I Got You


b'coz I love u a lot my subscribers & the readers, here's an update! ^__^ it's 7.55am right now, so good morning!






Seunghyun stared hopelessly at the figure in the bed and tears started to run down his cheeks again. He immediately wiped the tears and sniffed before took one of the hands and rubbed it lovingly. He still can’t believe it. His beloved younger brother would be in this condition right now; eyes closed, a full of wires attached to his body, and the doctor can’t even tell him when he’ll awake. The doctor’s words were still ringing in his head and it kept repeating playing over and over again.

I’m sorry that I have to tell you this. The accident has caused a serious damage to his brain that leads to his unconscious condition. I can’t tell you exactly when he’ll awake but we already did our best to save him. As for now, it’s all depending on his will and strength to live.

And Seunghyun still can see his mother crying out loud upon hearing the news and how he saw his father shed his tears for the first time in the past few years. He didn’t see Jiyong anywhere after the shocking news and Lee Joon was here, sprawled on the sofa at the corner of the room.

“Seung, you better wake up. You promised to help me find a good girl for me right. I know that I need to have your approval first before I can bring someone to our house, so you better wake up. I have a lot of things to tell you and to fight with you. You better not leave all these people that love you so much” he can feel it, his heart hurts like hell. He can’t take this, seeing Hyunseung lying there and he can’t do anything to wake him up, he felt miserable. He felt like he had failed as a brother, a brother that should protect Hyunseung from anything including heartbreak. Suddenly the door was opened, revealing a weak figure of Jiyong. Seunghyun looked up but his hand still held Hyunseung’s hand tightly.

“Junhyung-ssi is here to see Seung” Seunghyun abruptly stood up.

“He isn’t allowed to be here. I won’t allow him to meet Hyunseung” Seunghyun stated firmly and that left Jiyong to look at him weirdly.

“What?” Junhyung who has been there from the very beginning voiced out. He looked at Seunghyun with a clearly puzzled eye.

“YOU BASTARD! THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!!” Seunghyun suddenly yelled once he saw Junhyung and started to make a move to attack Junhyung. But before he could reach Junhyung, Jiyong grabbed his hand from the back and restrained him from attacking Junhyung. Lee Joon who saw the scene immediately stood beside Jiyong and helped him in preventing Seunghyun from doing any damage. Junhyung and Seungho can only looked at an angry Seunghyun, quite confused with whatever was happening right now. They didn’t understand even a single thing why Seunghyun was mad at Junhyung. Junhyung looked at Seunghyun and he still had the same furious look on his face, his eyes were burning with an angry fire.

“Hey, just calm down. What the hell is happening? Why are you so angry with Junhyung? He’s here to see Hyunseung. We want him to be here, Hyunseung wants him to be here” Jiyong was still holding Seunghyun’s hands tightly who was still struggling to get free from his friends’ grip.

“I don’t want him to be here!! I bet he doesn’t even want to be here! Go back to whoever girl that you hold and hug yesterday!!!” and that left everyone in the room with a mouth opened and Seunghyun took that opportunity to storm towards Junhyung and punched him hard in the face. Junhyung fell down with a loud thud and his nose and mouth were bleeding. But Seunghyun wasn’t done yet. He stepped forward and grabbed Junhyung by his collar.

“You!!! You think I didn’t know?! I saw you! You dare to cheat on my brother when he is unconscious in the hospital and you’ve got the nerve to show up here today! Don’t you show your face in front of me or Hyunseung again or I’ll just kill you!” he shoved Junhyung out of the room and Seungho hurriedly walked to help Junhyung to stand up.

“NOW GET LOST!” and he shut the door right in front of Junhyung’s face. Seunghyun was beyond angry and Jiyong can see that. Without wasting much time, he opened the door to catch up with Junhyung who might have already left, but to his surprise Junhyung was still standing there in front of the room. Slowly he approached the injured man.

“Go home. I’ll talk to him”

“He knew”

 Jiyong shook his head. “He doesn’t. That’s why he reacts that way”

“But you knew”

Jiyong nodded and give Junhyung an assured smile. “I know everything, that’s why let me talk with Seunghyun first. He only know what he saw, so forgive him”

“I really want to see him”

“I know but Seunghyun---”

“At least tell me how is he doing, please?” Junhyung pleaded and for once, Jiyong wondered if Junhyung had ever fall in love Hyunseung.

“He’s stable now but we won’t know when he will wake up. Just keep praying for his safety okay” and with that Jiyong was back into the room and Seungho had to drag Junhyung away from that place with a heavy heart.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


He was walking in an empty road. There weren’t a single person on the road that made the surrounding looked like a deserted place. He continued to walk, hoping that he will meet someone or some light to guide him. Suddenly he tripped on his feet and fell to the ground. He looked at his already bleeding knee and winced in pain. It hurts; having his knee injured was hurt. But then there was hand extended to him and he looked up. He can’t see his face clearly but he was smiling to him, giving his hand to help him to stand back on his foot. He looked at his face closely, somehow he looked very familiar.

Junnie? He smiled. He called out again but the person only replied with the same smile. He waited for a while before his lips pursued a smile too, the same smile he gave him. He lifted his hand to reach out for him but before he could touch his hand, he slowly backed away. The smile’s gone. He frowned.

