


Missed you



"Girls over here!"


"Yah! Yuri ah! Could you slow down a bit! We know you can walk faster than us"


"Taeyeon ah mianhae, I just want to guide all of you to that special...*cough*"


"Yuri ah can we rest a bit?"


"Yeah, I can't keep up anymore"


"Sunny ah, Fany ah don't be like that...we're almost there..."


"Yuri just tell us, where are you going to bring us?"


"Not yet Hyoyeon..."


"Yuri ah I can't walk anymore, I need foods"


"Sooyoungie I'll give it to you later..."


"Unnie please wait for me"


"yeah me too unnie"


"Yoona, Seohyun I'm here waiting for all of you...*cough* *cough*"


"Yuri ah..."


"Yes Sica?"





"I told you, this place would makes all of you goes woah"


"Where're you going Yuri?"


"Yah! Taengoo stop slapping my . I'm going to set this camera on tripod"


"Good, you need to be framed too"




I wish I can bring you out from this video.




"I brought sandwiches!" Yuri lift the basket happily. "Great! I'm hungry now" Sooyoung sat on the mat and took the sandwich "Yums~". All of them eat the sandwiches and chat happily.


"Let's play a game" Tiffany raised her hand. "What game?" Taeyeon asked while chewing her sandwich, Tiffany grimaced "Chew and swallow", Taeyeon nodded. Tiffany continued "we play revealing each others' secrest" she clapped her hands. "Great! I support your idea Tiffany" Sunny agreed. "Okay let's do it" Yoona said with confident tone. "We'll be doing it by using this. It's simple, if this stick falling and pointing to any particular person then she needs to tell her secret"

Tiffany explained, everyone nodded.


"Yah! The stick pointing toward Sunny!"


"Yeah! Tell us your story!"


"Okay okay..Calm down" Sunny grinned and began to unfold her secret "I'm dating with Sungmin oppa...".


"Wohoo!!" All of them cheered.

 "That's co- *cough* cool Sunkyu!".




You never tell us your secret even we're close.




"Hmm...What should I do with this?" Tiffany scratched her head.


"Fany ah what are you d *cough* doing?"


"I'm trying to light up this place. It's too dark..." Tiffany pouted.


"Let me help you with that. By the way could help me hold this camera for me while I do that?"


"Sure, I'm going to record you lit up those woods"


"I'm a pro!"


"Yup! You're my hero!"




You're always being my hero when I'm in troubles.




"Say hello Hyo"


" Annyeonghaseyo je ireumeun Hyoraengi ibnida"


"Alright, that's our dancing queen"


"Yuri ah let's take a pic"


"With my camcorder?"


"Pabo! With my camera"


"Okay, I'll record us and you'll do the snap"








I wish I can take thousands of pic with you like those days.




"I'm so hungry! Come on give me some..please~"


"What? No!" All of them shout in unison. Sooyoung pouted.


"Here you can have mine"


Sooyoung eyes widen "are you sure I can take your food Yuri ah?"


Yuri smiled "yup, go on. Beside, I can't eat that, I have emm...allergic. Yeah allergic *cough* heard that? I still having my allergic"


"Wait are you taking video again?"


"Yeah, well we never record any of our own day"


"Thank you Yuri ah" Sooyoung unwrapped her food and immediately shove into .


"You're welcome...."



It's not easy to find a friend like you. You're my best friend.




"Unnie! Stop recording"




"Hahaha.. Unnie stop imitating young-ahn"


"You also imitating her Yoong"


"Hahaha! I'm an exception"








You always know how to make me smile and laugh.




"Yuri unnie"




"'re recording again?"


"Yup. Why you call me?"


"Could you help me to wake Sica unnie? I've been calling and shook her body for minutes but I got no respond"


"Fine, stay here. Unnie will help you"


"Thank you unnie"




You always help us.




"Sica yah... Wake up"




"Wake up...I'm taking a video of you"


"Yah...stop it..."


"Then you should wa *cough* wake up now *cough*"


"Yuri ah..."




"Can we talk about it?"


"Wae? *cough*"


"I'm getting worry"


"I'm fine *cough* Sica. Come on get your off the bed"




"That's my baby..."




You're so stubborn sometimes.



-The End-


All of them smiled when the video ended, Taeyeon stood and reach for Yuri's camcoder but Yuri's face popped on the screen. Taeyeon stopped and get back to sit with the others.


"Hello girls it's me Kwon Yuri, the kkabyul, the hero, the seobang and the unnie. You managed to find my camcoder even I hid it, well congratulations!"


