Too late...

Sorry is too late.

Daehyun: Hi ;)

(-----): Uhm, HI.

Daehyun: So how’s it been?

(-----): Uhm, sorry but who is this?

Daehyun: Someone, you used to always talk to. ;)

(-----): Someone I used to talk to?

Daehyun: Yea

(-----): Ji Hoon?

Daehyun: What? No.

(-----): I don’t know then?

Daehyun: It’s me Daehyun.

(-----): Daehyun??

Daehyun: Yea, ;), wht you don’t remember me?

(-----): No, and I think you have the wrong person. I don’t know a Daehyun.

Daehyun: You lying, Jung Daehyun. Don’t ring a bell?

(-----): Nope.

Daehyun: We promised that once I drive I’ll take you out if you didn’t have a boyfriend yet.

(-----): We did????

Daehyun: Yea and you told me you liked me.

(-----): I did?

Daehyun: Yea, don’t tell me you forgot who I am.

(-----): Sorry I don’t know who you are really. Maybe you’ve mistakened me for someone else.

Daehyun: No I didn’t.

(-----): Then maybe someone has the same name as I do.

Daehyun: No, isn’t your name (-----)?

(-----): How did you know?

Daehyun: I told you I know you.

(-----): If you know me then how come I don’t recognize or remember you at all?

Daehyun: Are you really serious or just playing around?

(-----): Does it look as if I am playing around?

Daehyun: Yes. No.

(-----): Look im not playing around and maybe you really did get me mixed up with someone you probably thought I was.

Daehyun: Wait don’t you live in Busan?

(-----): No I don’t live in that area anymore. And how did you know?

Daehyun: I told you I do know you and you know me.

(-----): If I do then why isn’t your name ringing a bell for me at all??

Daehyun: You once told me you liked me and talked about your ex to me and I told you let’s work it out maybe we’ll get a chance. And you told me you lived in Busan too.


Daehyun: See I told you I do know you. Your bday is on December 25, you like kpop, and I used to always call you my kr girl.


Daehyun: Yea, so now do you remember?

(-----): ………..daedae oppa?......

Daehyun: YES! Now do you remember?

(-----): Yea I think I do

Daehyun: ;), So how’s it been?

(-----): I’ve been good, haven’t seen my family in a while though L

Daehyun: Oh how come? Don’t you like live with them?

(-----): No I don’t live in Busan anymore. I’m in the states now.

Daehyun: Oh, and you didn’t wait for me?

(-----): How was I supposed to know you wanted to go? We just stopped talking.

Daehyun: Oh my bad, *sighs* I miss talking to you. I really do.

(-----): Oh……….

Daehyun: Yea, actually I wanted to say this to you for a while now but never got the chance to, so here it goes, I didn’t start realizing until now that I liked you, when I see the text we text to each other, I always feel happy, and just by looking at our old messages I miss it, everything we did it made me miss you. So will you be my girlfriend?

(-----): That’s really nice Daehyun. But you are to late now. I gave you a chance, gave you hint, told you, but u didn’t take any of those in. at that time, I thought maybe you only said those things just to flatter me and such, I was a pabo for liking you at that time, but now I know, I shouldn’t have waited, I thought maybe I can wait a little more, but a year passed, I’ve moved on Daehyun, I already found someone.

Daehyun: you……….already did?

(-----): Yea, ever since I came to U.S.A I wanted to start new forget everything that happened to me for the past year. And it made me forget you, you broke my heart, made me fall into pieces, I knew I shouldn’t have trusted you words of saying we should try to work things out maybe we’ll be together, but no, I was dreaming too far.

Daehyun: Look I’m sorry ok. I didn’t realize it until now.

(-----): A sorry is too late now Daehyun. Goodbye.


(-----) is now offline. Send a message until she is online again.

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Sorry for the lame story.
Annyeong :D


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There may be a continuation of this story.
A few years later onto this story.
supacha #2
Chapter 1: awwww dae T_T
I like how it is written :)
(btw, your title missing an 'o' in 'to'?)