around to find Finnian, holding a letter sealed in a red stamp.

“Mr. Finnian!” Lady Cecile spoke excitedly, going over to Finnian’s side stopping the urge to gush at him.

“Lady Cecile Durless, it’s been a while.” Finnian gave her a small smile, before bowing in courtesy.

“Yes, yes it is Mr. Finnian” she shyly smiled at the ground.

“Finnian, the letter please?” Wu Fan cleared his throat, catching both of their attention.

“Oh.” Finnian blinked, handing him the letter.

I’m sorry my Lord” he spoke in Chinese, giving him an apologetic smile.

You should be” Wu Fan glared at him before opening the letter a little bit harshly.

“Hey, what are you to talking about? That’s so unfair, I cannot understand Japanese!” Lady Cecile pouted like a child.

“I’m sorry, but it’s Chinese my lady.” Finnian smiled at her.


“Finnian, we need to go” Wu Fan ordered, giving him back the letter before turning to Lady Cecile.

“Pardon me my lady, but I suppose we need to go now for I have something very important to attend to.” He apologized, bowing to her.

“Is that so? See you tomorrow again then?” Lady Cecile sadly looked at them, taking a glance at Finnian.

“Yes, see you tomorrow my lady” he smiled at her before turning around and made his way out of the audition room, his butler following after.

“Alright!” Lady Cecile smiled back, but the moment Wu Fan was out of her sight, her sugar sweet smile turned into a scowl as she cross her arms over her chest.

“That Lord Wu Fan. Why is he taking Finnian away from me right away?!”



Small tapping sounds of rain woke Wu Fan up from his sleep. He opened his eyes and stood up straight, his eyes taking into his surroundings. He was in his study room

“Oh, I fell asleep” he mumbled to himself, rubbing his eye with the back of his hand as he stifle a yawn.

At the same time, Finnian entered the room, bringing a tray of tea with him.

“You’re awake my lord” he said, blinking in surprise. He placed the tray on the small table near Wu Fan and poured the tea on the cup.

“Why didn’t you wake me up when I fell asleep, Finnian?” Wu Fan asks, taking the cup of tea from him.

“You were sleeping soundly my lord. And you’re tired from signing all the shipping documents since this morning so I didn’t bother.” Finnian answered,

“By the way, I have something to show you. Would you mind coming with me to the dining area, my lord?”

Wu Fan blinked at him before nodding a bit hesitantly and stood up to follow his butler to the dining area.









Wu Fan couldn’t hide his smile when he entered the dining area. A loud ‘pop’ was heard when Thompson opened the champagne and everybody cheered.

“Happy Birthday Lord Wu Fan!” Stella grinned mischievously, handing him a small gift. The Blair twins– Thompson and Thomas– gave him a big one on the other hand.

“Hey, you don’t need to give me gifts. Remembering my birthday and greeting me is enough!” Wu Fan laughed, thanking them three at the same time. They were the only people Wu Fan trusts enough to show his true self to. When he is with them, he doesn’t need to worry about acting maturely or the likes. When he is with them, he can feel the true definition of family and home.

“Oh no, it’s alright my lord! We owe our life to you and these gifts are actually not enough compare to the things you have done to us!” Stella waved it off, the twins nodding in agreement.

“Hey Finnian! Where’s your gift?” Thomas nudges the quiet butler on the side, all their attention shifting to him.

“Yeah, where’s my gift? Don’t you know that I’m expecting that you’ll be the first one to give me a gift? Don’t tell me you don’t have one.” Wu Fan pouted. Oh, Lord Wu Fan.

“Uhm, why don’t we eat now? The food’s getting cold.” Finnian changed the topic and walked towards the dining table to get a plate when a hand stopped him from doing so.


“Yes, Wu Fan?”

“Show me my gift~!!!”

 Stella, Thompson and Thomas laughed at the scene in front of them.

“Tell me, who’s older among the two of them again?” Stella mused,

“Uhhh….Lord Wu Fan?” Thomas answered, scratching his head.

“Yet he acts like he’s the one who’s 19 and Finnian acts like he’s the one who’s 21” Thompson added, making the three of them laugh once again.


“You just can’t tell me straight that you forgot to prepare me a gift!”

“Let’s eat first, oh gosh!”



“Where are you going at this time and weather, my lord?” Thomas asks as he prepares the carriage. The rain became a bit heavier while the Wu Household was having their little party inside a while ago.

“I just want to buy something from the city. Don’t worry, it won’t take a while.” Wu Fan replies, getting in the carriage with Finnian who just shrugged when Thomas gave him a questionable look.

“Well, we can’t predict what’s always on Lord Wu Fan’s mind all the time.” Thompson mumbles, before whipping the horses and the carriage started to move.


Wu Fan was on the way back on to his mansion; his eyes were focused outside appreciating the raindrops when he spots a figure ahead, standing beside a flickering light post and as his carriage gets nearer to the area, he realizes it was a woman soaking wet and shivering out of cold.

“Thomas, Thompson, stop the carriage on that light post!” he suddenly ordered, opening the glass window when the carriage halt into a stop.

“Pardon me my lady, but why are you standing there, soaking wet from the rain during this time of night? Don’t you know that it might be dangerous for a lady like you to be alone, especially at this kind of weather?” he strongly spoke, albeit worry in his voice.

The lady, surprised by his appearance and outburst looked at the ground and onto him.

“I...I was lost in the woods and I ended up here in this place. D-do you somehow know which way is to the city, my lord?” her soft yet shivering voice spoke, Wu Fan suddenly felt guilty from his sudden outburst and immediately opened the door to his carriage, gesturing her to get in.

“Don’t worry my lady, I mean no harm. It’s already very late in the evening and it’s also very harmful in the city if I’ll send you there right now. Would you mind if I take you back to my mansion first, then send you first off tomorrow in the morning.” He reassured when the lady showed hesitance,

“O-okay, thank you very much my lord” she says, getting in the carriage.

Wu Fan didn’t noticed Finnian’s eyes widen when the lady sat opposite to them as the former was busy taking off his blazer and hanging it around her shoulders.

“Let’s go back to the mansion now” he then tells the twins and the carriage began to move.

“T-thank you… my lord” the woman stutters as she finally get to see fully Wu Fan’s face, great recognition striking her senses but the man didn’t noticed it as gave her a small smile and opened his mouth to speak,

“My name is Wu Fan and you seemed to look familiar to me. Have we seen each other before? What’s your name?” he asks, taking in her beautiful features, the raindrops on her face adding glow onto her small face.

The lady noticed Finnian burning his gaze on her but brushed it off as she looked at Wu Fan’s eyes and smiled a mysterious smile.


“I’m called by the name of Sheng Yanmei and I believe it’s our first time seeing each other, my lord.”



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Wow. feels like a historical fic! rare one. :D