Getting to Know the Mysterious Girl

난 바보 야 (I’m a Fool)

The next day, I went to school earlier than my usual time. When I entered the room, I saw her arranging her things. I sat at my seat and observe her.

Sunye said that she swings that way but she looks normal to me well except for her hair that makes her look boyish but other than that she looks like an ordinary student who’s beauty and cuteness are overflowing.

Hmmm…Should I approach her now?

I look at the wall and saw that it’s already 7 in the morning, 30 minutes before homeroom starts but it’s still just the two of us here in the room.

Ok, at 7:05, I will approach her I stare at the clock and wait for time to pass by.

*Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock*

It’s already 7:01, 4 more minutes.

*Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock*

Its still 7:01

*Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock*

Argh! Its still 7:01. Time! Why are so slow?

*Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock*

I look at the clock and it shows that it is still 7:01 in the morning.

Alright, alright, I’ll go to her now.

I stood up and went to where she is. She’s still arranging her things.


“Ummm…Hi” She looked surprised that I approached and greeted her.

“Thank You”

“Thank you?” She looks at me confusingly.

“Thank you for returning my notebook even though I left you at the hallway” I smiled at her.

“Oh that, don’t mention it” She smiled back to me

“My name’s Choi Sooyoung”

“Lee Sunny”

“Uhhh…Do you usually have many things?”

“Huh?” I took the seat from the desk beside her and sat in it.

“Well, ever since I came here, you’ve been busy arranging your things”

“It’s not that I have many things, it’s just that I want my things to be well organized.”

“Oh, is that so? Do you need any help?”

“Ah, no, no, thank you but no. I can take care of this by myself”

“As you wish”

She stopped organizing her things and just stared at me.

“Uh, is there something on my face?” She stared intensely at me.

“You don’t care about your image at all, do you?”


She stood up and leaned to my face. Her face is only a few inches away from mine. She move away her face in front of me and whispered to my ear.

“Didn’t you know about the rumor?”


I look at my right and our eyes met. I made sure that I look innocent to her. She suddenly smiled and her eyes turned into crescents.

She has a cute eye smile.

“Forget what I said” She went back to her original position and prepared for the first class.


“Ms. Choi and Ms. Lee?” Our homeroom teacher, Ms. Song called us.

“Yes Miss?” We both asked.

“Did the two of you come before 7?”

“Yes ma’am” I answered.

“Ah, so that’s why you didn’t know”

“Didn’t know what, Miss?”

“Classes were suspended because we will experience heavy rainfall later so it means that you two should head home now. I’ll come back here after 10 minutes and if I still see the two of you here well you know me when I give punishments” After she said that, she went out of the room.

“I guess we should go now?” I asked her.

“Yeah, we better should go now before she comes back here”

“Let’s go”


“Hmm? Why?”

“You forgot your bag” She pointed at my bag.

“Oh, I didn’t forget it. I intended to leave it there”

“Eh? Why?”

“So I won’t have anything to carry tomorrow” A dorky grin appeared in my face.

“Quite a lazy bum huh?” She asked while approaching me. Then we went out of the room.

“I’m not a lazy bum. I’m just clever.” She scoffed. “What? You don’t believe me?”

“You’re not just a lazy bum but you’re also full of yourself” Now it’s my turn to scoffed.

“For your information Ms. Lee, I’m one of the most humble persons here at our school”


“What?! First you called me a lazy bum then a person who is full of herself now a bragger? Do you still have anything to add?”

“Hmm…nothing left”

“Are you sure? What if I say that I’m pretty?” She stopped in her tracks and looked at me.

“Well that I can’t deny. You really are pretty” After she said that, she smiled and walked away. I was taken back. I thought she would contradict it. I look down and started thinking.

Could it be….? No! I shouldn’t judge her right away.

When I look back in front, she’s already far away from me. I ran to catch up to her.

“Hey wait for me”


“I’ll pretend that I didn’t hear that”

“Slowpoke, slowpoke, slowpoke”

“Lalalala~” I covered my ears while making random noise.

“Hahaha” I remove my hands from my ears when I heard her laugh. Her laugh sounds refreshing and cute. I found myself staring at her.

“Is there something on my face?”

“Uh? Huh?”

“You’ve been staring at me for quite a while now”

“Uh, there’s something on your cheek” I pretend that I removed something at her face. Her skin feels smooth “There, it’s gone”

“Thank you”

“Don’t mention it”

When we arrived at the school gate, we stopped walking.

“So where’s your way? Left or right?” I asked her.

 “Left. How ‘bout you?”

“Left also. Want to walk home together?”

“Sure” We started walking again.

I need to confirm Sunye’s information.

“So, when did you transfer at our school?”

“I’ve been there since the start of this school year”

“Really? Sorry I didn’t notice you”

“It’s fine. I’m used to it because I’m the silent type”

“But still, I’m sorry”

“I already said its fine so stop apologizing”

 “Okay.” Silence engufled around us till I decided to break it.

"Uh, can I ask you something?"

"Sure. What is it?"

"Do you usually eat alone?" She stopped and stared at me. "Uh...If you don't want to, you can stay silent and not answer my question" She giggled.

"I told you I'm the silent type so I don't have any friends at school. That's way I always eat alone at our classroom"

"Oh...thanks for answering"

"Do have any other questions?"

"I'm already out" She smiled at me. For the next minutes, we silently walked side by side till she reached our parting way.

“Hey, I need to go to the other direction. My house is this way” She pointed to the right.

“Oh okay. Bye. See you tomorrow”

“See you tomorrow”

After I made sure that's completely gone, I proceeded in walking towards my home.

She looks normal to me. Guess I need to get to know her more...........

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Chapter 10: Sniff sniff.... Its so beautiful!!
Chapter 9: Now im being a cry baby here!! Wahhh!!
Chapter 8: I be its going to be hard!!!
Chapter 7: Poor sooyoung... But.... Is that luna!?!
Chapter 6: Awww.. Soojungie fighting
Chapter 5: Waahhh!!! Soooo cute!!! It only means somethig hahahhha
Chapter 4: Oohhh my heart!!! So much fluffiness!!! Its killing me!!
Chapter 3: Hahaha... So cute !!
Chapter 2: A progress that is!!!
Chapter 1: Weeiiihhh!!! Its just the start yet its already cute