Junnie, where are you going? Junnie, wait! But he slowly disappeared and this time, his heart hurt more than his knee as he no longer can see the figure of him.

 Wait, don’t leave me. Wait!


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Seunghyun stirred in his sleep. He thought he was hearing voices so he just brushed it off but when he felt a movement on the bed, he immediately woke up.

“Hyunseung? Oh my God, Seung! Seung, you finally wake up. Thank God. Doctor!!”


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Jiyong was practically running throughout the hallway with Lee Joon trailed closely behind him, ignoring a warning given by the nurse that they weren’t supposed to run or make any noise in hospital area. But he didn’t care; he didn’t give a damn care about it. All he cared about for now was the news told by Seunghyun over the phone half an hour ago. He ran as fast as he could and sometimes Lee Joon shouted at him to slow down a bit, like he cared anyway.

He saw Hyunseung’s family member outside the room with Seunghyun was walking back and forth in front of it, worried clearly written all over his face. Yoseob was sitting with Doojoon and Kikwang was standing closely to the door with Dongwoon stood beside him. Jiyong wrinkled as he looked at the both of them.

Are they together now? He can’t help but wondered. Quickly, he made his way towards Seunghyun.

“How is he?” Seunghyun stopped walking and turned around before he pulled Jiyong into a big hug.

“He’s awake! He’s awake! Can you believe it? He’s awake!” Seunghyun’s eyes were teary, but it was a happy tear. Jiyong smiled and sighed in relief.

“What are we doing here then?”

“The doctor is examining him for now. It’s compulsory since he just woke up after 3 weeks in coma. We’ll be able to see him after this, don’t worry”


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Junhyung pulled the blanket higher. He started to get annoyed. Mir and Seungho had been outside of his apartment for more than an hour now and they didn’t stop ringing the bell and knocking on his door. He knew how persistent they were and how he wished there was someone else who as annoyed as him could call the police and drag those two away from here.

“Junhyung, open up! I know you’re inside. Let us in, will you?” he heard Mir shouted and ignored it.

“Junhyung, please. Don’t do this. Just how long are you going to hide?” it was Seungho this time and Junhyung couldn’t care less. They can say whatever they can but only he knew the feeling of a broken heart. And he still didn’t understand why he had to feel this way. Wasn’t this good? Now it’s all ended with him and Hyunseung. He can only care about his relationship with Hara now. But why did it hurt so much? Why can’t he give it up? He shut his eyes because he felt nothing but pain.

“Junhyung, please. It’s not your fault. Plus, it’s all about time for everyone to know about it” Junhyung shook his head. How can Seungho say something like that? How can Seungho say that it’s not his fault? It was his fault! He played with fire but Hyunseung didn’t have to take the consequences. Suddenly, his phone vibrated and he was debating whether to check up on it or not. Probably it was from Mir or Seungho but he reached for it nevertheless. As he read the written message, his lips trembled and he cried.

“Finally neh” he let the tears ran down his cheeks as he kept reading the message again and again.




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89_junseung #1
Chapter 28: Wow, just wow! Beautifully written. This made me smile and cry. One of the best Junseung out there. Thank you Author-nim Ü Hoping for the finale. Ü
Chapter 28: Woooohoooo..finally update ^^ thanks
Want to read more
YouniqB2UTY #3
Chapter 28: update more..
Vluverful #4
Chapter 28: WAAA!!!Thanks for the update!!!Waiting for more!!
JHS_addicted #5
Chapter 27: Authorshii where's the endinggg??? You left us hanging hereeee... Please finish it or better make it longer... This is superb fic of junseng,,, seriosly,,
JuRan_HyunMi #6
Chapter 27: AHHHHHHH!!!! I was like 'oh junseung met again! will things get better!?' /continue to scroll/ then it's the end of the chap!!! noooooo~ too nice already, author-nim pls update soon! I like this story!!^^
Chapter 27: this is one of the first junseung story that i read...........

and finally i can see hara as a good person who is trying to make jun happy.

jiyong you are amazing, he loves him so much that he lets him go

.... i really don't want this story toe end... and this is one of few stories that ii will happily read again and again this story... : ))

update soon (^_^)V
braver #8
Chapter 27: I'm sooooo sad to hear this story will be ending soon. I hope you'll give us lots more of your writing in the future in other fics, but I have a very big soft spot for this one. It'll be hard to say goodbye to it. But of course I respect any decisions the author will make.

You don't need to apologize for any long gaps between updates. You are a human being first and foremost and you need to put your life first, we readers understand! Please take your time and we'll wait patiently.

On that note, I'm so happy to see Junhyung and Hyunseung finally, finally, FINALLY getting together. And Hyunseung can finally heal his broken heart. Oh my, I can't wait to see what happens next. Thank you to Jiyong for being mature and a great friend. Excited for the next chapter!
AHHHHHHHHHHH my cat steped on my laptop and accidentally closed the window T___T all my lovely comment got lost...
anyway, I said that we, averange people who are bad with deadlines, understand perfectly well what you mena. This story was so nice to read, and this chapter and the M one made me cry; they really did.
I just hope they can finally express their true feelings to each other. They love each other, don't stupid, guys!