It hurts..

Love?...Betrayal?..It Hurt Just As Much..
He was lying on his bed crying himself to sleep..lately he's been doing this so much.."betrayal !it ing hurt!" he mumbled to himself tilting his head to one side looking at the blue stuffed puppy and white gold ring on the table that he had cherished so much as the flashback fill back in his mind like it just happened yesterday *Flashback* "Ricky-ah~ you look so cute today" Ricky looked up from his novel pouting at his favourite L.joe hyung "did you just noticed hyung?i'm cute everyday" "tsk,some confidence you got there aye?" L.joe responded sitting on the couch and abruptly pulling Ricky into a playful hug "aish,hyung waegurae?" Ricky asked startled "Ricky-ah,hyung wants to take you to somewhere wanna come?" "where?i don't feel like i can trust at picking places to visit.." "just come!will ya?!this is different!" L.joe responded standing up and pulling Ricky by the arm out of the house and into the car "i'm confident!this is the day!i will confess my love to Ricky today!i just hope he would accept it and that i'm not ruining our friendship.." L.joe thought to himself while driving "hyung~where are we going anyway?tell me!!!" Ricky pouted again distracting L.joe's thought "just wait!..and stop acting like a kid!you'll know soon enough..i bet you're gonna like it.." L.joe gave him a playful smirk. He then pulled off beside a meadow full of sunflowers just outside the town,got out of the car and grabbed Ricky's hand again pulling him through the meadow and stopping just up ahead where a blanket and picnic basket was waiting for them "sit down!" he ordered gesturing one hand telling Ricky to sit "Hyung,when did you plan all this?th-this is amazing!how did you know i like sunflowers anyway?" Ricky blurted out with a shy smile "i just sit down and lets enjoy our little tea time shall we?i'm starving!" L.joe smiled at they were chatting away, L.joe suddenly blushed taking something out of his pocket "uh,Ricky here!" he said giving a little box to Ricky "what is it?" Ricky asked opening it and blushing all over seeing a ring inside "i know this isn't much..i bought the most expensive i can afford..i have a matching one too.." L.joe said showing the ring that he was already wearing to Ricky "Hyung..." Ricky mumbled out blushing more than ever "so,Ricky,what do you say?will you be my boyfriend?if you don't wnt to,i understand..i hope i didn't ruin our friendship tho........" Ricky quickly cut his words by reducing the spaces between them with a soft yet passionate kiss "so,is that a yes?" L.joe asked "bbabo..what do you think?" Ricky asked back "i love you Ricky.." "Love you too hyung" after that day,they were officially an item and were almost inseperatable but they still managed to keep their relationship a secret from everyone except Ricky's best friend Changjo whom he told everything and all his secret to..everything was going great until one day.. "Ricky-ah..mianhe..for not being able to spend your birthday with you tommorow.." "its okay can't help it if you have schedules..i just hope you don't take it out on Chunji always use him as your target of annoyment when you feel miserable making him all angry and worked up.." "whatever,he deserves it though..he's always the one pulling silly pranks on,why can't i do the same?" "sometimes you can be so stubborn when will you two be back?" "err,the day after tommorow i guest..why must i get picked for this stupid camping show?on my boyfriend's birthday too!" "its okay hyung..just take care okay?" Ricky said putting his arm around L.joe's neck giving him a soft peck "oh yeah,wait here.." L.joe suddenly shouted and went to his room to fetch a present box and giving it to Ricky "this isn't much but i know how you liked cutesy things like this right?" "omg!hyung!!a stuffed puppy?I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!its so soft too!i'm gonna cuddle it all night!" Ricky shouted in a happy and childish voice "yah!!i'm your boyfriend remember??you should be cuddling with me at night!not this stuffed puppy!" L.joe said in a pretended jealous voice "aish,hyung!you don't have to be so jealous..i can cuddle with both of you okay.." Ricky pouted back and winking at his Hyung "omg!hyung!look at the time!you should go now or you're gonna be late!you don't want the manager-hyung to be mad again right?" "okay-okay..btw,where is that Chunji anyway?" "yah!what did you just call me byunghun-ssi?an ?never been beaten before have you?" came in Chunji's voice suddenly smirking playfully "btw,happy birtday Ricky..sorry we can't make it.." "its okay guys have fun okay?i'm sure me and the others will have our own fun too.." Ricky chuckled at him "okay..i'm sure you will,move your ahead you ..or we're gonna be late.." "chill bro..let me be late..i can easily win an arguement with that losy manager-hyung anyway.." "sure you can.." L.joe said sarcasticly while rolling his eyes.. --------------------------------------------------- so,here's the 1st chapter..its lame..i know.. -_- again,i did this on my phone so,its a bit i'm really sorry about that..
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bubblesehuntea #1
Chapter 8: ahh...funny but love it! changrick :3
bubblesehuntea #2
Chapter 6: l.joe is a bastard!
Chapter 8: Aww rickjoe turned changrick.thats kay ^^ i mean ljoe did cheat on ricky and all and changjo is such a sweet maknae who wouldnt love him? Kekeke
Chapter 8: Woah you cheated my feelings! I was expecting the ending ricky and ljoe got back together ): but oh well glad ricky is happy with changjo though! Awesome story! I anticipate your next rickjoe story!! :D
Chapter 7: and maybe...i still love rickjoe to be in here...
MyLjoeBaby #6
Chapter 7: Ricky upsets me, I would still be mad at l.joe if he had u know and changjo o like u for beating l.joe up even thou he's my bias XD. Ricky open your eyes and love changjo
Chapter 6: omg!!! plz update i want to punch l.joe how dare he force himself inside riki!!! chunji should slap l.jerk