Chapter 3

Chrome: Rise to the Top (New Group from TEMPO Entertainment) [Apply Closed]

Chance was quiet as the makeup artist dabbed pounds of concealer on under his dark circles. He hadn't gotten a wink of sleep last night. Something that was beginning to become common, unfortunately. It seemed that he wasn't the only one who hadn't slept either, since he was fairly sure that he heard one of the noonas further down scolding Hyde for his own dark circles.

“Really, how many times have I told you to get some sleep? You could've at least put a mask on or something to make this better!” The woman whined as she grabbed the leader's chin to pull his face closer to her.

“Do I look like a woman to you?” Hyde asked coldly as he cracked open an eye to glare at the woman. “What do I look like if I walk around the house wearing a mask eh? Should I grow my hair out and put on a dress while I'm at it noona?”

“Aish, this punk thinking he can just talk to me however he wants.” The woman growled before smacking the male upside his head a few times. “One of these days I'm going to make you look really ugly for the cameras if you keep it up.”

The makane couldn't help the small chuckle that left his lips as he turned his attention to his own reflection in the mirror. Normally this wasn't something that he'd find all that funny, but he couldn't help but to be entertained by the scene to his right. After all, Hyde-hyung had earned it.

“What's so funny Chanwoo-ah?” A voice hummed from his left, and the male glanced over at Yunwook who had an eyebrow arched in curiosity. The blonde male pursed his lips as he rested his chin on the armrest of the chair he had somehow managed to awkwardly curl up in.

“Oh it's just...” the male trailed off before he began to turn his head in the direction of Hyde and his stylist.

“Yah, don't turn your head, you'll mess up this eyeliner!” The short woman beside him scolded quietly, though it wasn't a mean tone at all.

“Ah, sorry.” The male apologized quickly, feeling his face heat up. He was sure that his cheeks were burning red despite the layer of makeup that hid his true complexion. The woman reassured him that it was alright, and he let out a small sigh of relief. “Anyways Yunwook, I was laughing because of Hyde-hyung and his funny stylist-noona. She's totally kicking his .”

“He earned it.” Yunwook yawned softly, squinting up at the makane. “You know, you're a cutie, Chanwoo-ah.” The blonde smiled lightly up at his friend, chuckling when he noticed how flustered the other got.

“M-me? No way hyung. I'm not..cute! I'm just—”



“Just take the compliment.” The blonde sighed out.

“Okay.” Chanwoo sighed as he looked down.


The twins were staring intently at each other as they were comparing their hairstyles.

“I think it's too similar.” Youngjae muttered.

“But it's clearly different.” Youngmin sighed as he leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. Was Youngjae really going to start with this now?

“It's the same style but in a different color!” The younger twin groaned out.

“It's not the same. My swoosh goes to the left, and yours goes to the right.” Youngmin reassured his brother. “And don't worry, our clothes will definitely be different enough for people to tell the difference.”

“Fine, fine.”


Ivan sipped at his water as the stylist put the finishing touches on his hair. His black hair was spiked slightly, and his makeup was slightly dark looking. Nothing he had a problem with. He looked pretty good if he did say so himself. Feeling eyes on him, he glanced over and caught Hyde looking over at him with curious eyes.

“What?” He asked cooly.

“I was just wondering how they were gonna make the rest of you guys look.” The blue-haired leader explained with a shrug. His tone was soft, and none if his normal attitude was present in his words. This was something that made Insoo on edge.

“What's with you today?” He asked slowly, giving the elder male a weary once over.

“What are you talking about?” Hyde inquired as he popped an white pill into his mouth before leaning over to take the younger's water in order to get a swig. Once he had swallowed, he handed it back to the raven-haired male. “I'm acting normal.”

“No you're not. You're being...nice. It's weird.”

“I'm not being nice. I'm just too tired to care today. And I'm still a little bit drunk from last night if you want me to be honest.” He shrugged a bit, closing his eyes as he leaned back slightly in his seat, waiting for the director to come over and tell them things were about to start.

