Dedication to my subbies~

Roommates guys...this is the first time that I've had this many subscribers. 20 may not seem like a lot, but it does to me. YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!

When I got my first subscriber I was this for realness??

And then when I got my second subbie I was like...

And like...

And like...

and then I realized it was my best friend -________- so I was like...

But then I got more subbies after that and I was so happy!!! And my happiness can only be explained with a variety of gifs.

So happy I could dance...if only i could shuffle ;~;

I love you so much my lovely subscribers and I love everyone that comments! It makes me wants to write for you guys even more~

Double the Kevin love~

Thank you all. *hugs*

I hope I didn't scare you off. ;~;

PS...I've already started writing the next chapter, so stay tune~!

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ILoveYou_Forever #1
Chapter 5: Aigoo!!!! That should have been a !!!! Aigoo!!!! But anyway, I'll just wait for a full then!!!!!!! ByungHun, you should have gone all~~~ the way.
sillysym #2
Chapter 5: update soon pleaseeeeeeeee
Chapter 5: omg i love this >/////////< byunghun is so cute OTL. and you're so good at leaving us hanging XD please please please update soon >< can't wait for more chunjoe! XD
Apelsin #4
Chapter 4: aaah cliffhanger! I can't wait for the next chapter! *subscribes* I'm a new reader here! Please keep up the good work! <3 :D
ILoveYou_Forever #5
Chapter 4: Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! I'm so excited for the next update!!! YOU HAVE TO UPDATE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!!!!
Chapter 4: oh my god !!!
are L.joe a gay too ? update soon :D
Chapter 2: update soon :D
ILoveYou_Forever #8
Chapter 2: Ahahahahahahaha!!!! Oh God I'm laughing so hard at the stair part! Oh my.... A stick is even stronger than L.Joe! LOL!!!! Channie is cute, falling in love at first sight! LOL!!! Channie yah, you are helpless!!! Oh, and well.... I say L.Joe tops! Channie is too cute here to top!
MinKeyMK #9
Chapter 1: Ohhh I want to see how hw would react and I say l.Joe tops