I don't think I...

We met in Heaven


"Nothing can come between us...

Not Earth nor Heaven...

Can be the reason for tearing us apart..."




It was now the Monday after your birthday. Time for school!

You grumbled loudly against your pillow as you heard your alarm go off right next to your ear. What a blood curdling sound that was...

"Alright... alright... I'm up." You responded as if the object was human.

As you sat up on your bed, your toes touched the cold hard wood floor beneath you. You rubbed your eyes, followed by a huge yawn before actual standing up and becoming productive.


"Dear, Eunsung..." You looked yourself in the mirror as your grabbed your toothbrush off the counter top of your bathroom. "Today is it." You gave yourself a stern look.

"Today is your start as a mature high schooler. Not a lame, annoying high schooler like you once were, no not that." You flinged your toothbrush against the mirror.

"Aish!" You cursed as you realised you had flung water all over the mirror after you just dipped the brush under the sink before putting the paste on it.

You hastily wiped the mirror clean before continuing you speech to yourself. "Like I said... mature."

Though you had planned on becoming "mature" only because you were now a year older, that didn't stop you from the crazy antics you always got involved in anyway.


You made your way to school after taking the morning bus across the city to your prestige high school, Bada High.

As you stepped on the campus, straightening you uniform, you heard yelling from behind you and quick footsteps that only got louder.

The moment you glanced behind you, a young man clashed into you. "Ah!" you flung back, almost falling over on the ground.

The yound man had his arms wrapped around you, not letting you move as he squeezed your body tightly.

"Ya- I-I c-can't b-breathe..." You hesitated to talk to the boy.

He eventually released you as you gave him a warm smile, then noticing who he was. Which, you should've recognized just by hugging him, but you know, sometimes your a little oblivious.

"Donghae oppa!" You cheered seeing his handsome smiling face.

"Yah, Dongsaeng." He spoke as he then stood next to you, wrapping his arm around your neck jokingly as the two of you walked.

"Hey! I told you not to call me dongsaeng. I have a name. Remember?" You sassed to him but he only laughed at you.

"Oh ya.... what was it again? Eun.... soel? Eun.. young? I know it started with 'Eun'." He joked as he tapped his finger against his lips, glancing at you to see your reaction.

You shoved him slightly. "Ya, don't joke!" You sneered at him.

"Seesh.." He sighed, letting go of you. "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today."

"Mian. I had trouble sleeping last night so I'm a little off..." you mentioned to him.

"A little?!" He messed with you one more time, earning a cold glare.


The two of you walked across the football feild which led to an entrance to the school. Not the CORRECT entrance, but an entrance none the less.

"Ya! What are you two doing?!" A security guard suddenly yelled at the two of you out of nowhere.

You gave him a glare as Donghae sweetened himself up for the guard.

"Mian... it's just that, my friend here is sick today." He pouted. She doesn't feel like walking through a crowd of people to go to class." He lied while bowing in apology.

The guard only sighed before giving us a short lecture. "Yah. You know this isn't the right entrance to the school." He gave a short glance at you. You took that as your cue to play the best sick person ever.

You suddenly coughed violently and bent over to the ground like you were dying and about to puke all over the place in the most horrifying way.... Maybe it was a little too much acting, but hey, it worked!

"Fine. I see she's not feeling well. You can proceed, just don't come this way again. You know why it's blocked off." The guard warned before leaving us.

Donghae laughed in victory as he then led me inside.

"Sheesh, always getting us in trouble, Eunsung." Donghae teased.

"Hey! You get us in as much trouble as I do!" You defended yourself.

"Ya right." He scoffed with a smirk on his face.



You and Donghae have always gotten yourselves into trouble. Not saying it's extremely bad trouble you get into, just a few scoldings here and there from authority figures whenever you're together.

Somehow, even if you're really doing nothing at all, you're doing something wrong.

Donghae always blames you for both of your antics which gets on your nerves sometimes but you're used to it.

Even when Donghae seems to get on your nerves, it never bothers you that much. You get over it quickly which you never understood because he's the only one your like that with.



You finally arrived at you first class, Math. Just as your were about to make your way inside the lecture hall, Donghae stopped you by grabbing your hand.

The halls were clearing out as students rushed to their classes but Donghae didn't seem to care if he had to walk all the way to the other side of the school to go to class right now.

You looked down at his large hands clasped around yours in surprise. You were about to ask what he was doing but he spoke first.

"You can't even say goodbye to me?" He pouted like he was really hurt by the fact that you were just about to go into class without acknowledging that your leaving him.

You sighed with a slight smile on your face. "Good bye, Donghae~" You then retreated your hand, turning to go to class when again, you were stopped.

This time, by a tackle hug. "Donghae!" You giggled. "I have to go to class! You too!" You tried to sound stern and serious but the hug just made you giddy for some reason that you couldn't pull off the 'mothering act' right now.

Donghae scoffed at you, refusing to let go. "Ya. Since when did my Dongsaeng decide to boss me around? hmmm?" He muttered next to your ear as he held you tighter. You couldn't move from his grasp.

Suddenly the bell for class rang. *DIIIIINNNNGGG~~~~*

Shoot! I'm already late! Thanks a lot Donghae!

"Ya! we're late! Let go!" you used all your strength to push him off of you. "God, your like a leech...." you grumbled.

He suddenly winked at you as he was about to walk off, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Ya!" You yelled as he walked down the hall. "Why didn't I get a goodbye?!"

