Crazy Meeting



I was happily running around the most beautiful place in the world. A place full of flowers and soft grass where I can just roll around. A place where the air is fresh and the skies are blue. A place where there's nothing to worry about. I was enjoying the moment when my phone suddenly rang which caused everything to disappear. I woke up from my dreamland. I stood up, still half asleep and took my phone on the table. I swear if this is not important I'm gonna kill whoever this person is.



"Hey Yul. You sound so lazy. Did you just wake up?"

"Oh hey mom. Ne.. I just did. What's up?"

"Nothing. I just called to check on you. So how have you been?"

"I'm doing well mom. I stay home most of the time. How's work?"

"Work's good. Your dad told me to say hi."

"Oh. Please tell him I said hi too."

"Okay dear. I will."

"Thanks mom. So are you free today? Do you want to have breakfast with me?"

"Breakfast? Yul, it's almost 12 noon."

"Oh.. Sorry mom, I didn't notice the time. How about lunch then?"

"I would love to but I can't. Work is on the way again. I'm sorry Yul."

"It's okay mom. No big deal. I understand. Maybe next time.."

"Yes, I promise to eat out with you next time. Anyway, I have to go now."

"Yeah okay. Thanks for calling."

"Alright. Always be safe Yul. Enjoy the rest of your vacation."

"Ne. You too mom."

"I'm hanging up now. I love you."

"Okay. I love you too."


I'm glad my mom called. It feels great to hear her voice. My parents may be busy all the time but I know they care a lot for me. I know how much they love me. So anyway, I walked to my room and was surprised to see it empty. I found a note lying on the bed so I took it and read it.


I don't know how and when I got to your room but I know

you didn't do anything creepy or something because you're

out there sleeping in the couch. Thank you for taking care of me

last night. I know I was totally wasted and I probably did a lot of

crazy things, so thank you and I'm so sorry.


P.S._Thank you for charging my phone and I'm sorry for leaving

without telling you. You were just sleeping so deeply.


                                                                            - Y


Y? She could have at least written her whole name. I hope I see that beautiful girl again. Aish! What am I saying? After reading the note, I folded the paper and placed it inside my wallet. I don't why but I decided to keep it. Then I headed to the bathroom to shower.


After showering, I decided to call Sooyoung. After a few rings, she picked up.


"Hey Yul, what's up?"

"Nothing much. So, Did you eat lunch?"

"Not yet. I'm about to. Why?"

"I was gonna ask if you wanted to eat together?"

"Sure! Are you cooking?"

"No, I'm too lazy to cook. Let's meet at the restaurant of this hotel."

"Okay, I'll be there in 10 minutes."

"Thanks! You're the best."

"I know! See you then.."



After hanging up, I placed my keys, my wallet and my phone in my bag and went out. I rode the elevator and pressed the button for 1st floor. The elevator was empty. When we reached the 30th floor, the door opened and three people went inside. I seriously hate the elevator ride from my room. It's just so long and boring. I wish my room was on the 3rd floor or somewhere near the ground floor so I don't have to wait that long to go down. Unfortunately, my mom wanted me to have one of the best rooms that's why my room is all the way up to the 46th floor. Good thing is that it's near the rooftop where I stay mostly every night to chill out. Finally, we reached the ground floor and I walked towards the restaurant.


"Annyong hasaeyo Miss Yuri!" George, our hotel manager, greeted me with a bow.

"Oh hey George. Please just drop the formality with me. How many times should I tell you that? I'm not even your boss, I'm just the daughter of your boss." I told him.

"Which makes you my boss too." he told me, smiling. I just rolled my eyes and smiled back.


George is not only the hotel manager but also the guy who takes good care of me. No one asked him to look after me but he does. He knows almost everything about me since he watched me grow up. My mom and dad would always bring me here before to have dinner together or when they have business meetings here. George would always play with me when I come to visit. Maybe that's how I got close to him. He's kind of like my dad, brother, friend and saviour. He's the kindest man I've ever met so far, aside from my dad.


"So, what would you like for lunch?" he asked me.

"The usual. But I'm still waiting for Sooyoung right now so I'll just get my order when she comes." I answered.

"I understand." he said, still formally.

"Have you eaten lunch? Do you want to join us?" I asked.

"Unfortunately, I have. But thanks for the invite young miss." I rolled my eyes again which made him laugh a little.

"Oh yeah, by the way, do you know a beautiful girl with doe eyes, about the same height as me, and a little skinny who might be staying in this hotel?" I asked.

"I'm sorry young miss. I don't. Do you want me to check the records? Do you know her name?" he answered.

"Aniyo. You don't need to do that. It's okay." I told him, smiling.


