Dead at Heart

Dead at Heart


Kyuhyun and Ryeowook really love each other. Kyuhyun, despite of being younger he seems so matured to handle their relationship. For him Ryeowook is the precious thing in his life, that is he is always their with him. When Ryeowook is tired, Kyu is there, when he is not feeling well,when he is crying kyu is always there.

Ryeowook do the same too, but not as much as Kyuhun. It's  not he don't  love him, it's just because he don't  know how to make him feel how much he love

him. He sometimes feel awkward to do the things that Kyu did for him, he feel shy , and he don't  have any experience. He is afraid that Kyu might

feel that he don't  love him, because the truth is he love's Kyu more than anything else .He can't  live without him.(That's why he want to make a suprise)


One time Kyuhyun feel  like Ryeowook is being cold to him lately, he observed that he always going out with Sungmin.and Ryeowook often to answer his call.  

And he sleep alone because Ryeowook always late to go home .And because of this Kyuhyun feel like Ryeowook is cheating on him.


It was late night when Kyuhyun and Ryeowook having a bad conversation.

"Ryeowook-ah do you still love me?" a sudden question from kyu that made Ryeowook confused

"Of course, I love you," he said 

"Then what is this all about?" Kyu voice started to get loud

"Kyu, calm down what are you talking about?" Ryeowook started to stuttered

" It's about your behavior"

"me , there's nothing wrong with me"

"then can you explain me what had happened to you this past few days, you often to talk to me, you neglect to answer my call and you go home late, and you are always go out with Sungmin,, tell !!! telll me!!!" 

"Kyu let me explain, me and Sungmin, we are just having a business , something a suprised"

"What?! What is it,?"

"I can't tell you now"

"Why , beacause you are scared? or you dont want to tell me that you and Sungmin is cheating on me!!!!"


Ryeowook feel like Kyuhyun is getting mad his eyes is staring sharp with him, and he feel scared


"Of course not, you got it wrong Kyu, you know I never lie to you, you know how much I love you" Ryeowook  eyes started to tear

"You love me? then prove it"

Kyuhyun went near to Ryeowook and pull him near to him, he kissed him hardly, Ryeowook can't able to breath beacause Kyu is pressing him hard. kyu inserted his tongue inside , Ryeowook did not response to his kissed , infact he want to let go. Kyu was about to ripped his shirt but Ryeowook push him away. Ryeowook slapped him on his face.

"What's wrong with you?" Ryeowook said as he almost choke because of his tears that keep on flowing

"Wrong with me?" there is nothing wrong with it, I'm your boyfriend"

"I know , but not in this way, you are not with yourself and your hurting me"

"You're hurt ?"if you really love me , you can handle any pain just to prove that you really love me, if not  lets just end this ing realtionship"


The last word that Kyu said before he slammed the door and went out, all heard their quarrel , Sungmin hurriedly went inside and saw Ryeowook sobbing.


Ryeowook is so worried for Kyu, its already late but Kyu is not home yet, all his hyun is in the living room waiting for him, they all heard their conversation, and all of them are shock. they can believe that kyu will be like that for Ryeowook , Kyu don't have any idea why Ryeowook is being busy lately.


It's  2:30 in the morning when the telephone ring, they are expecting for Kyu but its from the police station, kyu got involved in traffic accident and he is now in the hospital. the Doctor told them that Kyu need a heart transplant, mostly of his artery is broken and now its slowly malfuctioning.

Ryeowook broke down for what he heard. he dont know whta to do if Kyuhyun die...Kyu is his life.

Ryeowook talk to the doctor privately and ask for what he can do to help kyuhyun survived, after that he asked for a test if he is capable to donate his heart, the doctor is hesitant to do the test, but its already 3 days but no one is matched , thats why the doctor agreed on it. The result came out fast after a day, and it was a good new it was positive. Ryeowook keep his secret , he did not tell anyone about his plan.

Ryeowook went to check on Kyu, he saw how Kyu fighting for his life, and he was in pain seeing him on that situation, that time all the members went inside and they saw him crying, 

"Ryeowook-ah , it will be fine" Leeteuk said patting his back

"Hyung, I'm scared can I still be able to present my suprise for him?"

"Of course ,I know he can hear us, and I know he will be happy that you made those thing for him" Donghae said

"If only Kyu let you explain everything, I know he will understand why you are being busy on that day, and this thing would never happen" Eunhyuk said

"We can be able to find a donor , lets just pray" Sungmin said


The doctor came in, and told them, that Kyu got a match , everyone was happy but Ryeowook, he don't know how to express his emotion.. He want Kyu to survived, but the sad thing his life is the exchange for it.

Kyuhyun woke up and realize that he is in the hospital he saw the machine and he feel the slight pain in his chest, Sungmin woke up when he heard Kyu grunts Sungmin wake the others, Kyuhyun observed everyone but his looking for someone. It's Ryeowook,

"Where is he? What had happend to me? 

"Kyuhyun you got in accident, and you are critical, and you need to have a heart transplant"

They explain to him what had happened, and also he told him that the donor is Ryeowook. Kyuhyun brokedown, tears is flowing non stop, he can't believe what had happened. Sungmin gave him a note , a note that came from Ryeowook.


"Kyuhyun-nah, I know you for a long time, your such a strong person. but know seeing you in this white bed, almost lifeless and fighting to live, I feel pain , and hurt,, the last time you told me that if I really love you I should handle any kind of pain... I think I could ,but if you leave me alone in this world, that pain is worthless, because seeing you dying without doing anything it's make me hurt so bad that's why sacrificng my life is the worthy pain ... just to prove to you howe much I love you,, and I want you to see my suprised that I made for weeks, that is why I came home late... its was Sungmin hyung who helped me all the way...Sorry about that... Kyu let me tell you, it's only my body will be gone, but as long as you have my heart I always live with you"


After Kyuhyun's recovery , they showed to him the suprised,

SUNGMIN: "kyu , Ryeowook was so bothered on that day on how he can prove to you that he really loves you, that is why he asked for my help , and this is it


It was in the Soccer field full of rose petals forming a heart with a written note  ,

'"Kyuhyun . does making this thing can make you prove how much I love you? Then. This is for you"


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cmngcm #1
Chapter 1: Really sad!!!!
naznew #2
Chapter 1: Its so sad...
I kept crying on that one...

Nice story
Chapter 1: kya so sad and yet so sweet,wookie why you always the one who died
kyulovewook #5
Chapter 1: awww thats so sad and loving at the same time!!
Well, i guess KyuWook is still together, together in one :)
i like this, thanks for sharing...
hope to see more of your ff ^^