
My Love Song For You

A/N: sorry took long enough for me to post this.. been super lazy busy kekeke :P


"Donghae Oppa!"

"Kyyyaaaa!! It's Donghae Oppa!"

Oh, my angel finally came. Lee Donghae, the man of my dreams. Who wouldn't fall for him anyways? He's so handsome with his angelic face, his cute smile, nice body built, and the pureness of his heart. He's also so cute whenever he's acting like a 5-year old kid. But what I really love about him is his being so down to earth. Despite his popularity, he was never the boastful type. I sighed dreamily as I saw him pass by, just like the other girls although I was hiding behind a tree because I can't expose my feelings for him. Wait I haven't introduced myself right? I'm sorry. Well, my name's Lee Hyukjae but I prefer people calling me Eunhyuk. I'm just a simple guy with big dreams with Lee Donghae being one of them. I'm a poor guy so I was able to get into this school only because of scholarship, that's why I should always prioritize my studies. School is the only thing that runs into my head until the day I met him.

Since I was new here, I kind of got lost and thankfully, I saw this angel of mine and he offered me his help which I shyly accepted. Turns out that we are classmates. Is this fate or what? So yeah from then on, I started developing this one-sided love and never did it cross my mind to confess. Just what I said before, he's very kind, even to someone like me who is used to the bullying just because I'm poor and not handsome. Yes, I'm not handsome. I have these single-lidded eyes, I'm too thin and my gums show whenever I smile and I find it so not attractive. My skin is so white making me pale and I don't even dress properly. Just some simple shirt and pants would do. I have to save enough money for my daily needs that's why I never bother to buy clothes. I'm the type of person that you won't notice if I was present or not.

I sighed and took a glance at my watch. Oh, it's almost time for classes to start. I decided to go to our class with a small smile on my face, knowing that I would be able to watch my angel even from afar.

As I went inside the room, I immediately sat at the farthest seat and started spacing out. Another boring day for me. As I stared into nothing, thinking about him, I felt a presence in front of me so I slowly faced forward and immediately met the greatest shock of my life, I suddenly fell from my seat. There Donghae stood with his face close enough with mine. He frowned as he held his hand in front of me to help me stand up.

"That's for spacing out. Seriously Hyukkie I've been standing here for minutes now." He complained as he helped me then he took a free seat and placed it beside me, sitting on it.

"S-sorry Donghae-ssi. I'm just thinking about, things." I said as an excuse. I just can't tell him that I'm actually thinking about him can I?

"Donghae-ssi? I told you to just call me Donghae. Or wait, Hae! Yep! Call me Hae! If you don't I'll get angry with you and I'll never talk to you again!" He said as he pouted like a cute kid he is by heart. Omo please heart be careful, don't beat too fast I might get a heart attack. Aish why does he have to be this cute?!

"O-okay H-Hae."

"That's great then!" He said with a cheeky smile and I felt my heart beating fast again.

"B-by the way, H-Hae why are you h-here?" I asked nervously. Seeing the way he is to me would give you the idea that we're close right? Well he had always treated me as a close friend although I don't think I would get used to the attention he is giving me. We're like heaven and earth. And that difference is enough for me to say that we could never be together like the way I want us to be.

He was about to say something when suddenly the whole class went quiet. The teacher finally came and yes I was a bit disappointed that I wasn't able to spend more time with him. He left and I decided to just focus on the lesson. As I was getting my things, I heard the teacher spoke.

"Donghae? Where are you going and why are you bringing your bag with you?"

I looked confusedly at Donghae and was surprised to see him looking at me while smiling. I could feel my face becoming red. He walked towards me and sat on the seat he previously placed beside me.

"I would like to sit here sir if you don't mind." He said to our teacher but he is still looking at me with his sweet smile. I shyly smiled as I hung my head low. The teacher didn't say anything and just decided to start the lessons.

The day passed by well with me subtly glancing at Hae beside me but sometimes, he'll catch me and he'll just smile back. I swear I felt myself getting melted with his smiles.

The bell finally rang, signaling the end of class. I gathered my things and was about to get out of the room when Hae suddenly called me.

"Hyukkie!" He shouted and I blushed. Gosh I don't think I'll get used to his pet name for me.

"N-ne?" I answered as I saw him running towards me. He stopped and beamed a smile at me and I melted on the spot again. 

