
I'm Sorry That I Love You


Soo Jin


I don’t even know why I’m crying right now. I just can’t stop. I feel as if someone stabbed my heart and cut it up into a thousand pieces. I know I have to pull myself together, I’m out in public. I tried to suppress my tears but the harder I tried to stop, more tears would gush out of my already wet eyes.


“S-Soo Jin?” I heard his voice.

I looked down on his worn out blue Nikes. The shoes that I bought him the last Christmas we spent together. I quickly wiped my tears and pulled myself together and stood up.

“Dongwoon? What are you doing here?” I managed to say through hiccupping breaths.

“You forgot your wallet… Is everything alright?” he hesitantly asked me.

“I-I’m fine. It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it. Thanks. I’ll see you around,” I said in a business-like tone.

I confidently turned around and walked away.


I can’t believe the first thing I said to him in years was spoken to him in tears. I’m such an idiot… There was no reason to cry… Ughhh…

I hurriedly walked back to my office.


“Unnie are you back already?” Ah Reum called out from the back room.

“Yeah, I’m back. Come eat your lunch!” I cheerily said.

I saw her happily run to me from the storage room.

How is she so happy? I want to know how..




I was so confused. Why the hell is she crying? She left me to have a better life and live a life without an idol breaking her heart. So why the hell is she sad?

I’m starting to get worried…


I headed back inside and ate my lunch in silence.

“Oppa are you okay?” Ji Hyun asked. “Did she say something to you?”

I just shook my head and continued eating.

“Why aren’t you talking?”

“I just got really tired, okay?” I snapped at her.

She looked a little shocked but didn’t bother me.


I was trying to understand her. I feel like she’s lonely and I feel like she’s unhappy. If breaking up with me didn’t make her happy, what will? I was so frustrated. I just don’t get it…

I finished eating and Ji Hyun and I headed out. A million thoughts were going through my head. She seemed so different now. So much more professional and less child like. I remembered Soo Jin as a down to earth and playful person. She seems so reserved and distant now. I sighed again.


Soo Jin


I headed home and called Mi Kyung.

“Hey do you want to go out for some soju with me?”

“Is something wrong?” she asked.

“No, why would anything be wrong?”

“Because you hate drinking…”

“Well I think it’s good to get out once in a while. Let loose. So are you going to come with me or not?” I asked

“Yeah sure. When are you coming home?” she asked

“I’m on my way home. I’ll be there in like 5 minutes.” I replied


When I arrived home, I changed into something ier. I wanted to go out and have some fun tonight. I just wanted to forget about everything.


“Whoa, you’re going out in that?” Mi Kyung looked me up and down as I stood in front of her with my tight, black, leather mini skirt and 5 inch heels.

“Yeah, you said you would come with me tonight” I replied.

“Where were you thinking of going?” she horrifically asked.

“I don’t know, some club?”

“Soo Jin, you haven’t gone out since high school. Are you sure nothing’s wrong with you?” she asked with fear.

“Nothing is freaking wrong with me. Let’s go!!!” I dragged her out of the house.

“Where’s the craziest club to hit?” I asked her.

Mi Kyung just shook my head and took the lead.


I pushed open the heavy doors of the bar and saw a huge crowd of people. I was ready to just let go of everything and just go back to being care-free.

I headed straight for the bar and ordered the strongest drink that I could think of. I just wanted to get hammered and forget about all my pain.




“Dongwoon, we’re going out tonight,” Kikwang told me.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“Manager hyung said we were going to go celebrate our album sales someplace. I’m not sure where we’re going,” he replied.

“What time?”

“I think we’re leaving soon. You should change into something more suitable.”


I looked outside of the window and saw that we were being dropped off at the club we always went to for celebrations. I was tired out from today and wasn’t really in the mood for drinking. And I knew the other hyungs weren’t either. They never drink. We always order drinks and it’s stupid. I don’t know why we always come to these clubs.


When we walked inside, I saw a crowded dance floor with a girl in the middle, dancing crazily. She’s probably some I thought to myself.

I didn’t bother to even order a drink and found a table nearby and just sat down. I really just wanted to go home and sleep.

I glanced up at the dance floor and the girl caught my attention for the second time.

She looked so much like Soo Jin.

I knew it was a ridiculous thought. Soo Jin at a bar? Ha.

I just watched for a few minutes as the girl let loose and partied by herself.

At least someone was having a good time.


After a few minutes, I saw the girl stumble over and came closer to me. She sat down at my table and bowed her head.

“Hello,” she said.

I didn’t reply. What in the world… This girl is wasted. I just stared at her with disbelief.

“I said hello!” she raised her voice.

Her hair was a mess and she had looked sweaty from the dancing.

“Hello,” I replied in shock.

“I’m so sad,” she said.

I didn’t reply and continued to watch her in amazement.

“I said I’m so sAD!” she slurred her words.

“Why are you said?” I was amused now.

“Because I’m stupid”

I laughed out loud.

This girl is seriously insane.

I stood up to leave.

“WAIT!” she called out.

I sat back down and decided I really didn’t have anything better to do. Might as well just hang around.

“Will you listen to me?” she sounded sad. And drunk.

“Sure,” I chuckled.

“I’ve never said this out loud,” she admitted. “I want to tell you why I’m sad. I’ve been sad for too long.”

“I miss my boyfriend. I miss my old life. I regret everything I did.” She plainly said.

“Why did you break up with your boyfriend?” I curiously asked.

“You might not believe me, I don’t believe myself, but I used to date Son Dongwoon,” she said.

My heart stopped. Could this be..?

I looked closely at her again. Behind the thick eyeliner and mascara, I saw Soo Jin’s innocent eyes. I gasped.

“I believe you,” I croaked. I felt a lump in my throat.

“Well, I dumped him. And now I’m sad,” Soo Jin said.

“Why are you sad?” I managed to ask, pushing the lump down my throat.

“Because I miss him. I love him. I still love him. I’m stupid,” she slurred her words.

“Why don’t you just go back to him?”

“I can’t. It hurts to be with him. It makes me sad. He wants to make me a secret. It hurts to love him,” she started to cry.

I felt my eyes water and I started to panic. I didn’t know what to do. I’m hurting her.

The crying Soo Jin stood up and turned to me.

“Thank you for your time,” she sobbed.

She turned to leave but staggered and stumbled over herself. I quickly got up to help her and she fell into my arms.

I saw someone running towards me and apologize on Soo Jin’s behalf.

“I can help you if you want,” I offered to carry her.

“Thank you so much!!!” she said.

I carried Soo Jin out of the club and turned to the stranger in the moonlight. I saw that it was Mi Kyung. I noticed that she recognized me as well.

“Y-you?!” she pointed at me in shock.

I nodded.

“Hi Mi Kyung.”

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Instead of doing homework, I've read all your stories, *new reader* :)
b95081 #2
Kyaa finally you update!! <3<3 its osm omg can't wait for the next chapter. I hope it will work this time ♥
SarangheyoWoonie #3
candyholic #4
T_____T poor soo jin! update soon please!
SongMinYoung #5
Please U-P-D-A-T-E soon :D<br />
ii lliikkee iitt :)
I like how you write!<br />
The words are flowing!<br />
Update soon, I hope this one comment could be categorized as 'more comments=frequent updates'
yeobo-myungsoo #7
interesting~ :))<br />
update soon :D
Whaaa. Can't wait for update~ <3<br />
Good job c: