When did she start to like Mr. Arrogant?



 A short story about high school crush....

What if you had a new classmate that has the same name as yours?....

What if you find him so arrogant that you almost form an anti-group against him?

But what if the circumstances seems to bring you together always..


Kim So Eun

Family:Only daughter

Description:Aspiring Editor-in-Chief of their school paper,Vice President of Foreign Language Club

Talent:Writing Articles,Singing

Not so Talent(?):Dancing

Friends:President of the student council,Vice President ( internal affairs),Vice President(External Affairs),Treasurer,Basketball Team Captain,Volleyball team Captain,Student journalists,Math quizzers


Kim Jonghyun

Family:Has 7 siblings

Description:Member of Dance Revolution

Talent:Dancing,Making Choreography,Acting

Not so talent:--------

Friends:Almost everyone...




Yay! School is over..

so to kill the boredom I decided to write a fanfic dedicated to my friend..

This will gonna be short...I mean not more than 10 chapters..

I love the chemistry of jonghyun and so eun so i used them...

Guys wish me luck!!....


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