when the rainy day comes..

when he's sick

Sungyeol ran under the heavy rain pouring nonstop. He didn't know why he felt this pain inside his chest when Myungsoo was together with Sungjong or with others. He knew that there's nothing between them but, seeing Myungsoo laughing and smiling with someone else makes him jealous. Whenever Myungsoo wasn't with him, Sungyeol's smiling face changed into a frown. Sungyeol had been together with Myungsoo since they're kids and as they grow up, they're always together. He thought that he was just jealous because Myungsoo is his bestfriend but no, he was jealous because he felt something special for Myungsoo.

Something that he knew Myungsoo can't give back. Whenever Myungsoo was with him, he always feel those butterflies freely flying inside his stomach. Whenever his skin touches Myungsoo's, he felt those sparks and fireworks in every vein he have. Just seeing Myungsoo's presence makes him happy. He is obviously in love with his bestfriend.

The following day, Sungyeol then had a high, really really high fever. His temperature was no joke but what is the worst in there was no one could take care of him. He can't let his mom go to his condo since it'll take hours, his buddies, Infinite guys, are busy or have any other things to do, his younger brother, Daeyeol, is at his school's camping, and his other acquintances can't go. Sungyeol ruffled his hair in annoyance. Hours passed and Sungyeol still has this fever. He actually haven't eaten anything since he can't cook something especially he can't move his body that much coz it also hurts. Sungyeol just shrugged it off and drifted himself into dreamland again.

It's been an hour since Sungyeol has been sleeping. He opened his eyes and saw Myungsoo putting a cold towel into his forehead, smiling at him seeing that he's already awake.
Sungyeol gasped, "W- What are you doing here?" he pointed Myungsoo
Myungsoo grinned, "Taking care of you ofcourse"
Sungyeol's eyes widened
Myungsoo laughed, "You're so cute, Yeolie" he pinched Sungyeol's chubby cheeks
Sungyeol shooed him
Myungsoo suddenly leaned in and pecked his lips

Sungyeol's eyes widened and woke up from his dream, he sighed. He just sat on his bed staring outside the window, *Aigoo~ Its raining again. Oh~ That's why it's so cold*, he shook his head. *dingdong*dingdong* The door beel rang. Sungyeol lazily stood up and went infront of the door. He turned the knob and opened the door. Outside, he saw a wide smiling Myungsoo holding some groceries in his right hand. Sungyeol stared at him..
Myungsoo put his left hand on top of Sungyeol's forehead, feeling his temperature. Sungyeol blinked at him, but inside, he's experiencing those weird feelings.
"Yeolie~ Your tempeture is really hot!" Myungsoo furrowed his eyebrows
Sungyeol stared at him with his widened eyes

Myungsoo put a cold towel on Sungyeol's head and just let him lay down on his bed. Myungsoo knew Sungyeol that well, so he cooked food for him since he knew that he hadn't eaten anything yet. After cooking some soup for Sungyeol, Myungsoo went to Sungyeol's bedroom and fed him. Myungsoo put a spoonful of soup infront Sungyeol's mouth again. But Sungyeol just stared at him..
"Why are you doing this? Why are you even here?" Sungyeol asked. He knew he was being too rude asking that question but he just really want to know why
"I heard from imo-ah that you're sick so, here i am" Myungsoo eye smiled. Giving Sungyeol sparks which made him a little bit hard to breathe
Sungyeol just then stared at him and continued to eat the soup Myungsoo cooked, *This really taste good. No, it was the best! I wish he can always do this to me even if im not sick* Sungyeol sighed

Myungsoo did some household chores while Sungyeol was sleeping. After doing those things, Myungsoo sat beside Sungyeol's bed and stared at him. Myungsoo traced Sungyeol's features and giggled like a little girl spazzing
"If i could tell you what i feel. If i just have the courage to confess. Im such a coward. Right time.. Where are you?" Myungsoo sighed

Myungsoo stood up and went to the bathroom to clean a towel and wipe Sungyeol's body and change his clothes. Myungsoo came back to Sungyeol's room and took off Sungyeol's shirt. Myungsoo then wipe the body while staring at those undeveloped abs of Sungyeol. Myungsoo also changed Sungyeol's shorts into another but a more comfortable one. When Myungsoo was about to put a shirt on SUngyeol, he suddenly opened his eyes, rubbing it. Seeing Myungsoo holding his shirt. Both of their eyes widened.
"Y- Yeolie i was j- just about to put t- this. Your other s- shirt is full of sweat so i- i thought that-"
Sungyeol shooked his head, cutting what Myungsoo was about to say, "It's okay"
Myungsoo gave the shirt to Sungyeol and hepled him to wear it, Sungyeol smiled at him
Myungsoo rubbed thye back of his head, "Yeolie"
"Hmm~?" Sungyeol looked at Myungsoo
"I want to tell you something"
"Hmm~ Go on. What's that?" Sungyeol blinked
"Yeolie, I- *inhale* Yeolie, i love you" Myungsoo looked at Sungyeol's eyes with sincerity in his eyes
Sungyeol stared at him, then a smile crept on his face
Myungsoo blinked at him
"Myungie I- I feel the same too" Sungyeol smiled
Myungsoo smiled back and hugged him tightly, not letting him go
Sungyeol looked at him and slightly pushed him, "Myungie i have a fever you might-"

Myungsoo cut Sungyeol's words with a sweet kiss. A kiss that both of them first experienced. A kiss that was sweeter than the sweetest thing they've ever tasted. A kiss that none of them want to break. The kiss was passionate and Myungsoo deepened it more. Sungyeol slightly opened his mouth allowing Myungsoo's tongue to roam inside it. Sungyeol wrapped his arms around Myungsoo's neck to pull his closer, wanting more. Myungsoo smirked and gave Sungyeol the greatest kiss he can give. Sungyeol then slightly pushed him, panting really hard. Myungsoo caressed Sungyeol's cheeks and kissed his forehead.

Hours passed and Sungyeol's fever lower a bit. Myungsoo decided to stay ay Sungyeol's place to take care of him until his fever is gone. They ate dinner Myungsoo cooked and he washed the dishes since he don't want a sick person do it, and he really won't let Sungyeol to do that. After doing some other things, they both lay down on a bed, facing each other. Myungsoo hugged Sungyeol giving him his warm temperature hoping Sungyeol will get well soon
"Hmm~?" Sungyeol nuzzled at Myungsoo's chest
"Good night, sweet dreams. I love you" Myungsoo stared at Sungyeol
Sungyeol stared back at Myungsoo and smiled, "Same to you, Myungie. And i love you too"
Myungsoo kissed Sungyeol's lips for a goodnight kiss and they both drifted off to dreamland, cuddling each other, wishing they could be like this forever..



MyungYeol is real~ =DD


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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 1: Cuteee
khasabat #2
Chapter 1: Whenever i read about myungyeol i cant deny what i can felt. I'm also can feel what i read am
Keyq1998 #3
Chapter 1: >< cute cute cute
Chapter 1: ADORABLE!!! >.<
my feels~
Yema_kim #5
Chapter 1: Awwww sooooo cute
Chapter 1: Good story! Keke I'm sure that MyungSoo will also get a fever now!
Aww MyungSoo confessed first, just like it should be! MyungSoo is totally crazy over SungYeol (irl) xD
I agree with the orange font, it's better just to use black ;)
deliciousyou #7
Chapter 1: Good story^^ i hope you wont use orange color again for your next fiction, its slightly irritating my eyes :( please write more myungyeol story^^