Hot and Frustrated

Hot and Frustrated

Music shook the whole building. The loud bass was only audible from the outside but as soon as the members opened the doors to enter, cheers and thundering technological beats greeted them.

            All five boys were dressed in their best and ready for the night, some more then others. Seungri bonded into the club and straight into a mob of grinding girls while Dae and Younbae shoved their way toward the bar. Jiyong and Seunhyun moved a bit slower into the building, politely smiling to fans and casually bouncing to the music. Without turning to face each other, they grabbed each others’ hands and gave one big squeeze, covered by the crowd, and then split up.

 Jiyong made eyes to a girl who came up to him and they immediately started dancing together. Seunhyun found an empty stool at the bar and ordered a drink. Girls flocked to him, buying him drinks and hanging off of him.

The night went like this for nearly 2 hours. Dancing, drinking, flirting, posing.

Jiyong continued to dance with the same girl. (He didn’t like to change partners to many times. It was more comfortable to just encounter the awkwardness once a night.) As he danced he didn’t think about the girl he was touching or the crowd around him. It was either work or Seunhyun that occupied his mind. Tonight it was Seunhyun. Jiyong’s body was tightly wound and he knew Seunhyun could fix that problem.

So Jiyong kissed the girl he’d been dancing with on the cheek and told her he’d be right back. He forced his way over to the bar where Seunhyun was drinking and flirting. They were still relentlessly, with no success, trying to get him drunk.

            “Yah! Hyung! Save some girls for the rest of us!” Jiyong joked. Not that he wanted any of these girls. He just wanted them off of his man.

            “Whatever. I saw you out there with that blonde! A foreigner! Geeze, man!”

            “Hasn’t understand a word I’ve said all night!” Jiyong mused.

            “I’m sure she understood that kiss,” Seunhyun grumbled.

            Jiyoung smirked at his jealous lover. It was adorable and irresistible.

            “Hyung, I was thinking plan B tonight.” Jiyong said as he got up from his seat and started back to the dance floor.

            “Plan B. How unoriginal,” Seunhyun scoffed.

            “I need us to get out of here quick tonight,” Jiyong whispered into Seunhyuns ear quickly. And with a manly slap on the back, Jiyong was gone, lost in a sea of dancers.

            Jiyong found his blonde again. She seemed pleased to see him and immediately wrapped her arms around his neck and started dancing into him.

            Jiyong saw Seunhyun take a hard shot with an angry scowl from the bar. Jiyong let out a laugh and put his hands on the girl’s hips and danced right back. Another angry shot from the bar. Jiyong put his face into the girls neck and gave a small kiss.

            And with this, Jiyong heard a bunch of people gasp and a crowd formed around a section of the bar, all staring at something on the floor. That was his cue.

“Excuse me ladies! Looks like my hyung has drunk a bit more then he can handle! I’ll take it from here,” Jiyong crouched down and helped up the drunk-over- the moon Seunhyun. Jiyong worked as a crutch for the older man as they forced their way out of the club. Girls still flocked them as they exited, all worried about their favorite Oppa.

Jiyong dumped his hyung into the passenger seat of Seungri’s sleek sports car. Normally Seungri would use it to bring girls back to the dorm but thankfully YB had helped him sneak the keys off of the maeknae. Jiyong skipped merrily over to the driver’s side and got in.

“I think that little performance went really well tonight. Except I think you got really drunk really fast tonight.”

“Well you said make it quick.” Seunhyun mumbled, clearly very sober.

“Lets go to your place, Hyunie. I don’t want the others intruding on our time together tonight. No more distractions.” Jiyong said, reaching over and rubbing the passenger’s thigh.

“Ji, I was thinking we would just lay low tonight. Watch a movie or something. We have a busy day tomorrow,” Seunhyun said from his seat, pulling his leg out of Jyongs reach, staring out the window. He was still put off by the over the top show Jiyong had put on with his girl.

“But its been so long sense its been just the two of us!!” Jiyong whined.

Seunhyun rested his head against the window and watched the city pass by in silence. If Ji wants to play games, fine. Let the games begin.


