
His Return

When he turns to look out of the window of his old bedroom, he watches the snowflakes fall. It’s nice to be home again, although he has to leave in a couple of days.
There is a stuffed animal, a little bear that fits in the palm of his hand, resting on his bed. He gingerly picks it up and its features. It was a gift, he still remembers, from his childhood friend. Just the thought of it nearly makes him tear up. He wishes he doesn’t have to go back to his apartment, he just wants to stay here forever. He wishes he never left in the first place, he just wants everything to be like how it used to be.
He looks up and sees his mother standing in the doorway, her hand leaning on the doorknob.
‘‘I’m glad you decided to visit,’’ she says with a bright smile. ‘‘it’s been a while. And Christmas isn’t the same without you.’’
Jiyong doesn’t say anything and just nods. It’s a sign that gives her permission to leave, and she does.
The young man retrieves his cellphone from his pocket and browses through his contact list. He’s had the same number for ages and he hopes that goes for these people as well. There are some names, numbers and faces he will never forget, and some that are a bit more vague.
He selects a certain person and types out a new text message. It’s hard to keep it short, but he manages to do so.
I’m at my old house. Are you in town? If so, and I hope it isn’t too much to ask, please come over.
Pressing send has never been so difficult before. And not even a minute later his phone vibrates, indicating a new message.
Who is this?
Jiyong reads it at least three times before he replies.
Did you delete my number? It’s me, Jiyong.
He’s not sure if he has the right to be upset about this. So he takes a deep breath before opening another reply.
I’m sorry.
Jiyong doesn’t know how to respond, so he just lays the phone on the wooden nightstand. He sits down on his bed and closes his eyes. It’s quiet now, he can barely even hear any traffic or kids playing outside in the snow. A rare moment, one that seems to spread a peaceful feeling inside his body.
Time passes slowly, and suddenly there’s another vibration. He picks up his cellphone with hesitation and reads the text.
Come to the park. Usual spot.


The snow cracks underneath his shoes and the snowflakes cover his hair. The scarf circled around his neck provides him with just a little bit of warmth and he buries his hands in his coat’s pockets, balling them into fists.
There’s a man standing at their old usual spot, leaning against a tree whilst smoking a cigarette. From afar he can’t tell who it is, so he thinks it may be someone else. But he was told to meet here, so he walks over to him.
‘‘Glad to see you could make it here so quick,’’ the man says as soon as the distance between them is little enough for Jiyong to hear him. ‘‘I was afraid you wouldn’t show up.’’
‘‘Seunghyun?’’ Jiyong questions quietly, and the man nods in confirmation. ‘‘It’s nice to meet you again after all these years.’’
‘‘You’ve grown,’’ his old friend mentions teasingly, removing the cigarette from between his lips and throwing it on the ground, and he steps on it to make sure it’s out.
Jiyong smiles briefly and then eyes a bench a few feet away from them. ‘‘Shall we take a seat?’’
The two approach the bench in silence. Jiyong wipes away some snow so they can sit down.
‘‘Why did you want me to come over?’’ Seunghyun asks immediately.
‘‘I wanted to see you,’’ answers Jiyong. ‘‘is that so strange?’’
‘‘No,’’ Seughyun says. ‘‘I just don’t understand why now. Surely you visited your hometown many other times, Jiyong.’’
‘‘True,’’ he admits. ‘‘I was just afraid of how you would react. I’m sorry, man.’’
Seunghyun sighs in annoyance and stares into Jiyong’s eyes. ‘‘Do you have any idea how much you’ve  hurt me? I’m not saying this to make you feel horrible, honestly, but you could have at least told me you were leaving. You were leaving and you didn’t even notify your best friend. And you are the only reason I stayed here in the first place - I’ve always hoped you would return and I wanted to be there when you did.’’
‘‘I’m so ing sorry.....’’
‘‘Jiyong, afterwards I thought you were a selfish, inconsiderate bastard,’’ he continued. ‘‘but I forgive you. Because I came to realize how much I love you, and I always have.’’
Tears are starting to form in Jiyong’s eyes as he hears Seunghyun say this, and he wishes he could go back in time to redo everything.
‘‘I-I don’t really know what to say...’’
‘‘You don’t have to say anything. I’ll be going now, if you don’t mind.’’
Seunghyun stands up to leave, but Jiyong stops him by grabbing his sleeve.
‘‘Don’t leave me... Please.’’
They both smile bitterly at how ironic it sounds. Neither move, and eventually Jiyong looks down and lets go. His old friend sits down again and fidgets with his coat.
‘‘I finished my study, gained some experience along the way and I’m thinking of moving back here,’’ Jiyong announces.
Seunghyun nods stiffly.
‘‘Do you remember when I always said how awesome it would be if we were roommates?’’
Another slight movement of his head.
‘‘I’m sorry.’’
Seunghyun grabs Jiyong’s hand and tightens his grip, causing the man to look at him. ‘‘Stop apologizing. Look, I’m sorry too. For deleting your number and not trying to contact you. I’m not angry, not anymore. I’m not sad, not anymore, because now you’re here and that’s all that matters.’’
‘‘You sound like a hopeless romantic,’’ says Jiyong with a smile.
‘‘I certainly feel like one,’’ Seunghyun replies.
He reaches into his chest pocket and pulls out a pack of cigarettes, ignoring the look of disapproval Jiyong gave him. His fingers open it up and he wants to take a stick, but Jiyong grabs the whole thing and throws it away, as far as he can.
‘‘I won’t be able to kiss you if you’re smoking.’’
Seunghyun raises an eyebrow and the next thing he experiences is the feeling of a soft pair of lips gently pressed against his own. Just a simple and cute peck, and despite the fact that it’s cold outside, and even Jiyong’s lips are cold, he feels a familiar warmth spread within his body. It’s amazing and he can feel Jiyong smile just before he pulls away.
‘‘You’re always welcome to move in with me, you know that?’’



I don't know why I posted this. Should focus on her multichaptered fic which I am actually doing but it's not working out

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Chapter 1: Ugh this is hella cute <3<3<3
Chapter 1: this is so sweet~ good job.. <3
SunnyKid #3
Chapter 1: I love Regina Spektor and I love this fic.