A Heart

Reaper of the Seas


                It had been days, I believed, since I had been first taken and discovered what vessel I had been stolen aboard. What had happened? Nothing exciting by any means. All that had been, was my silent evaluation of the man who sat outside my cell, cleaning his flintlock pistol to a lustrous perfection, sharpening his sword and hidden dagger blade, and writing things down on some scrap parchment every now and then.

Several times had he tried to strike up a conversation, but I refused to speak a word. This male would always ask a question nicely, smiling as he did so, yet not response would be heard from me. What could I say? I was so infected with terror that I could feel death’s cold talons holding my heart in a secure, ever eminent grip within my bosom. Any form of communication would show that. Even though, this one never stopped smiling when he looked at me. I repaid him with expressionless, and if he was lucky, curious, looks whenever we connected in our gazes.

Two days after I first awoke on the ship, he relinquished his attempts to speak with a fright-muted woman. Just as well, I was never much of a conversationalist. It would likely be far more merciful for him to die in silence than the boredom that accompanied my lack of useful conversation. Of course, would he ever leave? Not a chance.

Roland, the plump beast, brought us both down our meals, and we would eat, watching the other, trying to understand. In our silence, I felt as if he did, understand that is. How is that even possible? Every now and then when he would silently watch me, he would shrug and scrawl something on his piece of parchment. It seemed that every soundless discovery he made, he chronicled. Why? I haven’t the slightest idea.

Though, in our limited time, I did feel closer to him. He hadn’t left me alone much, only occasionally, but he was sure to make it quick. Perhaps he was concerned of my being alone? I know not, though he does sleep in that chair now. Before he would bunk down in front of the door. Truly? What was I about to do, throw my weight against the door and bust it open? Ha! I would likely send myself unconscious in the process. But, oh, how his back must ache from that chair. The poor fellow. Did I really just say that? Now I have sympathy for a bloodthirsty pirate? I truly am mad, would you look at that.

                I do recall, one night I had fallen asleep in a terrible position, but was too exhausted from a lack of shut-eye that I hadn’t cared to move. I had woken up a while later to the feeling of being moved. My eyes hadn’t opened very far, just enough to see it was this male. He had untangled me from the bars and laid me down gently, adjusting my coat around my shoulders, and pushing the hair from my eyes. I remember the feeling of his fingers. He wasn’t cold, as I had imagined. He was soft, kind, gentle, not like the others. But every minute such thoughts infected my mind, I brought forth the memory of being taken, he was just like the others, I had to remember that.

                Today was just like the rest, I sat on a crate in my corner, right knee crossed over the other, arms folded over my stomach, drawing the coat near. He was cleaning the blade and caged-hilt of his rapier, diligently. At one point, he heaved a great sigh, set down his blade and faced me fully. His elbows rested on his knees as he clasped his hands extended out towards me, his shoulders hunched over in my direction.

                “You never speak. Why is that?” It was always the same. If he got fed up with the silence, he would ask a short question, just for some form of sound in the air. As per usual, I sat in silence, just looking him over. This time, he shifted and rested his jaw against his right first, letting his left arm limply rest over his knee still. “You know I-”

                “Why don’t you just kill me or throw me overboard?” I cut him off, speaking for the first time after what seemed to have been a fortnight. His eyes drew wide, blink a few times, before smile spread dopily across his lips. He was likely ecstatic that I could speak and wasn’t permanently muted by the experience thus far. A few moments passed as he leaned against the back of his chair, crossing one ankle over the other before him. He seemed too comfortable for his own good. Then again, I didn’t feel threatened as he spoke again.

                “Wouldn’t that be counterproductive Princess? We did take you for a reason, though I wasn’t comfortable with it.” He shrugged at me as his glance shifted o’er his shoulder. He eyes fell for a moment before returning to working with what objects were on the table beside him. I had to admit I was curious, but my energy and will was so nonexistent that I would not get up.

                “Allow me to explain something to you; I am not a Princess. I am the only female cousin to her highness, Ailana, but I myself am not a princess.”

                “You’re close enough, and in my opinion, far prettier.” I jumped back slightly, appalled by his suggestion. A light chuckle fell off his breath as he set down the object in his hands and looked back into my space, watching me as if I were some specimen with strict purposes of observation. His intentions became unclear in a swift moment, his eyes flickering over my figure, studying intently. His features darkened every moment, and I became worried. His brows furrowed, as if perplexed my very presence. This was new, he hadn’t done anything of the like in the past few days. What was ailing him? Suddenly, he sighed and rubbed his face over with his hands once.

                “Is there something the matter?” I meekly asked him, clenching my skirts in my lap. He stopped and lifted his face, his eyes distressed as they connected with mine again.

