

This story is about Junhyung meeting a girl named Hyun Ae(you), he asks you out, but then you find out something weird about your bestfriend Lee Sorae, when you are around her, she acts strange and seems kinda guilty. While your other bestfriend Taeyang is there with you throughout everything. Will Sorae leave Taeyang and You? Will Junhyung stay by your side like he promised? I don't know. FIND OUUUUUT!


Okay so B2ST. Do I need to explain? my username is about b2st, my first story is about b2st. i love b2st. my bias,Junhyung is in this because... i dunno. okay so i dont think I should write about a boy and a girl falling inlove but this was my birthday gift for my cousin who is turning 15 next month. I know i'm young but I hope this will make sense to you guys. Please Please, Understand and I really hope you guys will like it ... >.<

gamsamnidha :)



I was walking home from work, tired and annoyed

"Why The hell did he come to the cafe again?"  I sat down on the bench.

Ex-boyfriends. Wanting you back. I try another job, letting go of those times, leaving him cause he went for another girl, AND HE HAS THE NERVES TO LOOK FOR ME AGAIN?!?

"Aish. This is really irritating"  I said as I stood up.

I was now waiting for my bus. Okay, home and i'll be okay. I'll make a cup of tea and go on tumblr.

The bus came and I gave him my ticket

I walked down the aisle, and looking for a seat.

"Assa!" I called as I took a seat.

I didnt even notice the man beside me.





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