Fast Forward


Teukie blinked. His heart went all soft and his mind took over. He never got into the ward, he gazed at Mindy as she sat beside Sora. her hands. Silence is something he dread ...


Teukie got the assurance from his hyung. Sora finally woke up and is fine now. He adjusted his white cushion headrest, closed his eyes. 'Pabo! You knew the answer. You love her but why? Now you are just a coward!' Teukie had just lost his battle with reason. Love has no reason, it cannot be reasoned.


Wake up - concerts - rehearsals - shows - sleep. Teukie's almost set routine since the filming of WGM was stalled since February. "Leeteuk-si, Good news! WGM resuming in 2 weeks time." his manager nudging him while they were riding to airport to the US. That day, Teukie was just randiant at the airport. His smile was wide. "O I don't have to wake up early dreaming of her. I can see her again!"


Teuk just laid on his bed, stared blankly at the ceiling. He just finished his work-out at the gym to fix his back and to grow out his elfish body frame. Especially motivated by Sora's male leads. Well, He is growing muscles handsomely. He picked up his phone and naturally typed, "See you tomorrow. Love U." His finger hit the send button.


Sora was pacing up and down in the house. "Okay, alright, keep your head on your body. Today's IT."

The door opened, "omo, he's here!" Cameras were rolling, but they were oblivous of all surroundings when the door opened and their eyes met. Meeting again, both of them smiled shyly, awkward but something was different. They just knew.

"Have a good rest. You must be tired today." Sora smiled as she read his text message. "No, I'm not. See you in 2 weeks time."


Two weeks later, Sora arranged a lightening trip for Teuk for the WGM filming. In fact it was HE that took her away. It was a night of celebration, both HE and SHE flirted and played with wine and fireworks after Sora claimed her man - a kiss on Teuk's cheek. That "hidden love" sprung into action that night.


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Will update the complete story over the 7 days. My tribute to Teukie.


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Chapter 5: nice story! love it :)