"Nothing! Just wanna say take care on your way home and see you tomorrow!!" With that, he ran away leaving me dumbfounded. I unconsciously smiled and started walking. No I'm not yet going home because every dismissal time, I make sure to go to the music room. There lies a white grand piano and I love playing that although I also took a liking on learning how to play different instruments and currently I'm practicing guitar. It made my mind at peace and sometimes, I play these instruments while thinking of Hae.

As I reached the music room, I placed my bag at the wall and walked to a cabinet where other instruments are placed. I took a light blue guitar and smiled as I took a seat on a chair. I closed my eyes as I started playing. I'm currently playing the song I wrote for Hae but I won't sing it yet. He must be the one who would hear it first. As I play, I could feel all my love for him overflowing through the melody of the song. Love really is mysterious. It makes us happy and sad at the same time. Happy since being in love gives you a fluffy feeling inside your chest. The feeling wherein if you'll see even just the shadow of the one you love, you'll already feel contented. Sad because most of the time, love is only one-sided. It hurts when you know that in reality is that he could never be yours and you actually have to live with that. And that pain is what I'm feeling right now. I noticed that tears are now streaming down my eyes but I didn't bother wiping them away. I was still playing the guitar when I noticed that the sun has gone down. Time always slips out of my mind whenever I'm playing. I dried my tears as I placed the guitar back to the closet and finally headed home. 


Another day again. It was currently lunch and I'm sitting here at the cafeteria alone enjoying my sandwich and strawberry juice. As I was eating, my eyes are also scanning for my angel. Well he's not at our classes a while ago because he's attending their soccer practice. He's the team captain that's why he has to be always present at every practice. And, being the team captain means that you're also the star player, well, that was what is happening on his case. One of the many reasons why he's very popular. But now that I think about it, he's very popular so many girls and even guys are asking him out but, I don't know if he accepted them. Hmm... It's weird right? Oh well. My eyes immediately widen as my pupils dilated when I saw him enter the cafeteria with the rest of the soccer team, all freshen up. They are all laughing and the attention of the whole cafeteria was at them. See how popular he is? I just continued eating, trying to divert my attention from my angel whose shoulder is wrapped by one of their teammates Siwon. This guy sure loves skinship. Tsk. Taking advantage of my Hae. Yeah yeah I'm jealous okay?! He is Choi Siwon, the rich, handsome, and popular guy. If there is somebody who is right for Hae, it would be someone like Choi Siwon. 

"Yeah sure guys I'll see you later." I heard Hae said. I looked up to see him walking my way. I wonder where he's going. And after a few seconds my question was answered when I saw him standing in front of me. How do I look? I was currently staring dumbly at him with the sandwich hanging in my mouth. He giggled making me snap.

"Hyukkie! Can I join you?" He asked and although bewildered by the situation, I just nodded at him. He beamed at me and immediately sat not in front of me, but beside me. He took out a lunch box from his bag and started eating. And yeah, I just sat there, still staring at him. He must have noticed me since he stopped eating to stare at me then at my food.

"Hyukkie? Is that all you'll eat for lunch?" He asked and I nodded. Then I heard him clicked his tongue. He suddenly grabbed my sandwich away and pushed his lunchbox towards me.


"Eat it. Maybe that's the reason why you're not gaining weight. You eat too little." He said and I swear I could hear his worry between his words. My heart started to feel fluffy. But then I remembered that he just finished his practice that's why he needed to eat more than me. I slowly pushed his food back to him and grabbed back my sandwich. He just eyed me in confusion.

"You just finished your practice so you need to eat more." I said with authority so that he won't argue anymore. He looked at me for a moment then a smile went up to his lips as he hugged me tightly making me surprised. 

"Awww my Hyukkie is worried about me! I'm so glad!" He exclaimed as he hugged me tighter. I on the other hand was speechless and I could feel butterflies in my stomach. Yes he's always friendly when it comes to me but he was never this intimate. I could really feel myself blushing. I started roaming my eyes and could see people looking at us. Some are giggling and some are glaring. Well who wouldn't? An ordinary guy like me is being hugged by the popular guy.

"Ahm Hae, people are staring." I said shyly then he hesitantly let me go and I seriously felt disappointed. It felt so good to be in his embrace. So warm and he smells so nice. I looked at him and he is also blushing. Awww so cute!!