Yuri smiled.


"I'm so happy to meet all of you, my 8 lovely sisters and one of them is mine. Okay firstly, Kim Taeyeon, first time I saw you, I thought you're younger than me but it turns out to be the opposite. I'm happy to know you from the first to the last. Please forgive me for what I've done toward you all this time. Stay with your motto! And you are the best leader in the universe, No No in my heart. Love you unnie hehe"


"Next, Sunny or Lee sunkyu! My IY buddy, sister and best friend, Sorry to call by your real name. I'm glad I met you and able to learn few skills from you. As what I observe all this time, you're the girl with strongest will. Forgive me Sunkyu ah, I knew I made lots of mistakes and sometime hurt you. You know what, I ask Sungmin oppa, he said he really really really love you hehe! Tell me if Sungmin oppa hurt you okay don't hesitate to do so. Love you"


"Fany Fany Tiffany! Brighter than jewel!! I'm going to miss you as my MC buddy and best friend. You really know how to makes me smile with your eyesmiles, it's really adorable. I can't be your hero anymore, sad isn't it? Well at least Taengoo is there to be your new hero. Keep up your smiles because it's contagious because it does really got me right now. Take care Fany ah, don't be too clumsy. Love you mushroom"


"Woori Dancing Queen, Kim Hyoyeon! Hey you are my biggest competitor! Hehe.. Just joking. Your dance really inspired and encourage me to make some wave and groove. I'm happy to know you, you're the funniest in the group, even you just spilled 3 words. You know how to lit up the atmosphere. Stay healthy so you can dance without having cramp hehe! Hyo! I know whose your partner keke.. Only you and me know it. Okay gotta go love you"


"Annyeong Choi Sooyoung! Are you eating while watching this? I bet you are. Uni really get you all these time, I'm sorry I can't walk with you anymore. Hey! If you got assignments could you share it with me, it's fine to talk about it with me keke.. Don't eat too much, you need to take care of your health too because I don't want you to end up your life like me keke.. Okay do your best in your exams, manhi manhi saranghae"


"I'm Yoona. Yoona yah how are you? Even I don't know what happen in the future but I can feel you're much busier than now, remember to take of yourself and don't push yourself too much. Remember during our time in hello baby? We call ourselves as Yoonyul couple keke.. And I still keep Yoongsan in your wardrobe. By the way thank you for sharing your little secrets and stories, I'll keep your secrets forever and ever. Thank you for being the best buddy, best friend and dongsaeng. I'm Yoona manhi manhi saranghaeyo"


"And lastly, woori maknae Seo Juhyun. Seohyun ah,  unnie want to say sorry if I ever bullied you before hehe. Seohyun ah you're like my own dongsaeng, if you think I hate, that's not true because unnie care a lots about you. Now you're in Uni, please don't stress yourself too much, do your best in your exam okay? Ace all the course you take! Fighting! Thank you for sharing few health tips with me and I did living in fresh and healthy life. Seohyun ah manhi manhi saranghae!!"


-The End-


"Yoona yah wipe your eyes" Sooyoung passed her a box of tissues. "Yah unnie I'm not, something got into my eyes" Yoona lied. "Fany are you okay?" Taeyeon asked her, Tiffany nodded "yeah, I just missed her" Taeyeon caressed her back "I know right, I missed her too".


"Wait isn't that weird Yuri unnie doesn't leave a message to Sica unnie?" Seohyun raised her brows, Sunny smiled "Sica unnie is special" she look at Jessica, Seohyun mouth formed O shaped. "I want to have a dance battle with her" Hyo sighed.


Jessica stood and took Yuri's camcoder, she went to her room. Jessica put the camcoder inside the bag and notice a piece of memo in one of the bag pocket.


"I got a message for you Sica, I put it in your laptop. Its under this folder 'Just for you'"


Jessica smiled and ran to turn on her laptop, she found a video under 'Just for you' folder.


"Hai Jessica Jung Sooyeon. Sica...sorry that I didn't record your message with the others. I just want to tell you this personally. Are you pushing yourself again? Don't do that please..*aegyo*. Sica honestly I'm actually afraid, when you ask me I'm fine or not I often answered you I'm fine. I'm not really fine instead it's getting worse. I just said that so you won't be worry too much about me. Thank you for keeping this secret away from the others. By the way, did you moving on while you watch this video? If you're not, please do it for my sake. If you do I'm the most happiest soul ever keke... Sica, even though I'm already gone, please remember that I always keep your heart with me and always look over for you. I'll try my best to watch you up here with my other FRIENDS. We'll try to protect all of you from harm. You know what I missed your touch, kisses and hugs so much.