Seunhyun hung both his and Jiyong coats in the closet and started turning on the rest of the flat’s lights, still not looking at his boyfriend.

But Jiyong wouldn’t have it. He came up from behind Seunhyun and wrapped his arms around him.

“Hyunie,” he cooed. “Lets take a shower. That’s low key, right? Everyone needs to shower. We are just doing normal ol’ stuff. Please!!”

Seunhyun slipped out of Jiyongs grasp.

“I’ll pick a movie. You wash up first and change.”


“What is his problem??” Jiyong asked of his reflection in Seunhyuns mirror, toothpaste foam spread across his lips. “Not like I did anything wrong! We always agreed to put up a good show before we bailed! Why punish me??” Jiyong spat angrily into the sink, rinsed and spat again. This night was going to be torture.

Head hanging, Jiyong exited the bathroom, ready for whatever cheesy, uny movie Seunhyun had picked out. But once he looked up he saw Seungyun smiling at him from his extremely big white bed. Jiyong’s heart leaped.

Was he not tired anymore?

Jiyong ran and flung himself onto the bed and quickly crawled his way to his lover. This was more like it!

            “Ji, will you grab the remote before you get settled?”

            Jiyong stared at Seunhyun blankly. Would he what? But they were in bed. Why would they need the remote? Jiyong decided Seunhyun could get the remote to watch tv after they were done if thats what he wanted and started to pull back the covers.

            “Please? Its kinda a long movie so I want to start it before I get to sleepy. Thanks, Ji.” And then Seunhyun gently placed a kiss on Jiyongs forehead.

            Jiyong grumbled and cursed the whole while to get the remote that was by the tv. Things are going perfectly. Give it 3o minutes and I’ll have Ji begging for mercy.

            Jiyong returned to the bed, sliding in next to Seunhyun, placing the remote with more force then necessary onto his partners lap.

            “Thank you. And thank you for being so understanding. I can’t believe how tired I am all of a sudden!” Seunhyun smiled.

            “Understand?? I think you are out of your mind! Just play the dang movie.”



            25 minutes into to the movie and Jiyong was going crazy. Dancing with that girl had made him even more ready for one on one with his boyfriend and the movie wasn’t helping either. There had already been 2 love scenes and plenty of action. Jiyong was boiling and his mind was about to explode with the thoughts of his lover and him going at it. All of his best moves and suggestive comments weren’t getting him anywhere. He knew Seunhyn wanted him too. It was time to pick up the pace.

            Jiyong playfully bit at Seunhyun’s hand that was holding him.

            Seunhyun let out a giggle. “You are being awfully distracting tonight, Ji.”

            “I can do better!” and Jiyong swung his leg over Seunhyun’s lap so I was sitting on him, their faces extremely close.

            Both of their hearts pounded loudly. They breathed each others air as Jiyong closed the distance between their faces but at the last second he changed directions and started in on Seunhyun’s neck. He trailed kissed all the way up to his ear and then along the jawline.

            Jiyong could feel Seunhyun’s temperature rising. It was working!

            Next Jiyong kissed just barely the corner of his boyfriend’s mouth. He then wrapped his arms around the older man’s larger body and whispered into his ear “What a great movie, Hyunnie. Good choice.”

            Seunhyun laughed and then said “You say that and you just missed the best part! I can’t believe you aren’t watching this!”

            In ultimate frustration and defeat, Jiyong flopped back to his own space, but now about 2 feet of space separated the two.

            The movie?? How could he seriously think I was talking about the movie?? What a fool. I give up.

            But in actuality, Seunhyun hadn’t been watching the movie for a long time. Jiyong was being incredibly distracting all night and it was taking everything he had not to just give in.

            “Hey, Ji. What you doing way over there? You know how easily I get cold. Why don’t you slide back over?”

            Jiyong slide over all right but about another 2 feet away from Seunhyun. He flung his arms dramatically over his face. He couldn’t even look at Seunhyun with out getting another hot flash. This just wasn’t going to happen and he was trying to cool down. The defeat had his body aching and his eyes running.