                “You.” His simple answer caused me to clench my eyes shut, my head hanging sadly as I shrunk against the autumn’s evening chill settling into the oaken hull. I heard the man unlock the door. “Come here.” I felt his warm hand on my shoulder, sending a chill through my covered arms, feeling the stark contrast between pure aloneness and a companion, though we hadn’t spoken enough to be considered as such. I leaned away from the ship and towards the man on my other side where he stood. His other arm covered me and gave me a slight shock; he was hugging me against his chest. “Don’t be scared of me, I know right now you’re broken, but I’m not a monster. I promise you, I’m not a monster. You can breathe with me, I won’t dare harm you.” He whispered against my hair, his body shaking. I knew suddenly that he was crying. Why would he be crying? Was he really that afraid that I was deathly terrified of him? “I’m not like them; I need you to see that.” That was it, he was afraid that he would become like the other crewmembers on this ship that had been damned. This was unexpected. Perhaps that was what he had been scribbling on the parchment over the past few days of our silent considerations. He had become attached to the mute little creature in the cage, and I hated to admit it but, I was feeling a comparable affection as well.

                “What’s your name?” I inquired softly, whispered against his shoulder as he held me close. He pulled back lightly, water blotted under his eyes. I gazed upon him, knowing that he wasn’t as he feared. He clearly wasn’t heartless. He was afraid, just like every other person with a heart. He worried about what he would become. He wasn’t a heartless beast like the others I had seen on this ship. I had known him, if you included when he held the cloth to my face, for only hours more than a full day now. I never would have imagined that my presence could touch someone so deeply. He reached up and tucked a stray lock of hair behind my ear with a gentle smile.

                “Changmin… I’m Changmin.” His name was like the smoothest honey, gentle as it rolled across your tongue. How unanticipated from someone you had thought to be a murderer, a thief, and a defiler. I realized then, maybe he wasn’t as much like the stories as perhaps the others of the ship. Could I trust him? Would I trust him? Only time would tell, but it was worth a shot. I had nothing, no one, else. What could garnering a friendly company do wrong? It’s not like I would fall in love with him. I’m not that stupid. Sighing, I made a resolution in my mind, for my sake as well as his. For my protection and his mental assurance. If he and I weren’t to get along, it wouldn’t be of any fault per mine own. I would do my best to be what we both needed.

                “I’m Andelynne.” A small smile turned up the corners of my lips. He was far from what I originally thought of him. “Now, someone with a name and emotions mustn’t be a monster, correct?” He nodded lightly and I settled back against him. “I’m assuming I’ll have to be seen as scared of you in the eyes of the other crew members, particularly the Captain.” Changmin ran his fingertips over my forearm gently, as if his touch were just the passing breeze. Oddly, it was comforting. While I had comforted him, I had not forgotten what he was. And yet, as he held me, it didn’t feel as though he were. He held me so sweetly, I felt as if he and I were the closest of friends. It was easy, as if it was supposed to be.

                All thoughts I had been throwing around let my mind as heavy footsteps hit the steps down to our deck. I shrunk back against the corner and Changmin moved to lean against the bars, watching me as one would a feral animal. I curled, my palms against the damp oak, and looked at the four men who sauntered down towards my cell.

                “What do you rats want?” Changmin glared behind him, but his confidence soon disappeared as he looked at them. “Sir.” He addressed one of the males curtly, the one I had seen before at navigation. Seeing him closer, I realized how attractive he truly was. Dark hair with golden, shimmering streaks, pulled back chaotically by a leather cord. His eyes as dark and cold as stone as he looked me over once.

                “We’ve made port, take her for a breath of air and a dress. Those that she has on are repulsive; I swear they’ve made half the crew waste their supper o’er the side of the ship. I’d rather not ruin any more rations.” I scoffed lightly as the male turned his back and strode out as quickly and lack-luster as he had entered.

                “They’re not repulsive, it’s my favorite color. Soulless horror.” I grumbled quietly as I straightened out my skirts. A low chuckled met my ears and I lifted my gaze to see Changmin shaking his head lightly. “What, you wish you throw offenses at my clothing now as well? Have at it, I will not be shaken.”

                “That’s not it at all, Princess. Let’s go, though you may have layers, that has got to be frigid.” He extended his hand towards me sweetly. Gingerly, unsure of my situation completely, I rested my skin on his. Taking my hand, he pressed his lips quickly against the backs of my fingers before leading me excitedly from the cell. 

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maknae_voldemin #1
Chapter 3: Love ur story!!! It's interesting how it's set in the past and changmin appeared!!!! *forever biased* >:D
Good luck with the next update >.<
Chapter 1: This is really interesting!
I've always loved historical stories and you capture that feeling well while still keeping it modern enough.

Looking forward to the next chapter!