Convincing Byun Baekhyun

Moonlight - Part I: The Outsiders

A/N: Please read the author's note at the END of this chapter. Thank you. 


Being pig-headed and stubborn was something Baekhyun was known for, acting and speaking without thinking it through first was another. It wasn't something he did on purpose, but rather something that had become a mannerism over the years, and no matter how hard he tried he just couldn't stop. 
When Jongin spoke of his mother Baekhyun didn't feel bad for saying what he had. While they might have gone through similar circumstances they were still different. Jongin didn't know Baekhyun's exact pain, and vice versa. Did he feel sympathetic towards him for what he'd gone through at such a young age? As much as he didn't want to have any feelings towards the boy, yes, he did feel sorry for him. 
At hearing Joonmyun's name Baekhyun glanced up, watching Jongin carefully as he spoke of the older male. He knew that he was desperate -- why else would he have come all the way here, searching for him? -- but there was something in the way that he spoke of the other, the way he said his name coupled with the look in his eyes that Baekhyun just couldn't ignore. Joonmyun truly wasn't happy, not completely anyway, and Baekhyun was the reason. 
Now Jongin was asking what Joonmyun had been for the past year, for him to come visit, just for a few days, and for the first time in a long time Baekhyun found it hard to say anything. He didn't want to say no, he really didn't, because despite Jongin's promise that he wouldn't be harmed, he still couldn't commit to an answer. 
"Jongin... I really want to," Baekhyun murmured, dropping his gaze once more. "I want to see my best friend but... I'm afraid to." And then it hit him, that maybe the real reason he hadn't gone was because he was too afraid that Joonmyun had become a different person, that he wouldn't be the same. Yes, he was afraid of the environment, of the potential dangers, but it was Joonmyun he was most afraid of. 
Really, what did he have to lose? With that thought in mind, he looked back up and gave Jongin a hard stare before his expression softened. "One week." Because a few days wasn't enough to make up for one year. "That's all. And if anything happens to me you're the one I'm coming after." If he were able to at that point. 
With a half annoyed, half hesitant expression, Baekhyun turned and began walking in the direction of his home, calling over his shoulder as he went. "I'm going to go pack; you can come along if you want-" even if I really don't want you to "-but I'll only be about thirty minutes." He knew it wouldn't take him near that long, because he still had that one bag he kept packed for those impromptu sleep overs that he and Joonmyun had had a habit of planning, but he'd need time to explain to his parents that he was leaving for a week.


Jongin didn't know why he'd said what he'd said about his mother. Of course their circumstances weren't the same, but he knew what it was like to lose someone important. He knew Baekhyun was important to Joonmyun, just as he knew Joonmyun was important to Baekhyun. He also knew that if anything happened to Baekhyun, Joonmyun would never forgive him. 
he knew the dangers of taking Baekhyun back to the mansion, but with the old Alpha gone, there wasn't any immediate danger and no one would attack a human unless he gave the order. And he really didn't want or need Joonmyun mad at him, so it was in his best interest to not start a fight with the elder male.
"...Thank you," he murmured softly, smiling as he bowed his head before he straightened. "If you don't mind; I'll wait here. I want to buy some sweets for my little brother before I go back...He's been asking for ages, but no one has had the time to come into town for him."
It was half true, it was Taemin who wanted sweets, but Jongin's stash had run low and he needed an excuse to not spend too much time with Baekhyun, especially since he could feel how uneasy he made the elder male. "I'll wait here, you take as much time as you need. Then we'll leave; and I swear on my life... no one will harm you while you're there."
It was more than just a promise, it was a promise made by the Alpha, and he had sworn on it, so he had to make sure Baekhyun stayed safe or he'd basically be ruining his honor. He flashed another smile and fished his hands into his pockets to pull out his wallet.


Baekhyun was rather relieved when Jongin decided to stay behind, that way he'd have more time to grumble to himself and then he wouldn't have as much to explain to his parents. His walk homg was spent in a trance, trying hard not to think because thinking would lead to second thoughts and he'd talk himself into not going. He'd told Jongin he would, and so he had to at least try. One week was all, and he could come back home. 
At home, he was surprised to find that no one was there, but a note was left on the table saying that his mom and dad had taken his cousin into the city for the remainder of the day and that they'd be home in time to go out for dinner. With a frustrated sigh, Baekhyun scribbled out a note that he was going to visit Joonmyun for the week and that he'd call later if anything came up -- they knew Joonmyun was alive and well and had found some place nice to live, but that was it. The details had been kept under lock and key. 
It took him all of ten minutes to pack an extra bag -- one of the bigger ones he'd kept from his camping years with Joonmyun -- with everything that wasn't already packed in the one sitting at the back of his closet. Satisfied, he slung the backpack and duffle bag over his shoulders and left the house once more, making short work of the small walk back into town where he'd left Jongin. 