"Okay then. I would eat this but next time I'll bring an extra lunch box seeing how you limit yourself with food and you better not complain arasso?" He said like a mother and I nodded at him. He smiled a cheeky one and pinched my cheek. I yelped in pain as I pouted at him and massaged my cheek. He must have noticed my pain so he immediately cooed me.

"Omo mianhae I wasn't able to control myself." He apologized as he helped me massage my cheek.

"T-that's okay. D-don't worry." I assured him although he doesn't look really convinced. And so to keep him calm, I smiled widely at him, showing him that I'm okay. But I hurriedly hid it knowing that I'm already showing my gums but I was surprised when he held my hand.

"No don't hide it. I don't know why you do but I find it really pretty. I want you to smile that way for me always." He said sweetly and I felt my heart beating fast. So fast it felt like I just ran in a marathon. I nodded shyly at him making him smile. The rest of our lunch went well with the two of us enjoying the comfortable silence between us.


The days went by with Hae being extremely attached to me, not that I complain. And yes he really brings an extra lunch box for me everyday. I asked him who cooks for him then he said that he lives by himself. Wait, does this means he's making my food?! Omo! How lucky can I be?! Okay enough with my fangirl moment. I was about to go home now since the music room is not available when he suddenly called me. I turned around and saw him behind me.

"What is it Hae?" Yeah as you could see I didn't stutter anymore since I'm now used in calling him Hae. *blush*

"Let's go home together!" He suggested and I must be crazy but I could hear fireworks in the background. I know it doesn't mean anything to him but to me, it does.

"O-okay." I said and suddenly he wrapped his arm on my shoulder and we started walking. My face is now beet red and I hope he won't notice it.

"Hey Hyukkie let's eat some ice cream first." He said as he slightly nudged me at the side. Who am I to refuse right? Yah! I'm not after the ice cream! I'm after the time with my angel! So yeah I agreed and he happily smiled at me like a kid and excitedly held my hand making me blush.

We went inside the ice cream shop that we passed by still with holding hands and immediately drooled at the flavors before us.

"Annyeonghaseyo!" A girl by the cashier greeted us with a warm smile. Hae smiled back at her and I saw her blush. Oh no you didn't! He's mine! Well although I can't say it out loud. I sighed because of the thought and Hae noticed it. He looked worriedly at me.

"Hyukkie? Is there any problem? Does it hurt somewhere? Tell me." He said as he started checking me, placing his hands everywhere on my body. Wait, why does it sound ish? No pun intended people. He continued doing this in front of the girl with worry on his face. I noticed how the girl's face saddened. I celebrated at the back of my head but then, who am I kidding? Of course Hae only sees my as his friend, or best friend as he said a few days ago. 

I sighed and slowly brought my hand up to Hae's face. "Hae, don't worry I'm fine. Something just went across my mind. It's nothing serious or important." I said as I smiled reassuringly. Although still in doubt, he just let me be which I'm thankful for. 

After getting our orders, we decided to settle on a table near the glass windows of the shop where you could see people passing by. A smile crept on my lips when a saw a happy couple passing by with their hands intertwined. Wouldn't it be better if I and Hae would be like that?


I broke out from my trance when I saw him looking at me, maybe he's wondering why I was smiling all of a sudden.

"Why are you smiling?"

Returning my gaze back to the people passing by, I scooped my ice cream, ate it and felt the goodness of it melting inside my mouth.

"Nothing, I just find it amusing to watch people pass by. You'll see the different emotions and attitudes every person possesses. And look at that couple over there," I said as I pointed to the couple I just saw a while ago, now seating on a bench side by side, love clearly seen in their eyes. "They look so happy, so in love."

I turned to look at Hae who was smiling fondly at me. He swirled his spoon on his bowl mindlessly and suddenly spoke.

"Are you in love with someone right now?" He said this seriously and that question caught me off guard. Of course I am! And I'm in love with you! I can't say that to him now can I? I just kept quiet, not exactly knowing how I should answer him. But seeing him waiting for my answer, I sighed. Might as well tell him something partially true.

