


Wooyoung rolled Subin on her back, wrapping her leg around his waist, before holding his weight on his forearms on each side of her head. He tilted his head to the side, pressing his lips more urgently on hers. Subin’s lips instinctively parted, allowing Wooyoung to enter and his tongue slipped past them and into , coaxing her tongue into action. Subin let out a sound in , her hands running over his chest. If he had worn a shirt, they would’ve been safely bunched in the fabric, but all the glorious skin was exposed to her, making her even more lightheaded.

Feeling her hand run up and down his abs made Wooyoung groan as he gently ground into her. A spasm of pleasure passed through Subin as his crotch pressed up against her entrance, making her flinch in want. Wooyoung felt that flinch and he immediately softened, breaking the kiss and looking into her eyes wordlessly. As if an apology, he pecked her softly, making Subin close her eyes once again and her chest rise up against him. Wooyoung grunted, one of his hands putting a strand of her locks behind her ear, opening her neck to him. Subin leaned her head to one side, as his lips traveled down along with his hand, before latching onto the untouched skin. Subin breathed deeply and gasped when she felt his hand cover her right . Wooyoung smiled at her reactions, liking what he could do to her. Subin’s hands traveled to his back, leaving slight scratch marks on his tanned skin, making him growl.

Oh me, oh my, oh me-

“Kim-sshi?”  A voice interrupted Subin’s memories, making her yelp and jump up at the same time. She completely forgot where she was- after the very pleasant morning ended, Wooyoung invited Subin to come to his shooting. He didn’t have to ask her twice, she was ready in less than ten minutes, making her laugh. It was an opportunity a journalist couldn’t pass.

“Y-yes?” she squeaked at the director who now stood above her with a neutral look on his face. It was that kind of face which could mean there is nothing at all going on, or that he is ready to kill you with a rusty saw.

Subin noticed her surroundings, seeing that behind the director a girl sat crying, clutching at her ankle painfully. Wooyoung was crouched down next to her, waiting until the medics came and took care of her. He tried to calm her through jokes and reassurements, but nothing seemed to work.

“Ri-ah sprained her ankle. There is no way she can continue and we need a follow up for her.” Subin blinked at him twice, thinking she heard wrong.

“A-and?” she managed to stutter.

“Would you be able to fill in for her? Wooyoung himself recommended you.” Subin’s eyes popped open.

“He did?!” she called out, catching Wooyoung’s attention. He smiled slightly at her, nodding in encouragement.

Subin then turned back to the obviously impatient director, bowing deeply to him.

“I’ll do my best.”


“Seriously, what the hell is your problem?!”

Her voice ghostly echoed in his head as Taecyeon ran through the underground parking lot of the hospital.

“My problem? My problem?!”  His own voice gradually rose, making his eyes close down tightly. He shouldn’t have yelled at her.

He entered the elevator, pressing the first floor.

“I’M PISSED AT YOU WALING AROUND LIKE YOU OWN THIS PLACE!” in the quiet elevator, her voice roared, making him rub his eyes nervously. She was right, he shouldn’t have done that. He just wanted to surprise her.

 “Why is that when I work my off for both you AND Subin, who wouldn’t have to be my business at all, you treat me like the worst kind of ?!” Taecyeon felt guilty pushing Subin into their fight. He knew it was a foul card for him to use against Jimin, but he couldn’t stop himself, he realized as he walked up to the receptionist.

“I’m looking for Lee Jimin’s room.” He said politely after bowing to the girl behind the desk. She bowed to him as well, typing down her name on the computer.

“She is on the 7th floor in room 735. But she is currently re-“

“Thank you.” He bowed again, walking back into the elevator, ignoring the girl.

 “You act like you’re oh so protective over her, but in the end, who saved her?”

His voice resonated in his mind, serving as a sick soundtrack to the single image in his head- a shock ridden Jimin with tear-filled eyes, staring at him with a great amount of both agony and disbelief. He let her down, he thought as he punched the elevator wall.

“Get out…GET OUT!” her screech was repeating in his head like a mantra. Taecyeon buried his hands in his hair, pulling roughly by the roots.

She got hurt. She got severely hurt, he doesn’t even know if she will make it, and the last time he talked to her, he called her a crappy best friend and she chased him out of her apartment.

The elevator door opened and he quickly found her room. He paused before it, reading her name on the door.

“TAECYEON OPPA YOU IDIOT~!” was the last thing that flashed through his mind, before he opened the door, entering the room. In its middle was a bed which was occupied by Jimin.

