To Ask Or Not To Ask...That Is The Question

The Red String Of Fate

yay!!!!another update!!!!...sigh...took me ages to write it though...and i dont know why!!!!premature signs of writers block????i hope not!!!! getting sooo hard to choose pics for the chapters!!!!why does he have to look good in everything...sigh...anyways...hope you guys enjoy reading!!!!

Waking up the next morning, you feel slightly apprehensive. Seul Ki…what has she got in store for me? She won’t leave me alone for not going to the dance that’s for sure…and her staying quiet yesterday just worries me even more. God this is so frustrating! Well, whatever it is, it’ll be over once the dance has passed…just have to survive the next two weeks. Ready for school, you wait outside for Seul Ki and Joong Ki.

“Morning ____!”, Seul Ki shouted.

She’s way too cheerful…

Raising your hand, you wave back. “Morning.”

Strangely, Joong Ki didn’t greet you and when you joined them, he sped up so that you and Seul Ki were trailing behind. Is it just me or is everyone acting weird? Shaking your head slightly, you decide to forget about it because trying to figure out what was going on was just going to give you a headache. The day passed normally and slowly your suspicions started to fade. Huh…maybe for once Seul Ki will actually leave things the way they are… You finally reached home and let out a huge sigh of relief, the tension that had been gripping you throughout the day fading.

Joong Ki’s POV

He jumped slightly when he felt Seul Ki poke his side. I’m surprised ____ hasn’t caught on to what’s happening, what with all the inconspicuous hints that Seul Ki keeps giving… Annoyed, he just kept walking.

“Oppa! When’re you going to ask her?”

Rolling his eyes, he said, “I’ll ask her when I ask her.” Having run ahead, he saw Seul Ki open to continue, but he interrupted. “If you keep bugging me I swear I won’t ask her, no matter what you do.”

At that warning, she closed and the rest of the walk home was completed in a peaceful silence. Seul Ki’s right though…I should ask her soon, the dance is in 2 weeks. But I can’t do it to her face…I don’t know why but I just can’t…I’ll call her tonight then.

After dinner, he sat in his room staring at the phone in front of him. Picking it up, he started to dial ____’s number, but before he could even press call, he put it back down. This went on for two or three more times. Why am I hesitating like this? Probably cuz I think of her as my sister and asking her to a dance is awkward… He pictured dancing with Seul Ki and shuddered. Yup, that’s why. But I have to now, I promised Seul Ki. Taking in a deep breath, he let it out forcefully and while doing so he called ____. No going back now.

“Seul Ki?”, he heard ____ ask.

Letting out an awkward laugh, he answered, “Ah…no. It’s me, Joong Ki.”

“Joong Ki oppa? Um…what’s up?”, she said evidently surprised.

“Uhhhh…” Come on, just do it! The longer you wait the harder it’ll get! “Do you want to go to the spring formal with me?”, he said speedily.

“Oppa…all I heard was uhh and then a bunch of babbling… Can you speak a bit slower?”, ____ asked amusedly.

Exhaling slowly, he asked steadily, “Do you…want to go to the spring formal with me?”

Your POV

“Do you…want to go to the spring formal with me?”

Your heart skipped a beat and you were shocked into silence. Where is this coming from? Oppa wants to take me to the spring formal? But…why? Your heart started thumping loudly as the current situation settled into your comprehension. Shut up heart! What’s wrong with you now?

“____? You there?”, you heard Joong Ki’s tinny voice call out.

Quickly picking up the phone you hadn’t known you’d dropped, you say, “I’m still here oppa.”

“So…what do you say?”

“I…um…” What’s the harm right? Now I won’t feel like a third wheel and both Seul Ki and I will have each other as we’ve always had and it’s Joong Ki oppa… It’s Joong Ki oppa… “…Sure, I’ll go!”, you answer brightly.

You hear him laugh, “Ah, that’s good then! I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“See you.”, you say quietly to the dial tone, Joong Ki having hung up immediately. Flopping backwards, you lie on your bed staring at your ceiling. “Ah! Why am I so nervous and excited about this? I mean, Joong Ki oppa’s like my brother…” You turn to your side in frustration and talk to yourself even more quietly, “Sure he’s my ideal type so I guess it would feel like this to have him basically ask you out…and he is just so perfect, what girl wouldn’t get excited?” Nodding at your logic, you sit up. “Yup, that’s all there is to it ____, it’s because Joong Ki oppa is who he is and that’s why you feel weird. Now get to sleep.” Lying back down, you attempt to sleep, but it takes a couple of restless twists and turns to finally surrender to the dream kingdom.

Joong Ki’s POV

“I…um… Sure, I’ll go!”, ____ said brightly.

Laughing in relief, he said, “Ah, that’s good then! I’ll see you tomorrow.”, and hung up.

Learning back in his chair, he put his crossed his hands behind his head. What was I worried about? It was easier than I thought… Not giving the conversation another thought, he went to sleep.

so howd you guys like it????please drop me a comment or two about any improvements i can make or what yall liked about it!!!!thnxies!!!!

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YasleYang #1
Waaah!! I love this so much please please please~ update soon!!
Chapter 4: WAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!AWESUM!!!!pliiiiiiiizzzzzz update soon*-* °~°
Chapter 4: sdkfhsodfh update soon!!!
I love it so far!! ;DD
Keep up the awesome work!
I'll be waiting for the next Chapeter,
OMG A SONG JOONG KI STORY ;U; imma read later. :3