Just then, Sooyoung came and I waved my hand for her to see me. As soon as she found me, she smiled and waved back as she walked towards our table.


"Hey Yul! Hey George! Are you joining us for lunch?" Sooyoung greeted.

"Annyong hasaeyo Miss Sooyoung. I'm afraid I won't be joining you this time. My apologies." he answered as he bowed.

"Aww.. That . And when will you ever stop being formal with us?" Sooyoung said, raising her brows. George just gave her an apologetic smile.

"So what do you want to eat Soo?" I asked.

"Whatever you're eating." she answered. I looked at George and he nodded.

"I'll go ahead and tell them your orders. It was great seeing you two again, I'll be leaving now." he said as he bowed and left.

"So Yul, what plans do you have for today?" she asked.

"Nothing. Seriously, this school break is so boring. Nothing's there to do. What about you?"

"I don't have any plans yet. And I agree with you. This break sure is boring. Hmmmm.. Do you want to go out tonight? I mean with the gang?"

"Where are we going?"

"What about clubbing? Let's go to the club tonight."

"Okay sure. We better tell the gang then."

"Yeah. I'll text them."


We both took our phones and started texting.


To: Jessica

We're going out to the club tonight. Do you want to come?


From: Jessica

I would love to, but I can't tonight. I already promised to meet my sister. I'm sorry.


To: Jessica

No problem. Well, I'm eating lunch with Sooyoung right now. Do you want to meet us after?


From: Jessica

Sure! I'll meet you in an hour.


To: Jessica

Okay. See you in an hour then. :)


From: Jessica

Alright. Love you! :)


To: Jessica

Drive safely. :)


Then I put my phone back in my bag. Just then, our order came and we started eating. We talked about the normal things we talk about. After eating, we rode the elevator to go to my room. It's a good thing that I have Sooyoung with me, at least the ride up isn't boring. With Sooyoung, I can never be bored. She's just so fun to be with. And with her, you can never have dull moments. I guess we click because we're both dorks. Then we finally reached the 46th floor and headed to my room. She slumped herself on the couch as I walked to the kitchen.


"Soo, do you want popcorn?" I yelled from the kitchen.

"Ne! What movie are we watching?"

"Just go ahead and choose what you want."


My bestfriend is a shikshin so I know she wants food. I placed a popcorn bag on the microwave and then took some fruits on the fridge and started cutting them. Just then, I heard the doorbell ring. Jessica.


"Soo! Can you get the door for me?" I yelled again.

"Sure. Who are we expecting?" she answered as she stood up.

"Jessica." I answered.

"Oh. Okay." she said.


Then I heard Jessica greeting her. In just a few seconds, she came in to the kitchen. I greeted her with a hug and she kissed me on the cheek.


"Hey baby!" she said, smiling.

"Hey Jess. Why don't you join Sooyoung at the living room first while I finish our snacks?" I told her.

"Don't you want me to help?" she asked.

"No need for that. I'm almost done anyway. Just go pick out a movie with her." I answered, smiling.

"Alright then." she agreed, smiling back and then walked towards the living room.


I continued cutting the fruits. I could hear them laughing together which made me smile. After cutting all the fruits, I put them in the blender and turned it on. Just then, I heard the microwave beep so I opened it and took the popcorn and placed it on a bowl. Then I poured the fruit shake in to three glasses and put them on the tray with the bowl of popcorn. Then I lifted the tray and walked towards the living room.


"Have you chosen a movie to watch?" I asked them as I placed the tray on the table and sat at the couch with them.

"Ne.. Shall we start watching then?" Sooyoung asked.

"Ne.." we answered. Sooyoung pressed play on the remote and the movie started.


Jessica held my hand and rested on my shoulder. We started watching the movie while eating the popcorn that I prepared. They picked out a romantic film. Personally, I prefer horror or sci-fi movies but no one seems to be interested with those. Not even my other friends. Everyone loves romantic films. I wonder why. What's the fun in that? All you can see is two people being sweet and cheesy. The story just keeps revolving around their undying love for each other. I started feeling a little bored and sleepy. Then slowly my eyes were closing until I finally fell asleep.




I woke up when I felt someone tapping my shoulder. It was Jessica.


"I better go on ahead now." she told me, smiling.

"What? Already?" I protested.

"Baby, you've been sleeping for 4 hours now. Sooyoung and I have seen two movies already. Seriously, why are you so tired?" she said.

"Really? Well then, can't you just stay for one more hour?" I asked.

"I can't. My sister is waiting for me, remember? Let's just meet again some other day." she reminded.

"Alright then. Be safe, okay? Text or call me." I told her.

"Ne. Have fun at the club and don't drink too much." she said and faced Sooyoung. "You too Soo!"