Before I end this video I want to tell you something..Last week I went to your house and I met your parents, I told them about us, your father is quite scary hehe..and your mother looks beautiful, you know what THEY GAVE ME A WARM SMILE. I asked them if they're okay with our relationship and they said they're fine and happy. I asked them again if someday I propose to marry your daughter, will you oppose this idea? and they said they won't.

Your parents said as long as they can see their daughter happy and smile it's enough for them and they bless us, you have a cool parents Sica. Okay Sica I think I talk too much, I need to go now. Going somewhere over the rainbow~ I lo *cough* love you Sica..sorry I can't be a good seobang. B *cough cough* b *cough* Bye""


-Video ends-


"Seobang ah you're pabo" she wiped her eyes.




Jessica turned around and saw Yuri stood behind her. She stood "Yu.. Yuri?" Her eyes widened, "Yes it's me" she approached Jessica. Jessica bit her lips and ran to Yuri, Yuri smiled and hug Jessica. "I missed you so much, I feel so lonely without you, I missed you to touch me, to kiss me and to hug me." Jessica cried on Yuri's chest. Yuri caressed her head "I'm sorry for leaving you but it's already fated. Don't worry, I'm coming back just for you" Yuri brought her to the bed and sat with Jessica.


Jessica parted and cupped Yuri's cheeks, she look at Yuri's perfect skin "you're so beautiful seobang...". Yuri smiled "thank you baby..." She lifted Jessica's chin and slowly lean closer, Jessica wrapped her arms around Yuri's neck. Their lips connected, the kiss become so passionate that Jessica doesn't want to let go, surprisingly she doesn't feel like lacking of oxygen. They explore each other mouth and part away after minutes later.


"Don't you feel sleepy?" Yuri asked while caressing Jessica's cheeks. Jessica enjoyed Yuri's warm touch "no..I don't want to sleep. I want to see you". "Hey let's get to the bed, I missed your bed too" Yuri brought Jessica on her bed, she pulled the comforter and covered their body. Jessica keep looking at Yuri "Yuri ah...", Yuri smiled "Dae Sica?". "Please don't leave me..." She went closer to Yuri and snuggled with her.


"I'll never leave you Sica..."






Jessica eyes getting heavier and eventually fell asleep. Yuri kissed her forehead and smiled "Baby I'll never leave you..." She hugged Jessica.




Jessica woke up, she sat straight and smiled "Pabo..." her tears rolled on her cheeks "you said you won't leave me..." She wiped her tears. She saw a note on a nightstand.


Good morning Sica baby,

Sorry to leave you but truthfully I never ever want to leave you, because I'm lost in your heart but physically I can't never stay by your side...Love you.


By, Kwon Yuri


Jessica went to the corridor, cold morning breeze caressed her figure "Seobang, I won't give you a map of my heart. You'll lost and stay in my heart forever". The sun ray began to showered her figure.


"Thank you..."


Jessica heard a faint whisper along with the wind and she smiled. She went into her room and closed the door.



"So Yuri unnie suffered from asthma?"






A/N: Hello! It's been a long time right? I made a one-shot cheers! I got this idea while I'm listening 4MEN's song "MEMORIES".

This is just a boring one-shot, if you found any mistakes such as typo and grammar error kindly tell me BECAUSE I only read this twice and post it here. Please give your feedback readers and thank you for reading my not-so-much one-shot fic.

Bye~ Bye~ Bye~ >_<


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kwonyy #1
Chapter 1: So sad
Yuri ahhj
Chapter 1: Era un fantasma
crazykwonyurifan #3
Chapter 1: It was so wonderful, specially yuri's video messages for all and the end scene beetwin yulsic was fabulous..... thanks authorssi
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Chapter 1: T.T Why is so sad
Chapter 1: crying crying TT TT this is sooooo sad! now i have to read yulsic fluff fics to replenish my heart :(
HwangJeI #6
Chapter 1: im tearing up..
but this is sooo beautiful...
their love is beautiful..
i love it,,
angeliana89 #7
Chapter 1: yuri T_T
so sad
Chapter 1: so sad..i wish yuri was alive
Chapter 1:'s so sad...:((( i'm tearing up you bad author! >< kekeke.joke! You're a GREAY author! :D