
Broken Beyond Repair


A/N:Don't forget to read chapter 8 before reading this!!!It's a double update! ^^


- Jung Residence,Monday,26th September 1216,3.20 pm -

"Jung Jaejoong,I told you to sit down!"

Jaejoong pouted at the scolding he received before planting his cute back down on the couch."How dare he to command me to sit down?Am I a dog?Jerk."

"Stop muttering curses at me,darling.And no you are not a dog,my cute puppy.But you are my pregnant wife who is said to give birth next month so stop complaining,sit down,drink your tea and let me and the others do the work." Yunho replied before planting a soft kiss onto Jaejoong's pouty lips,smirking at the blush decorating his wife's face right after.

"But I want to help...it's Moonbinnie's birthday and I feel useless."

"Useless?Baby,the three cakes didn't bake themselves and the food on the table over there didn't just pop up magically." Yunho replied softly before sitting down next to Jaejoong to pull the other male closer to himself."You have done more than enough already by cooking all those things.Remind me to punish you for preparing all of it while I was at work."

Jaejoong giggled slightly when Yunho nuzzled his nose against his sensitive neck.He stuck his tongue out naughtily as he remembered how he has started to cook this morning once Yunho left for work,not liking the idea of having the food for their son's birthday cooked by the chefs in their restaurant like Yunho has suggested.

"But homemade food makes everything more special." Jaejoong muttered in an attempt to defend himself before he turned around to face his husband,eyes wide and lips jutted out into a pout.

Seeing the puppy look his wife was giving him,Yunho merely let out a sigh,the smile on his lips only getting wider."You will be the death of me,Jung Jaejoong."

"Hyungs...seriously...you are not alone in this room,you know?"  Changmin commented from the doorway with a party hat on his head and balloons in his hands while a giggling Kibum was standing right next to him.

The bodyguards who were now busy decorating the room for their youngest master stifled a laughter at the way Yunho and Jaejoong were blushing upon noticing the way they acted infront of everyone.They tend to get carried away very easily.

Before anyone could say something further,they could hear the doorbell ringing and Yunho quickly made sure to get up first,telling his wife to stay seated before he rushed towards the front door to witness Hyun Joong opening it for Junsu,Yoochun and their personal bodyguards.

"Hello Junsu hyung and Yoochun hyung." Yunho greeted them with a deep bow before he helped Joongki and Ah In to carry the presents,not minding that he only got a nod from Junsu in return.

Things between him and Junsu have turned a little better as time went by.


Their relationship improved one year ago when Yunho went to ask Junsu for his blessing so he would be able to propose to Jaejoong.No one seemed to understand why it was so important for him to get Junsu's blessing when the older male has made it clear that he would not meddle with their relationship no matter how much he disapproved of it.But Yunho didn't want to start their marriage when someone from Jaejoong's family didn't approve of it,knowing just how important Jaejoong's family was to him.He wanted to spare Jaejoong the pain of having someone so dear to him disapproving of their bond.He cut the ties with his parents a long time ago when they first kicked him out of his home along with his brother.But things between Jaejoong and his brother were different.

However,Junsu refused to bless the relationship he deemed as wrong,leaving Yunho kneeling outside his house without wasting another second on listening to what Yunho had to say.He didn't expect to see Jung Yunho still kneeling infront of his house the next morning,his lips blue,his skin pale and his body trembling as almost all of the warmth inside his body left him.But Junsu didn't give in.He ignored Yunho until the night of the same day when he came back home and saw Yunho still kneeling on the same spot.

Yoochun decided to give Jaejoong a call and tell him about Yunho's whereabouts,hoping that Jaejoong would be able to knock some sense into Yunho's head.

But not even Jaejoong's coaxing could stop Yunho.He remained on the very same spot until his body couldn't take it anymore.

And when he collapsed,everything he could register were Jaejoong's cries and a hissed 'Idiot' which he recognized to come from Jusnu.

He woke up in a hospital room the next morning with a sleeping Jaejoong by his side and a smoking Junsu standing by the window near his hospital bed.

Junsu hasn't said anything at first,only staring at him as Yunho winced at the pain running through his head.

"I expect you to always give my brother the best of everything,especially after the wedding.He doesn't deserve any less."

It was uttered calmly and without any obvious emotion,but Yunho knew how much of a great deed it was for a prideful man like Kim Junsu to give in like that.