He then casually waved without looking back.

Gah.... he's so weird today...

Just then, a teacher came passing by you as he noticed you yelling. "Get to class Eunsung! Stop making a ruckus!" He spat at you while continuing to walk.

You frowned at getting scolded for the second time today. But you shook it off as you arrived into class late.



You entered class, taking a seat to another close friend of yours. She was like a girl best friend to you. Her name, Lee Yoonhi. 

(This is what your friend, Yoonhi, looks like)

"Oh! Eunsung you're here! I thought you weren't going to make it today, you're never late to class!" She spoke surprised. 

Even though your always getting in trouble, being late was never a reason for it. That was one of your pet peeves, being late. Not just to school but anywhere you went, you had to be on time. 

"Aish..." You frowned thinking about Donghae's hug which made you late. But soon that frown went away as the word 'hug' stayed in your thoughts and you started to grin. 

Yoonhi stared at you awkwardly trying to figure out what that quick change of emotion was for. 

"Yah..." She lightly poked your arm bringing you back into the real world and away from your thoughts. 

You glanced at her. "Hmm?" 

"What was that?" She questioned curiously.

"What ws what?" You replied.

"One second your frowning for being late then suddenly your smiling like a little girl." She accused you with a smirk forming on her face.

She's got a pretty good idea of where that smile was coming from. 

"I don't know what your talking about!" You lied keeping a straight face. "I wasn't even smiling. I'm mad because I'm late. Remember?" You tried sounding convincing, but to the 'all knowing' Yoonhi, it didn't work.

Yoonhi gave a sucpiscious look before speaking up again. "You were with Donghae, weren't you, Eunsung~" She leaned back in her chair, folding her arms over her chest like she was waiting for you to prove her right. 

"Ani." you stayed in character. 

"Aish. Stop lying." She shrugged. 

"Mwoh? Lying?! I'm not lying!" You lied...again.

"Eunsung~ Eunsung~" She sang shaking her head in disapointment. 

"What?!" You questioned, annoyed. 

She smirked seeing your reaction. "Look." She started. "I know your not going to admit it to me, nor anyone else in the world, but you were with Donghae. And the reason your hiding that? Well, it's simple!" She smiled.

"Ya! What makes you think you know anything about me and Donghae?" You squinted your eyes towards her.

Oh don't get me started.... She thought. "Well, you always talk about him, first off."

"I do not!" you defended but Yoonhi ignored you.

"And your always with him, though you lie about it which is stupid because everyone in the entire school always sees you two together."

You tried arguing again but you knew she was right...

"And lastly, the simple reason...." She paused.

What. What?! What is so simple?!

"You like him." She concluded nonchalantely.

"HAH!" You laughed out loud. "Like? Of course I like him! He's a best friend to me!" You laughed off her assumption.

She sighed at your oblivious remark. "No Eunsung." She gave you a look.

"You LIKE him." emphasizing the word 'like' so you would catch on to her saying you like him more than just a best friend.

You gave her a look like that was the craziest thing to assume. "Psh! What makes you think I LIKE him? Huh?" You crossed your arms as well, waiting for her answer.

She sighed. "Well to make it EVEN MORE SIMPLE, you smile thinking about him. You can't be away from him and if you are, your not in the same mood. You always talk about you and him as 'best friends'. You LIE about being with him, probably because you're embarrassed anyone will notice a little chemistry goin on with you two. And! ....you blush around him." She smirked confidentally.

You paused for a moment thinking about everything she just said. Did she really notice all that...? WAIT! What am I talking about?! There's nothing to notice! And I blush?! Since when!?

"I don't blush around him...." You looked away for a moment, blushing.

"AH!" She stood up excitedly, pointing her finger at your face. "Like right now! Eunsung! You're blushing!"

You gave her a look then pushed her hand away from your face. "YAH! I am not! And again, I don't blush around him! .... I blush when you talk about him..." You looked away, mumbling that last part but then regretted even saying it because, remember, you won't even admit anything to yourself.

Yoonhi heard a little mumbling from your mouth but didn't quite understand what you said, but to save your from further embarrassment, she dropped it.

She then sighed and looked at the front of the classroom as the teacher just walked in.

Aish... like him?

psh... like him...

ya right...



that's funny.

You continued thinking about it even though the conversation was done and over with. The thought of 'liking' him dug through your mind and your heart.

A strange meaning it had, an unusual meaning to you.



I like... Donghae?




Hey guys!

Hehe Eunsung and Donghae<3

There is chapter three! how was it...? ><

Please comment and let me know!

And thanks to my new subscribers!

Anticipate 4 please~!






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Chapter 4: Sorry i havent commented in a while! Please update soon! i like your story a lot~
melonlove #2
Chapter 4: I like the side 'couple' eunhyuk and yoonhi<3
bubbleteahunhan #3
Chapter 4: I want them to kiss
seoberslove #4
I cant wait to start this! looks interesting <3
love it unni! update soon
isarangu #6
Chapter 4: this is really cute
melonlove #7
Chapter 3: I want her to admit she likes him lol she so does. but i know how she feels <3
luluseob #8
cant wait to start reading! please update a lot so we have a lot to read ^^
sujuie #9
Chapter 3: i like this so far! I hope their love is admitted soon~
bubbleteahunhan #10
Chapter 3: i feel like the feels this is going to give me will be too much. update soon!