"Yes mam!" Sooyoung told her which made us all laugh.


Then we all stood up and headed for the door. Sooyoung and I bid her goodbye and then we sat together at the couch again.


"So are you two finally dating?" she asked.

"Aniyo. I don't think we're ever gonna get there." I answered.

"Really? Why?"

"Because I don't feel that way for her. Yes, I like her but love? I don't think so.."

"Yah Kwon Yuri! Do you want to die?!"

"What? Why?"

"I told you not to play with her."

"I'm not playing with her. Don't worry about that. I told her what I feel for her. She even asked me if she could date someone else, I said yes. I'll be happy for her if she dates someone who truly loves her."

"Then what are you two?"

"Nothing. We're just friends, enjoying each other's company. Just like you and me."

"Friends who call each other 'baby'?"

"Only Jessica uses that. Why are you so protective of her anyway?"

"Well.. That's.. She's.. Because she's my friend!"

"I'm your friend too! Your bestfriend! Do you ever tell her not to play with me? And Choi Sooyoung, Why are you stuttering?"

"What? I'm not!"

"Yeah you are!"


Then we started chasing and tickling each other like little kids. I love this girl so much, not romantically though. She's like a sister to me. We've known each other since we were little kids because our parents are business partners. We were always together that's why we're so close now that I think nothing and no one can ever separate us from each other. I'm very much willing to give her whatever she wants that's why I never say no to her favors, no matter how stupid or silly they can be. Finally we got tired of playing around so we rested back at the couch. After resting for a little while, we decided to get ready to go to the club. She decided to go home really quick so she can freshen up. I took a quick shower and wore a y black pants and an elegant white top for the club. After drying my hair, I checked my bag for my phone, wallet and room & car keys. I can't leave without those in my bag of course. When I'm all set, I wore my heels and left. While driving, I decided to give Sooyoung a call. She immediately picked up.



"Soo! Are you on your way?"

"Ne.. I'm almost there Yul. What about you?"

"Same. Wait for me at the parking lot, okay? Let's go in together."


"Where are the others?"

"They're there already."

"Okay then, I'm hanging up now. See you."



Finally, I arrived at the club and parked my car near Sooyoung's. I found her standing beside her car and walked towards me when she saw me. We walked together in the club and searched for our friends. As expected, they found a good spot. We joined them and sat on the couches with them.


"Since you two are late, you order the drinks." Hyoyeon told us.

"Yeah, you guys go ahead and order our drinks." Taeyeon agreed.


Sooyoung and I didn't have a choice so we stood up and ordered for them.




I checked the time on my watch which read 1:00 AM. I guess we didn't notice the time because we were having so much fun. None of them were drunk yet which is a good thing because it means I don't have to take care of them like I did the last time. It's impossible for me to get drunk because I don't really drink. I only take a few shots of tequila or margarita and then I'll stop. I know how fast I can get drunk that's why I limit myself in drinking.


"Im getting dizzy now. I think I should go home now." Sooyoung said.

"Yeah, you should. Before you get drunk." I told her.

"Let's get one more round and then go home." Sunny suggested.

"Yeah, let's have one more round." Hyoyeon said.

"Okay, I'm in." Taeyeon agreed.

"I'm really going home. I don't want to get drunk today." Sooyoung told us.

"Oh come on Soo, just one more round." Sunny insisted.

"Alright Fine. Just one more." Sooyoung finally agreed.

"Are you sure you'll be fine with one more?" I asked her.

"Yeah. I'll be fine." she reassured me.

"Okay then, who's gonna order?" Taeyeon asked. Everyone looked at me and I know what they were trying to say already.

"Fine. I will. Aish.." I said and they laughed.


I stood up and headed to the counter to order their drinks. While waiting, I saw a familiar girl, drinking. I smiled when I finally recognized who the girl was. It was the beautiful doe-eyed woman who I saved from the rooftop. I was about to approach her when the order finally came. I took it quickly and brought it to my friends.


"Hey guys, enjoy your last round. I have to go now. See you again." I said, taking my bag.

"Yah Kwon Yuri! Where do you think you're going?" Sooyoung asked.

"I need to do something important. I'll make it up to you next time." I answered and walked away as fast as I could.


When I got back to the counter, she wasn't there anymore. I rushed outside to look for her but didn't have luck. Dang it! I should have told her to wait. I was disappointed and then started wondering. Why am I looking for her? Why did I even wanted to follow her? What's gotten into me.. Then I just walked to the parking lot and rode my car. I decided to just go home. It wasn't too far from the club yet when I suddenly saw the reflection of the doe-eyed girl in my side mirror. I immediately stopped and looked at her direction. Yes, it's her. I pulled over and got off the car quickly to walk towards her. As I was about to say hi, she fainted which caused me to run to her and was luckily fast enough to catch her. Omo, not again! I carried her to my car and drove back to our hotel. I carried her on my back again and rode the elevator. Finally, we got to my room and put her down on my couch.