            Seunhyun studied Jiyong. He looked great in Seunhyn’s plain white shirt that was too large for him. His cotton candy hair lay flat and unstyled but the bright color contrasted greatly with the white covers. His perfect pink lips were stuck in a pout.

            Seunhyun slide carefully over to Jiyong and ever so gently placed his lips on Jiyong’s. The kiss was slow and smooth but Jiyong flushed a bright red and moaned. Then he did some seriously flailing and grumbling, scooting even further away and throwing the covers over head.

            Realizing he must have actually done some serious damage, Seunhyun went under the covers as well and scooted over to Jiyong. His hands were now fully covering his face as he moaned to himself.

            “Ah. Playing tent I see. Our favorite,” Seunhyn purred into Jiyong’s ear, giving it a playful nip.

            “Seunhyun! I can’t take it anymore! I can’t take the teasing! My whole body aches and its been to long sense we’ve spent a night together and I don’t want to force anything so just get back or get over here. You choose. I need all of you or none of you tonight.”

            The pair layed on their sides and stared at each other. Electricity seemed to buzz between them as their eyes bore into each other.

            And then Seunhyun grabbed Jiyong and brought him closer and then under him. He attacked his lips biting and hard. No more gentle kissing. Jiyong immediately threw his arms around Seunhyun’s neck and pulled them closer together. Their tent under the covers heated up quickly and the two pulled away from the kiss breathless.

            Seunhyun moved to kissing across his boyfriend’s tattooed collarbone, that was visible thanks to the oversized shirt, and just in time for Jiyong to sneeze.

            Seunhyun immediately stopped what he was doing and looked into Jiyong’s face.

            “Ji? You sick?”

            “No. Now come here. This shirt is unnecessary,” Jiyong said as he started to pull at Seunhyun’s shirt.

            “No I’m serious. Are you sick? You’re face is flushed and you’re all hot.”

            “No duh! I’m and if you don’t start kissing me again I’m gonna explode!”

            “How about we let you cool down and then see how you feel. I’ll even get out of here and make you something to eat.”

            “Don’t you dare!!” Jiyong threw his arms around Seunhyun’s neck and his legs around his waist.

            “Ji, I’m sorry. But lets stop, just for a bit and see how things go,”

            “No,” said Jiyong plastering himself even closer to Seunhyn. But then he let out a powerful sneeze and lost his tight grip.

            Seunhyun laughed and peeled Jiyong from him. “I’ll be back, promise.” And Seunhyun kissed Jiyong gently as he pulled the blankets that covered them back.

            “Fine. But I’m coming with you. I don’t want to just lay here all alone in your bed!”

            Seunhyun sighed, now standing looking at the pouting Jiyong who sat with his arms crossed. 

            “UGH!! Why do I have to love you so much?? Fine! But only on my conditions!” Seunhyun said before Jiyong could get to happy.

            Seunhyun bent down to Jiyong and tucked the blanket around him and then scooped the small man into his arm.

            “You stay in this blanket and don’t leave from the couch, mister!”

            Jiyong snuggled into Seunhyun and his cocoon. And sneezed again. Things weren’t going his way tonight but this was nice too.

Sneeze. Sniffle. Seunhyun let out a deep chuckle and kissed Jiyong’s forehead, still burning hot, as he entered the living room.

            “Kay. Stay here. No getting out of the blanket while I cook. You need something, just holler.”

            Jiyong nodded smugly from his corner of the leather couch. He turned so he could see Seunhyun walking away. The view was nice.

            “Yah! Hyunnie!”

            “What? What is it? You’ve been alone for 5 seconds!”

            “Kiss goodbye,” Jiyong demanded.

            Seunhyun came back, putting his arms around Jiyong, still wrapped in the blanket and cured up into a ball. He gave him one strong kiss and then left with a small smirk.

            “Yah! Hyunnie!”

            Seunhyun didn’t say anything but stopped walking.

            “Kimchi fried rice!”

            “Yah! Is that what sick people eat?”

            “Instant ramen!”

            “No junk! You get seaweed soup.”

            “What is it, my birthday? Porridge!”