After watching Baekhyun walk away, Jongin turned to look at the sweet shop. Being Alpha meant that he now had access to pack funds - and the private inheritance that Byunghun had been saving up - and he wanted to splurge. He needed to buy lollies for Taemin, and for himself, but he wanted to get some stuff for Sunny and the boys as well as Joonmyun. 
Ten minutes later and he cleaned out all of the fudge as well as the lollipops, and had spent close to $200 alone on different sour worms and gummy lollies, plenty for all of them. All the lollies barely managed to fit into six bulging super market bags, and he'd reluctantly bought a duffel bag of sorts to carry most of them in while he waited for Baekhyun.
When the elder, shorter male returned, he gave him a sheepish look and jerked his head. "Alright, let's go. We should get  back in time for lunch...Also...relax, you aren't going to run into any wolves that will want to eat you - for starters, we hunt animals, and secondly... it's nowhere close to the full moon. At best, you'll have to deal with my little brother and his body guards. Sometimes I think they're more animal than man, but I dunno.."
He jerked his head again and started off towards the forest and the edge of town, only glancing back every so often to make sure Baekhyun was still following him. It took less time than it did to walk to town, and forty minutes later he was coming to a stop outside the mansion, his head turning to watch Baekhyun's reaction.


When Baekhyun met up once again with Jongin he disregarded the duffle bag that he'd acquired; it was his business and the elder didn't have to pry, not that he was curious anyway. He also ignored the boy's attempts to lighten the mood, because none of it was helping. If he were going to be there for a week he'd rather not hear about it if he had to. Jongin had already promised his safety and that's really all he needed. 
Without a word he followed Jongin into the forest, non-too excited for the trek that lay ahead. He hadn't gone on a decent hike since the first time Joonmyun had disappeared, and even then it wasn't his strong suit. Tripping and stumbling occurred often, and even though Jongin hadn't been looking, Baekhyun knew he could hear well enough. It annoyed him just enough to be frustrating, but he tried to keep himself together. 
Forty long minutes later Jongin came to a stop and Baekhyun stood next to him, not even attempting to catch his breath as he took in the structure before him. The word 'big' didn't even begin to cover it, but that was the only word that the elder could come up with at the moment. It was a mansion and it was big. 
Three hours had never seemed so long for Joonmyun, and more than once he found himself pacing whatever room he'd decided to occupy. It wasn't that Jongin had left, but the fact that he'd not said much about where he was going and what he was doing, just that it was 'pack business'. This happened often, yes, but usually Joonmyun was let in on more details than everyone else -- save for maybe Yunho -- and so he felt the need to worry. 
Slight anger and frustrations had sparked in the bond about an hour or so after Jongin had left, and Joonmyun's worry with it. Sunny, Jaejoong, and Taemin all attempted to comfort him, but cooking and video games only went so far. So, he'd settled on curling up in an arm chair in the room Jaejoong and Yunho called theirs. 
It was late afternoon, nearly lunch time when Joonmyun could feel Jongin coming closer, and he let that feeling grow until he couldn't stand it. He jumped up from his chair, ignoring Jaejoong's questions, and bolted from the room, down the stairs, and outside. And he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw what the younger boy had brought with him. 


Jongin's breath hitched as they came closer to the front door, feeling the bond pull at him as he turned to look at Baekhyun once more. He saw the look on his face and had to smile, but the look faded a moment later when Joonmyun's scent invaded every one of his senses and he had to stop himself from moving forward to kiss his mate (because that might be /very/ awkward in front of Baekhyun.)
Instead he dropped the duffel bag down on the front step and cleared his throat awkwardly. He looked from Joonmyun to Baekhyun, and then back to his mate before he smiled faintly and stepped forward. "I...uhm, I'm back?" he offered, though he knew that Joonmyun had been worried - and annyoyed - because he hadn't told him where he was going or why, and now to suddenly return with someone he hadn't seen in a year.
"I... couldn't stand to see you so sad all the time. So I went to town and asked him if he'd come see you," he explained, teeth digging into his lower lip as he watched Joonmyun carefully. "I'm sorry for worrying you. And for not telling you where I was going."