"Be thankful that I saw you in my side mirror. If someone else found you on the street when you fainted, you could have been in trouble now." I told her even though I know she's sleeping.


As I was about to get a towel on the bathroom I heard her puke. My eyes widened when I saw her throwing up on my carpet. Are you kidding me?!! I rushed over to bring her in the bathroom. I put her on the tub so she can puke all she wants. I was boiling inside but then I just can't seem to get mad at her. For some odd reasons, seeing her face keeps me from getting angry. I took my phone out and dialed George's number.


"Miss Yuri?"

"Hey George! I'm so sorry for calling at this time of the night."

"It's okay young miss. Don't worry about that. So what's wrong?"

"Can you send someone to clean my carpet? My friend accidentally puked on it."

"No problem young miss. Someone will be up there to take your carpet soon."

"Thanks a lot George. I'm so sorry for bothering you."

"No worries. Is that all you need?"

"Ne.. Thanks and sorry once again."

"Alright. I'm hanging up now Miss Yuri."


I went back to the bathroom and saw her sleeping and some of her clothes wet. I decided to remove her jacket and her shirt. It was a good thing she's wearing a tank top inside. Then I removed her pants. I tried my best not to look at her because I swear I'm commiting a sin just by seeing her body. I washed her up and covered her with towel. I carried her on my bedroom again and made her wear my clothes. After putting on the clothes on her, I laid her down gently on my bed. Just then I heard the doorbell ring. I rushed to my door to open it.


"Annyong hasaeyo Miss Yuri, I came to pick up your carpet?" the housekeeping man told me.

"Oh yeah, please come in." I said.


I showed him the carpet and he immediately rolled it so he can carry it.


"Excuse me, can I also ask you to wash these clothes for me?" I asked him, handing the doe-eyed girl's clothes.

"Yes. No problem mam." he answered and took them from me.

"Can I get them tomorrow morning?" I asked again.

"Yes mam. What time should I bring them here?"

"What about 10?" 

"Okay mam. I understand."

"Great. Thanks a lot."


He just bowed at me and left. I went back to my bedroom to check on her. I sat on the bed beside her.


"Why are you drunk again? Why do we keep meeting like this? Geez. Are you really that kind of woman? Gets drunk every night and wakes up on other people's rooms? I hope not. You don't look like that kind of person. It would be such a waste if you are." I told her. I know she can't hear me because she's sleeping and she's too drunk.


I examined her face again and was completely awed by her beauty. She's really the exact definition of beauty and perfection. How can such a beautiful person exist? Then I realized I was smiling unconsciously. Why was I smiling? Oh gosh, I feel like a complete idiot now. Then I walked out and rested on my couch. I closed my eyes and quickly fell asleep.




I woke up when I suddenly started feeling uncomfortable. As I opened my eyes, I was surprised to see an angel with doe-eyes leaning down a few inches from my face, looking at me curiously. When our eyes met, her eyes suddenly widened like she was surprised or something. And then reality hit me that it was the drunk girl from last night. I was so surprised that I immediately stood up and accidentally hit our foreheads. It was so hard that she was knocked on the floor.


"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.."







here's an update for you. i can't update as soon as I usually do anymore because our school break is over and i'll be back to school tomorrow. :( I'll do my best to update as soon as I could though. I hope you still stay and look forward to this story. thanks! :)

i would appreciate your feedbacks. i hope you leave some comments for me and feel free to suggest anything for this story :)

thanks again and have a time ^___^

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Twintrooper88 #2
Chapter 14: GAHH IT'S SO ADORABLE THE YOONYUL MOMENTS. I ship as hard as that yacht. They're so cute together too. Poor yoong. ):
Chapter 14: Yoong's character is so adorable! :') Please update soon!
yoonajade #4
Chapter 14: cliffhanger.....
Chapter 14: Author shi..update this story please coz i've start to love it...
mickeydeer12530 #6
Chapter 14: Oh gosh..I'm lovin' the yatch thingy, I,personally will be waiting for your update :))
mickeydeer12530 #7
Chapter 7: Awww,YoonA's past is really heart breaking... But I'm glad Yuri is there to comfort her. The first laser of this chapter was very cute. They've been playing like little kids. Hihi^^ I will stop reading for now. Need to get some sleep coz it's already midnight in my place. Kekeke~
mickeydeer12530 #8
Chapter 1: This is so interesting...I will keep on reading it :))
Chapter 14: Pleeeease update ASAP............ :( It is a GREAT story & I love it