"W-well y-yeah. But, I know he doesn't feel the same way." I muttered sadly. I noticed his sudden change of mood. From curiosity to disappointment? I don't know. Maybe he's just sad that I, his close friend, is experiencing a one-sided love.

"Really? He's very lucky then."


"He's very lucky to be loved by an angel like you." He looked really serious and it made me sad. But why is he like this? Could it be? No. I mentally shook my head. I cannot and must not think that way. Holding my hopes high would just mean greater disappointment for me. I smiled a bit forcefully at him and tried to change the subject.

"H-how about you?" I asked him impulsively and darn! Do I really have to hurt myself like this?

"Me?" I nodded.

"Yeah. You're popular but I have never seen you with someone." Silence followed as he was kind of thinking on what he should answer. It lasted for a few minutes until he smiled sadly.

"Yeah I do but I don't think that person would feel the same way for me. Sure many people are confessing to me and I hope that person would be one of them but, knowing his attitude, I know it's impossible. And, I don't have the courage to confess to him."

"Do you really love him?" I asked in a low voice as I keep my eyes on my melting ice cream.

"Of course, I love him with all my heart. He's so perfect I don't know if I'm worthy enough for him so I guess, I'll just be contented on watching him from afar." He said and when I looked at him, I saw him staring at me lovingly, like his words were intended for me. My heart once again began beating fast. No, heart please, stop hoping, you'll only get hurt in the end. I tried smiling at him and he just smiled back at me.


Days passed and all I noticed was Hae being a bit distant to me. I still eat the lunch he gave me but we rarely eat together. Often times he would just give it to me before class and tell me that he's busy so he won't be able to accompany me. Honestly speaking it made my mood drastically go down. What's worse is I don't know why he's like that. Yes he's busy but every time I would approach him, he would always make excuses that he needs to do this or that and who am I to push myself on him right? Maybe he already got tired of me. I mean who would stick with a person like me? Maybe he already woke up and realized that I'm not worthy to be his friend. And honestly I think it's the best for the two of us who are like two worlds apart.

So, here I am again at the cafeteria, eating his home-made lunch for me. As always, this was delicious but eating this alone made it tasteless for me. I put down my chopsticks and sighed. Okay, I admit, I miss him. His jokes, caring gestures, his smiles, everything. And if there's one thing I want to happen, then that is for all of this to return to normal. Even if he'll just remain as my friend, that's fine for me. At least, he'll stay by my side. Just a glance, just one glance of him smiling at me would really help. I know it would be selfish of me to wish for something like that but I can't help it. With my situation, he's just the only person who treated me well here at school plus the fact that I'm in love with him.


I glanced up when I heard his name being called and accidentally met eyes with him. I was about to smile when he turned his eyes from me towards the guy who called him. When he saw who it was, he smiled widely.  I suddenly felt my heart broke into pieces at the scene. Still with a smile, he hugged the guy who turned out to be Kim Kibum, another nerdy guy but is really different from me. Unlike me, this guy is popular. He's nerdy because of his eye glasses, love for books, and for being the silent type. And, he has that so-called killer smile that shows his perfect set of white teeth. Another is he's one of the richest kid here so who am I to compete with him? I tried to look away but I can't. Pathetic right? I really want to hurt myself. I remember what Hae said. The person he likes doesn't have the attitude to confess and is perfect. See? It really is Kim Kibum.

I closed my eyes and slightly leaned on my seat to prevent tears from falling. No, you must not cry. You should be happy for Donghae because maybe he already got the courage to confess so they're together now and look at him, he's happy, so you should be too. I keep on telling this to myself but why is it that it seems that the pain is just being doubled?

After a while, I stood up and went out of the cafeteria after taking a glance of Hae. I saw him looking at me with sad eyes. My lips broke into a forced smile towards him and finally left. I didn't attend my afternoon classes and just stayed at the rooftop staring at the sky. I just laid there with my arms behind my head.

It hurts. It really hurts. So this is what being a brokenhearted really feels? I don't like it. It felt like my heart is being squeezed I also find it hard to breathe. If I had the courage before and confess to him, would he accept me? I sighed. I don't think so. But then it's too late now. It'll just gonna be me and my one-sided love. I reached out to my side to get the guitar, the same guitar I'm using at the music room. I the strings and felt my heart clenched.