The complete silence was interrupted by the beeping of her heart monitor, slowly beeping away. He approached her bed, his hand on his mouth to prevent him from cursing.

Jimin looked very bad. Her forehead had five stitches across it, her skin was ghostly pale. Beside her stood many IV ports of blood and minerals that kept her going. She was already wearing the hospital gown, meaning her operation was over. The bed sheet was just lightly placed over her, showing the big bandage across her abdomen.

The door opened.

“Who are you? You shouldn’t be here.” The doctor’s eyes widened in recognition when Taecyeon turned to face him. He bowed deeply to the doctor, walking up to him.

“I’m one of her emergency contacts.” He blurted out, his voice breaking.

“I came here as fast as I could, I don’t even know what happened to her…” when his voice resonated in the room, Jimin wriggled, recognizing it. She groaned silently, her head turning from side to side. Taecyeon opened his mouth to say something, but the doctor shushed him.

“Best we talk outside.” He told Taecyeon, who nodded obediently, following him out. Once the door closed, the doctor outstretched his hand.

“I’m doctor Song Donghae.” He introduced himself. Taecyeon took his hand into both of his, bowing as he shook it.

“It’s a pity we had to meet under these circumstances.” The doctor told him, frowning slightly.

“Your…friend,” he decided to call her.

“Was caught in an ugly accident. Her bike swerved into oncoming traffic, and she hit a car straight on.” He gave a moment for Taecyeon to process all the information.

“She suffered minor head trauma, the worse things were broken ribs and pierced lung, shattered hand and internal bleeding.” Taecyeon groaned. Trying to set back things on the right track, Donghae smiled.

“She has already been through three surgeries, and now, the only thing she needs is monitoring and rest.” Relief washed over his whole body- it felt as if somebody finally pushed that heavy boulder off Taecyeon’s shoulders. He again bowed to the doctor.

“Thank you.” He choked out.

“Thank you so much.”


“Why are you laughing, oppa?” Subin asked silently, twirling around him. Wooyoung shook his head as his arm wrapped around her waist and he pulled her roughly to him.

“A long time ago, Jimin sent me this text from Taec’s phone…” he started, interrupting to grind into her hips. Subin bit the inside of her cheek, but followed the choreography obediently.

Wooyoung turned her once again and was supposed to make room for the chorus dance, but instead, he moved closer.

They were alone in the practice room, so he had no fear. The director had given them an hour for Subin to learn the dance, and they’ve worked hard on it…until now.

“She told me that everyone knew what I could do with my hips…” he paused to kiss her neck, as Subin stared at him from the mirrored wall in front of them.

“And that I should use them on you, that you would like it very much.” His voice had grown huskier and deeper as the music ended, leaving both of them in silence. Subin turned to look at him closely.

Wooyoung was already dressed in his stage clothes, the V-neck shirt showing his glorious collarbones that looked so inviting under the light and accompanied by those big eyes and kissable lips, Wooyoung looked overall…attractive. Very attractive. Too attractive for his good. Subin swallowed, her arms wrapping around his neck.

“As much as I would like to see your hips in action…” she was interrupted by Wooyoung’s lips, kissing her deeply.

“Yes?” he muttered over her lips.

“We’re at your shooting…” she answered back, leaning away. Wooyoung followed her, connecting their lips once again.

“With more than 100 people who could walk in on us right this moment.” Subin reasoned, but Wooyoung had none of that.

“Let them.” He growled, ending the conversation by deepening the kiss and pulling her flush against him. There was no fighting with this man. He always won, no matter what was the issue.

Most of the time, Subin liked when he won though. Her own arguments had grown sillier every moment and she had half the mind to let him go all the way…

“You guys can really be happy they sent me for you.” A familiar voice interrupted them, making both of them jump. Wooyoung groaned when he saw a smiling Nichkhun leaning against the closed door. He pushed of it, laughing at Subin’s blushing cheeks.

“It’s so good to see you finally together, but you’re going to get into trouble if you continue doing this.” He lectured them with the smile still on his face. Wooyoung grumbled under his breath as Subin moved to grab her stuff. She checked her cellphone to find one missed call.

“Huh.” She let out, surprised as she unlocked her screen.

“What is it?” Wooyoung asked her, unplugging his iPod from the radio.

“Someone called me…I don’t know this number.” She shrugged, throwing her phone in her bag.

“I’ll check it after the shooting.”



After all the light and noise and pain, Jimin saw black, heard nothing and felt numb.