            Seunhyun turned around. Jiyong had the blanket up so only his eyes could be seen. And that adorable eye smile kills.

            “Fine. I’ll make porridge.”

            “And Hyunie?”

            “Yes, Jiyong?” Seunhyun was starting to get fed up with this kid.

            “Cook with your shirt off.” Seunhyun could hear the smile in this line.

            “Ok. Now you’ve gone crazy! No way! No way am I gonna stand in that kitchen with my shirt off and cook for you!”

            “But you offered to cook…”

            “Yeah! Fully clothed!”

            Jiyong was about to say something else but Seunhyun cut him off “not happening!”

             Jiyong, while disappointed, still enjoyed watching Seunhyun ruffle his hair in frustration as he went to the kitchen and get out the ingredients. He never really expected Seunhyun to say yes to that one. So he was pleasantly surprised that once all the ingredients were out, Seunhyun gripped the counter top and froze. Then with a ‘I cant believe I am actually doing this’ attitude, he pulled off his tshirt.”

            Utter excitement filled Jiyong who shifted on the couch to get a better view. Seunhyun’s flannel pajama bottoms hung a little low so Jiyong could see a strip of his boyfriend’s exposed boxers. Jiyong fluttered his feet against the couch in excitement.

            Its not that his boyfriend had the best body or anything. But well he was his boyfriend. Your half boyfriend would make anyone excited. But what really made Jiyong happy was he knew Seunhyun wasn’t overly confident with his body yet he took off his shirt for him. Kwon Jiyong. The legendary TOP was shirtless and making him porridge. Jiyong flopped his head sideways to rest it on the couch as he enjoyed the show. Every movement and pause caused Jiyong to smile even wider.

            Seunhyun, however, was very busy trying to figure out how to make porridge. He had no idea how. He stopped every now and then and looked at a recipe he had googled on his phone but he didn’t want Jiyong to see. He never turned around as he cooked. Once, while tasting his creation he spilled the hot dinner down the front of him on his bare chest. He tried not to wince or give himself away as he wiped his front.

            And about an hour after he had started, everything was loaded up on a try and ready to go. He grabbed the try and turned toward the living room to find a snoozing Jiyong. His mouth hung open slightly and his nose had started to run. He coughed every now and then. Seunghyun felt a burst of pride. He had made the right call. He knew that once the busy schedule started that Jiyong wouldn’t stop to rest. This would be his only chance.

            Seunhyun put the tray down and went to scoop Jiyong up to bring him to bed but paused before he lifted him. How so many other people would wish they were in his place. The world famous G-Dragon was his. He loved him and GD loved him back. Somehow the brilliant at everything, cotton candy head             had settle for a big ol’ goofball like him.

            With this thought Seunhyung heaved a happy sigh and lifted the sleeping boy.

            “Seunhyun?” the sleepy singer asked, peeking up at him. He smiled and snuggled in close. “My Choi Seunhyun.”

            “All yours, Ji”

            “What about my porridge?” Jiyong asked as Seunhyun tucked him in.

            “It was a disaster. Should have gone with the seaweed soup.”

            Jiyong laughed which started him on a huge coughing spell.

            Seunhyun hurriedly got a glass of water for the coughing Jiyong who gulped it, smiling.

            “You kinda love me, huh?”

            “More then kinda,” Seunhyn said as he snuggled in next to his love.

            “Well good. Cuz I more than kinda love you.”

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mikadosm #1
Chapter 1: Very cute! Thanks for writing! Yes, I think you are more than kinda in love. Sheesh, they're so hopeless romantic sweeties.
Chapter 1: skjgkdsj so fluffy
I just cant
thya-aryssa #3
Chapter 1: i am more than kinda love this fic too...

too sweet n cute...its almost real i can just imagine them lol...

thanx for the fantastic story!
OMG TOO CUTE! i loved this so much! GAH~ .3.
Chapter 1: Cuteeeeee! ^_^
Chapter 1: awww.. this so fluffy and cute and sweet and asdhjshdsjhaj... i can't.. >,<
SunnyKid #7
Chapter 1: D'AAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWW I was feeling fluffy! This made even softer!