A/N: for those who wanted to hear the song ^^:

Just an ordinary song, to a special one like you
From the simple guy who's so in love with you
I may not have much to show
No diamonds that glow, no limousines to take you where you go
But if you ever find yourself tired of all the games you play
When the world seem so unfair, you can count on me to stay
Just take some time to lend an ear to this ordinary song

Just an ordinary song, to a special one like you
From the simple guy who's so in love with you
I don't even have the looks to make you glance my way
The clothes I wear they just seem so absurd
But deep inside of me is you
You give life to what I do
All those years may see you through
Still I'll be waiting here for you
If you have time please lend an ear to this ordinary song

Just an ordinary song to a special one like you
From the simple guy who's so in love with you

The song finally ended with my cheeks drenched in tears. This song, the one I composed for him. I was finally able to sing it but not as a confession just like what I planned to do. I held my chest as I started crying hard.

"Hae... It hurts. It really hurts." I mumbled to myself. I wish this pain would just go away. I hate everything.

"Lee Donghae, saranghamnida." These words left my lips dryly knowing that these are now useless. He'll never be mine. I knew it from the start but, still I hoped. And now, it's time for me to let it go. It's time to-

"Is it true Hyukkie?" I gasped when I turned towards the door to see Donghae looking hopefully at me. I widened my eyes in shock.

"H-how much did y-you h-hear?" I asked him as he closed the door and walked towards me. I just stayed there frozen, not knowing what to do. But somehow, I feel happy since I was able to talk to him again, although I never expected that it would be in a situation like this.

"That song's very beautiful. Did you make it?" He asked instead of answering me as he settled beside me with his legs crossed, facing me. I lowered my head but nodded at him. So he did hear my song. He said it's beautiful. Aish why am I even expecting him to like it in the first place? Oh, yeah, that's for him.

"D-did you l-like it?" I whispered in a low shy voice, nervous on what he would say.

"I love it. Did you-"

"I made it for my special someone." I cut him as tears once again started to fall from my eyes. I stared at the sky as cool wind embraced me. Funny, physically and emotionally, I'm cold. What's funnier? The person who could give me warmth is just beside me but then seems out of reach.

"It's for my angel. The only one who treated me like the human being that I am without pretending to be nice and kind, just acting the way he really is. The only one who accepted me for who I am. Do you know who he is?" I stared at him and saw that he's looking at me with confusion in his face. I smiled bitterly at him.

"His name is Lee Donghae. I really love him ever since I laid my eyes on him not because he looks handsome but because of his kindness. I never thought we would actually be close with him initiating the friendship since we're so different, like heaven and earth. But what's the use? He's already with someone else. Someone worthy enough to be with him, someone he can be proud of." I stood up as I said those words. He did the same and with the guitar on my hand, I faced him and looked directly to his eyes. This is it. I was finally able to say everything. It released the weight in my heart but not the pain. As long as I'll have this love for him, I would always feel that pain, the wound placed deep in my heart.

"I love you Lee Donghae, I always will. Thank you for everything. Please always be happy. Goodbye." I immediately turned around to prevent him from further seeing me cry. I started walking away but halted when I felt someone hugging me from behind.

"I thought you're smart, Lee Hyukjae. So the saying 'Even the intelligent people goes dumb because of love' is true?" I didn't move from his embrace since I was still absorbed with what he said. He let go of me and turned me around, facing him.

"I would like to tell you more about the boy I love." He said with a smile but then I remained expressionless. Is he kidding or what? I already told him my feelings but then here he is, still smiling at me while saying that. Is he having fun seeing me hurt like this?

"He's a scholar here."

Yeah Kibum's a scholar this school holds dearly because of his popularity even outside the school.

"He's quiet and shy."

Kibum's not talking at all. He just speaks whenever needed and only to his close friends since he doesn't have many.

"He has a charming smile."

Of course, he's known as the killer smile. One smile from him and poof! Everyone is under his command. 

"I love him so much I really made a move on him although just as friends, and, was the first time for me."

Uh huh, these past few days I always see Donghae approaching Kibum first.

"And his name is Lee Hyukjae."

Oh so now we have the same name. Since when did he become a Lee? I mean he's-

Lee Hyukjae?

I looked dumbfounded at him because of shock and confusion. He just looked back at me with a grin on his face. Seriously. Can I punch that grin off his face? But, did he really say my name?