“Why do you drink so much if you know you have work in the morning?” Insoo deadpanned, his eyes narrowing into slits.

“To forget.” Hyde said bluntly, not opening his eyes. Insoo felt a bit of curiosity bubbling up in him. What could this guy possibly have to forget that he had to drink himself into oblivion almost every night? Surely it couldn't be anything that terrible, after all...Hyde appeared to be the spoiled brat of a son that his parents probably doted on day in and day out...That would explain his attitude after all. Opening his mouth to ask, he was cut off before he could even get a word out. “It's private.” The male smiled slightly, holding a finger up to his lips as if telling the other to be quiet. “I might tell you one day. But not yet.” A low chuckle left the leader's lips before he opened his eyes. “You look nice you know. If I were a girl I'd want in your pants.”

Insoo looked at the leader as if he had grown three heads. Did that really just come out of Hyde's mouth of all people. A soft scoff left his lips as he shook his head, looking back at the mirror. “Crazy bastard.”


I apologize a million times over for this being so late! I've been working really hard on school lately, but now that summer has come around, hopefully I can get the ball rolling on this story and the others that I've been neglecting as well. I decided to give everyone a glimpse of Hyde's true nature. Enjoy it while it's there, because in about an hour he'll be back to normal, ahaha.

Really though thank you guys for sticking around, I know I'm a terrible author-ssi. Also, I need you all to tell me if you're okay with having romantic/ual relations with other group members. If you're not that's fine, but you're missing out on something interesting if you say no~ -o-


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Oh wow. I said thanksgiving....I didn't mean to say that. Oops. well yeah.


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morninginmarch #1
Hey, this is formerly ShawolCassieElf, just informing you that I have had a username change :)
Chapter 8: awwww this is cute!!

-HydeVan shipper xD
morninginmarch #3
Chapter 8: Yay you updated! I thought that you had abandoned it but it makes me happy to see that you haven't. Okay, I ship Ivan/Hyde, Yunwook/Chanwoo and since I wanted my twins together they're adorable~
Gosh I love how Hyde says "If you were a girl, I would want into your pants". Out of all things to say, Hyde are you making a move on Ivan?
Yunwook and Chanwoo are so cute. Actually Chanwoo is an adorable little flustered maknae and Yunwook is so sweet and cute. And Youngjae complaining about the similarities of their hairstyles, I love the way that Youngmin describes it as "swoosh". Wouldn't be be more like parting or something? It doesn't matter, using a word like that makes it adorable <3
Can't want for more updates! Yay for summer!
Chapter 7: Huaaa he fainted?? Poor him :( is he sick or something?
And yeah, this is getting worst :( really hope to see these guys getting along well soon. Huuuuu :))
The twins are sooo cuutteer xD sharing is caring nehh? Haha
morninginmarch #5
Chapter 7: Oh my god, poor Chanwoo! Why did he faint? Poor darling, I hope he's okay, and it's just a one-off thing. Yunwook is so sweet to Chanwoo, caring about his health. And the twins as well, they're such dears <3 I think it's adorable how Youngmin grabbed food, and took 2 forks because he knew that Youngjae would be sharing with him.
"Is he dead?" <-- cracked up laughing so badly.
Hyde seriously needs to get a personality makeover. He has the worst personality ever, I wonder if it stems from his drinking? But really, Ivan and Hyde are always at each other's throats. I kinda ship the two of the together though XD. They're both so... domineering, I wonder what it would be like if they were together. A heck lot of fighting I bet XD
Chapter 7: Seriously, Ivan's right, Hyde should really loosen up a bit, try to be a little friendly... xD
And poor Chanwoo fainted? D: But I gotta admit the other member's reactions were hilarious xD
Hyde is a sweety under all of that badass act, I knew it u.u
I get the feeling Yunwook and Chanwoo are going to be good friends ^v^ It doesn't really surprise me that the maknae decided to sit with Yunwook though, from what I've noticed him and Youngmin are the most friendly ones xD