The next thing he knew,he was already getting up from the bed only to kneel down infront of Junsu right after,bowing to his future brother-in-law.

"Thank you."


"When will Moonbin and his guests come?" Yoochun asked as they all joined the others in the living room.

"In about 20 minutes,Jihoon hyung is picking them up from kindergarten." Yunho replied and placed the presents for his son next to the others on the large table near the windows.

Changmin and Kibum were meanwhile busy decorating the room with colorful paper streamers,occasionally throwing balloons at each other when those were within their reach.Junsu was talking to Jaejoong about his pregnancy,scolding his younger brother when Jaejoong whined about how Yunho didn't let him do anything anymore.Jaejoong gaped at his brother in disbelief when Junsu told him that he agreed with Yunho on that matter.

"The end of the world must be coming soon,Junsu actually agreed with Yunho." Yoochun muttered and earned himself a dirty glare from his lover and chuckles from Changmin and Kibum who decided to decorate each other with streamers instead.

Changmin smiled smugly when he tied one red streamer on Kibum's left ring finger."Now you have to marry me,Kim Kibum.I already promised Kyu that he can be my best man."

Kibum looked at his boyfriend in shock while Jaejoong,Yunho and Yoochun were staring at the two of them in amusement.

"Say what?" Came the hissed question from Junsu and Jaejoong quickly hugged him to calm his older brother down,saying that the kids were just playing around and that he wouldn't want Kibum to get married at such a young age either.

Minutes later,Jihoon arrived with a now 4 years old Moonbin and his friends who would most likely keep every single adult in the room busy for the rest of the day,including Moonbin's uncle Yihan and his fiancée Song Ji Hyo.


And later that night when the guests were all gone and everyone else in the house was asleep,Yunho and Jaejoong slowly let themselves fall on their shared bed,utterly exhausted and yet utterly happy at the same time.And as they laid in each other's arms,Jaejoong could catch a glimpse at the wall behind them,smiling sweetly as his eyes met the precious words on the letters Yunho has written to him while he was away.Those letters were now decorating the wall at the head of their bed,being used as their very special wallpaper.

There were 88 of them for every single day Jaejoong has been in Germany.

Jaejoong's heart melted at the memory of how he has received them on their wedding night.

Yunho has urged him to step into their bedroom first and Jaejoong has given him a suspiscious look before doing as he was told,only to stand in a sea of white balloons and red roses the second he stepped into the spacious room.The only source of light being the chains of lights hanging on the ceiling.Yunho then came up behind him and told him to take a look at the things hanging on the strings attached to the balloons.

And Jaejoong did,freeing every single letter from the balloons.

But he didn't have to read all 88 letters to break into tears.The first one he received was enough to have him crying in Yunho's arms.


Their strings of suffering and pain were finally broken beyond repair.


Double update! ^^

A/N:I finally managed to update and end this story!Yay! xD I hope that you have enjoyed this :) And I know that many of you would've wished for another ending but oh well I wrote what I was thought was best so I'm sorry if the ending disappoints anyone.Please leave me a comment and tell me what you think about it,I would appreciate it very much.Thank you for the comments I received until now,the support and also the votes on AFF.They make me very happy and I'm really thankful for all of it! :) I'm kind of sad to let this story end actually but oh well everything has to end one day xD But!I will start another mini story soon.It's main casts will be SiHan and YunJae,but SiHan will have a slightly bigger role in the story so if any of you is interested...watch out for it ^^ It will be called 'The Mistress' and you'll be able to find it on my LJ community and on AFF as well as on winglin.And for those who want to read stories with YunJae as the only main couple...don't worry,I got some new ideas for them in my head already ;) You'll just have to wait til I've finished 'The Mistress' first ^^

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Update of Broken Beyond Repair is postponed to the 22nd Nov because I will make the chapter longer.


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Chapter 10: I just finished rereading this wonderful story for the 9th time
And I'll keep coming back to reread it
Chapter 10: done re reading this..
wonderful story.. love it ^_^
ishipyunjae #3
Chapter 10: Great story. love this. Love you >3<
Chapter 10: oh my god, this is a masterpiece i say!!! <3
Brownsugar40 #5
Chapter 10: Wonderful story I really enjoyed it ?❤️
Chapter 10: This is super duper awesome story... ^____^
Many emotions i have for yunho, he is just too much to jaejoong. He should through all the obstacle and being mental breakdown like tho.. But im glad yunho regretted his action. Well i love this story so much