What happened to her? The last thing she remembered was that she was on her way to Taecyeon’s. It was raining heavily and her bike slipped on the water. She then felt a horrible impact and tremendous pain, before she lost control over herself.

Did I die? She asked herself, not knowing the answer. She felt both could be right, and somehow, she feared both of the answers as well.

Little by little, some feeling came back to her body. Jimin could feel she was lying in bed, but every twitch in her body pained her. She felt cold. She felt really cold, except for her left hand.

A few moments later, Jimin realized someone was holding her hand. Her first thought was of Taecyeon.

Stupid…of course he wasn’t there. It must’ve been Subin.

The thought made her tear up. How she wanted him to be there, sitting in that chair, holding her hand.

One minute later, doubt started to fill her. Subin always had cold hands. And the hands covering hers were too big for the tiny girl to possess.

I need to wake up. I need to wake up now.  She told herself and she felt her eyes flutter. Light passed her slightly opened eyelids, hurting her.

Bright. It’s too bright.

She heard a sigh on her left side and soon after, the warmth was gone. He was gone, he was leaving and she had to stop him, but she couldn’t.

Jimin forced her eyes to shoot open, catching the image of Taecyeon’s back to her, before closing them again.

“Oppa…” she croaked, fighting with the eyelids that let her tears fall on her cheeks. When she opened her eyes again, Taecyeon froze.

“Oppa, please.” She tried again, holding her eyes open even though every cell in her body screamed for her to close them. She gripped the sheets tightly, clenching her teeth.

“Jimin?” he asked, unsure if it was real or not.

“Oppa, I’m…I’m so sorry. I’m sorry I yelled at you…I’m sorry, sorry…” she wept, shaking her head.

“Just please, don’t ever leave again…“ Taecyeon suddenly moved to sit on her bed, gingerly wrapping his arms around her, pushing her head on his chest. Oh, how Jimin missed that. The sound of his heartbeat. He chuckled, but he sounded like he was crying.

“Me leaving you? You almost left me, Jimin.” He pushed her away to look at her face. Taecyeon had tears running down his face as well.

 “What got into you that you had a crash?” he asked, his hands cupping her face.

“I saw…I saw the final rose…” thinking back on the rose made her cry again. She hurt, she felt dizzy and confused.

“And I just led to see you…oh god, I had to hear from you that you forgive me, that fight was stupid, I didn’t think straight, I, I, I…:  seeing she was at loss of words, he firmly pressed his lips against her, silencing her. He tasted her blood; she must have broken her lip again while talking so much. Taecyeon broke the kiss, wiping away the tears from her face.

“The fight isn’t important, jagi. Are you saying you got into this state because you wanted me to forgive you?” he asked, sighing when he saw her nod.

“Aish, why?! Next time, I don’t care if you stab me, curse me. I simply don’t give a damn; you never do this to yourself again. For me.” He gently pressed his forehead against hers, closing his eyes. Jimin’s hand came up to wrap around his wrists.

“Please.” He choked out again and as a promise, Jimin kissed him once again.

There was so much in that kiss- apologies, confessions, promises…it made her feel wobbly and so detached from the world, and she didn’t hear the door slamming open.

“JIMIN LEE, I SWEAR TO GOD WHEN YOU’RE ABLE TO WALK, I’M PUTTING YOUR HEAD THROUGH A CONCRETE WALL!” she heard Subin’s roar, and as Jimin’s shocked but happy stare met Subin’s frightened one, Subin broke down in relief, burying her face in the bed sheets, leaving a confused Wooyoung standing behind her. 

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Well, okay~ this is the end! Or is it? Kekeke~


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OMG so damn sweet! :3 LUVVV IT!!!
Akosz1018 #2
Chapter 12: awesome story^^
This story was simply amazing ♥
I love it <3 <3 <3
I m so in love with this one!!! Subin is super cute and Jimin is super cool!! >:3 :D
Chapter 1: This story is amazing I'm so sad i just found it now T.T and i cant look forward to updates T.T it's just so good adjfdlfajfadflfdfj
tafa_marie #7
Chapter 12: WONDEFUL STORY!!!!! really happy of how her life changed:)
tafa_marie #8
Chapter 12: WONDEFUL STORY!!!!! really happy of how her life changed:)
Chapter 12: is it really the end???? but i glad everything worked out. even though subin did not get to be the reporter she wanted to be, atleast she is happy with wooyoung :D
i really loved this!
thank you for giving us such an amazing story <3
farluvv #10
Chapter 12: Aww.. is it over already?
I thought there will be more chapters..
Nevertheless.. it's a great story..
Thank you for writing this story :)