"L-Lee H-Hyukjae?" I asked still unsure and all I received was a nod.

"N-Not K-Kim K-Kibum?" He laughed. He freaking laughed!!

"So basically you're being like that because you think Kibum's the one I'm pertaining to and not you?" I nodded besides, I never thought it would be me.

"W-well..." I trailed off as I look at him now with a blush on my cheeks. I totally feel like a girl now.


"H-How would you e-explain your 'avoid Hyukjae as much as I can' scheme huh?" I retorted back at him in attempt to look angry but of course it failed with all my stuttering. He laughed as he reached and ruffled my hair.

"I was just really busy and I'm also giving the two of us especially me some space because I know sooner or later I might not control myself and would just scare you away." He explained in a sweet voice. I bowed down and when I looked up, his face was already just inches away from me. I could even smell his minty breath.

"Lee Hyukjae, the nerdy scholar with the most charming personality and gummy smile, forgive me for having the courage to confess just now. I love you, I really do. From the first time I laid my eyes on you, I know you're the one. And hearing everything you've said just made me feel like I'm the happiest man alive." He explained to me with a soft and calming voice as I slowly felt hot tears once again started running down my cheeks. Is this true? I'm not dreaming right?

He slowly cupped my cheeks with his hand and smiled gently at me. My angel. I started sobbing hard as he hugged me tightly, burying my face on his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and I seriously missed the security and warmth his hugs give me. He kissed my head and my back, soothing me from my hard sobs. We stayed like that for a while until I reluctantly let go of the hug. I looked at him and I could see him blushing slightly.

"So.. Ahm.." He started as he shyly scratched his nape.

"What?" I asked, sounding a bit annoyed although I'm not, making him flinch a little. A little payback for what he did. Oh I could hear my evil laugh at the back of my head.

"You're mine now right?" He asked like a little kid with a pout. Argh! Not the pout! No Hyukjae, you should not give in.

"Who told you that?" I retorted in a demanding voice as I crossed my arms on my chest after messily wiping my tears away.

"B-But you already told me you love me!" He whined and I can't help but laugh now. So adorable! I immediately grabbed his collar and pulled him making our lips touch for a few seconds. I let go and looked at Donghae who's in a daze. He cutely blinked a few times and touched his lips. Realizing what I did, he smirked at me and now's my turn to be embarrassed but is somewhat proud of myself for doing it.

Still grinning, he hugged me tight and started swirling me around. He put me down after I actually begged him to let me go. He leaned and started showering me with pecks all over my face. With a last peck on my lips, he smiled at me.

"'I love you Hyukkie."

"I love you too, Hae."

Who would have thought a simple guy like me could love and be loved back by Mr. Popular? It's free to dream but, that would remain as a dream if you won't face your fear and do something to make it come true. Remember Kim Jongwoon's line from y, Free, and Single?

"We fail, we lose, to win, don't be afraid."

You must be wondering why I included that line huh? Well I personally believe that if it wasn't for me confessing to him, then he won't have the guts to say his true feelings. It's true right? Right?!



"Stop arguing with the readers."

Oh. Busted.

A/N: There you have it! I'm sorry if it's not fluffy enough /cuts wrist

You may be wondering why I love to add songs in my stories.. well I actually get my ideas and inspirations from them so I really just have to include them.. ^^

comments please? they make me happy although this seriously


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myeolchi5424 #1
Chapter 1: Kekkekeke.. Re-read this story.. Totally love it!!
Chapter 1: How romantic.. so sad yet beautiful.. love it <33
Your words of courage is really great author-nim^^
Julymoe #3
Chapter 1: So Sweet and Cute……^^
Chapter 1: Omooo..! Its soooo cute.i even cry...
I love this a lottttt... ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 1: ^^
I love this fic! And the song was so so nice! >.<
*claps* Hehehe Good job!~:33
Chapter 1: this was a seriously sweet story
Ladyghai #7
Chapter 1: OMG! i love it! it's so sweet! i also like the little drama on it, it adds spice in the story. thank you for this beautiful and sweet story. :)
Chapter 1: two stupid namjas XD
"stop arguing with the readers" "busted" LMAOOOOOOO I CANT
loved it very much ^^
AugustL #9
Chapter 1: I like it! Simple and sweet!