Joonmyun looked from Jongin to Baekhyun and Jongin again before looking at Baekhyun once more, eyes wide, voice caught in his throat and struggling to escape with words. He didn't know what to say to someone he hadn't spoken to in person for over a year, and at the moment it was hard to do anything but stare at him like he was some rare breed of.... something. He was different, and somehow exactly the same. 
Baekhyun had the same look, but the longer he stood there the more emotion began to show, until Joonmyun could practically feel the frustration and confusion rolling off of him. The elder wasn't sure what he was going to do; he was always unpredictable and even with heightened senses Joonmyun was uncertain. It didn't help that now the younger male was beginning to step closer. 
The first thing Baekhyun did the moment Joonmyun was close enough was slap him, a hard palm to his cheek before standing back and watching the surprised look on his face. Something beneath the elder seemed to stir, something Baekhyun hadn't seen before, but he ignored it before promptly pulling his friend into a tight embrace, arms linking around his torso in a grip that wasn't likely to slacken soon. 
"You stupid ." The words were murmured as Baekhyun pressed his face into Joonmyun's shoulder. Following his slight burst of anger, an overwhelming sense of relief and joy took hold and Baekhyun could no longer deny that he had been a badterribleawful friend for avoiding this for so long. 


Wanting to watch from the sidelines - and escape any possible punches that might be thrown his way - Jongin stepped back as Baekhyun and Joonmyun stepped closer to each other. He watched with bated breath as Joonmyun stared at Baekhyun, and as the elder returned the look, he bit his lower lip. He could feel how confused and worried Joonmyun was, could feel how conflicted he was to be face to face wth Baekhyun after not seeing him for a year. 
But it wasn't until Baekhyun slapped Joonmyun that Kai rushed to the surface, and Jongin growled low in his throat, stepping forward with a hand outstretched to yank Baekhyun away from his mate, that he swallowed whatever rush of anger he'd just felt. It was a good thing too, because a few moments after the slap, Baekhyun pulled Joonmyun into a tight embrace. 
Althuough Kai still realllllly wanted to bite Baekhyun for hitting his mate, Jongin was almostsortakinda willing to let it go, as they seemed to be doing okay.. and he hadnt caused any permanent damage.
"Watch it," he murmured, his voice husky with a growl as he hefted the bags and stepped past the two boys, the warning growled to Baekhyun as he eyed him before he walked inside. 
They needed to have a moment alone.


A/N: Okay, so I (helloimej) recieved a very interesting message today from a silent reader -- interesting being a good thing, and silent reader meaning I will not give a username. Anyway, this particular message got me to thinking -- a LOT -- that other's might have questions similar to this. So, I'm going to talk this over with Saphyra and see what she thinks about doing random Q&A blogs (and I don't think there will be any objections) but for now, if you have a question you'd like to ask us, then send me (helloimej) a message and we'll review your question together and post it in a blog. Your questions can be about anything related to the story or about us: writing styles, favorite books/authors/etc, or even our favorite foods/colors/etc. No question will be turned down. 

Have a good day!


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Chapter 11: It your not continuing it because it completely had my attention which is hard to gain. I'm a little aggregated by it being discontinued because I really wanted to find out what happens with baekhyun and taemin. I'll respect your decisions. I'll be disappointed is all but stand behind your decisions
Chapter 11: Awww :( although im really sad that you arent finishing it, i'll support you both either way! If it ad been affecting your work and oter things then it's a good idea to stop. But lol is it bad to say that im glad you stopped before the drama started.

But anyways, in my head, illjust think everything ended happily. With baekhyun visiting them, and reconciling and becoming best frannnsss again and both joonmyun and jongin are happy and all that :DD
THANKS FOR WRITING UP TO THIS FAR THOUGH. ♥ it's been a fun and wonderful adventure reading the whole series ♥
asher2311 #3
Chapter 11: when you have time can you pleasepleaseplease continue the story?
Chapter 11: i read Howling, and was really excited to read this sequel, but just now, you crushed it all :'( i'm very sorry this story won't be continued annymore, i am going to cry somewhere on my own now, if you will excuse me
Chapter 11: , do you know how frustated i am you're not completing this fic. It hurts ;;;_;;;
This story is awesome and really why?
But i should said thankyou very much for making 5 series of howling, i enjoy it so much. Thank you <3
Chapter 11: how unlucky am I ;;; i've been reading this ff nonstop for 3 days ;;
i'm so addicted and now I'm so sad to find out you dropped it ;-;

is there any possibility that at least one of you will continue it? please ;;

this is just too amazing to end like this T_T
Chapter 11: Oh my goodness nooooo! This story was so good >_<
Chapter 12: Update it soon, pleaseeeeeeeeee. I want BaekTae puhlease :c
Chapter 12: Just take care of all your problems, and i hope it'll get better :D