Behind The Scenes (The Making of these poems from "Thinking Of YOU" to "Falling for YOU")

Falling For YOU

Hey everyone~! How's your day/night/midday/midnight or whatever time it is! haha!


But one question....

Have you guys ever wondered why I always base on Junhyung onto my poems????







Well... Here's your answer......











I always base Yong Junhyung not just because he's my bias nor I'm obssesed w/ him...

BUT because the guy that I like before is just like him...

and now he(referring to the guy that I liked before)'s just my friend cuz he had broke my heart.





and why am I telling you this?....

is just because that maybe you'll bash me or even tell me that I'm just a "feeler who always dreams about her bias", etc... Tha's why I am telling you this =)



and last.....


A big Thank You for those who subscribed/read/silent-read it... I really appreciated it!

I've been more happier~ =)

I Love you~!!!!

and I wanna thank

@AznXRose , and @taehaewook1513 for supporting me!!!

and @AznXRose... thank you for promoting it!!! I should do something to you back...!

but most of all... (referring to all of you) I LOVE YOU and THANK YOU!!! *bows*




By the way, before I leave.... here's @AznXRose's Story: My Heart Only For You!!! I bet you'll LOVE it!!! Go read hers! Just click the title of the story~!!! and away we go~~~



....OH yeah.. I just wanna promote my favorite B2ST, MBLAQ story: Elimination by CandyxKiss!!! Jusst click the story and a way weeeeeee gooooooo~~~!!!!!!!!

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LOL aww! u help promote my story!!! aaaahhh thank you!!! hahaha love you lots! <3
awww all these poems are cute..mostly sad though :(..but very well written :) love it lol
awwww...first paragraph natouch ako..ahmf..and the rest so loving..<3keep up the good more..:>
haha wow!..its cute! guessing this is also about you?..because of what you told me that one time about ur family member..anyways its not corny for me! haha its lovely lol..your poems are always seem mellow and soft and idk..sweet i guess hard! :)