You & I:

Here I Am

She walked into the kitchen, i was behind her.

She opened the fridge & said, "What's there to eat?"

She looked at me then said, "What are you gonna eat?"

"I dont know." i walked over to the fridge & looked at her. She turned around.

"Ya ~!" she said closing the fridge. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

i didnt say anything -- i just kept looking at her. "JiYong-ah stop looking at me like that."

She started to walk & i followed her. She then ran downstairs in our room & locked it.

I knocked on the door. "Jenny-ahh ~ i was just joking -- open the door."

"I dont want to" she yelled.

"Aissh this girl." i went upstairs to find a paper clip. I went back downstairs & tried to open the door. it didnt work. i through the clip away & used the only thing that will get her to open the door.

I went up & down the first two stairs. I then said, "Ohh ~ Taemin -- your back already? Did you forget anything?" She then opened the door walked out then said,

"Their back? Did they bring food?" i walked in front of her then grinned..

Jenny's POV:

He walked in front of me, grinned then said, "Your body reacts faster than your brain." he then hugged me then closed & locked the door behind us.

"Lets lay down" still hugging me we layed down. Struggling i said, "I'm hungry -- not tried JiYong ~"

his eyes were closed. "Ya ~!" i said still struggling to break "Let go ~"

His eyes still closed, he said, "The more you struggle, the closer we get."

He pulled me closer to him, i finally stopped struggling. I then looked at him. My heart started to beat faster.

He looks so handsome when he sleeps I thought to myself. I couldnt take my eyes of him.

My head laying on his arm & his hand on my waist, it feels good. Its like nothing else in the world mattered, but him. Who knew -- who knew i fell for my bestfriend . I feel like i dont even deserve him. but in away -- i do.

He then opened his eyes. "Are you still hungry?"

I didnt anwer. i just hugged him.

"I'll take that as a no" he chuckled then kissed my forehead. "I love you Jenny --"

I looked at him again then said, "I love you too JiYong."

He smiled then kissed me on the lips.

We both pulled away & faced eachother.

"Why me?"

he pulled my hair back & tucked them behind my ear. "Hmm?"

"Out of all the girls there -- why pick me?"

He smiled then looked at me right in the eye, "Because my heart recongnizes you. I'm willing to protect you from anything. Your the only girl i've always wanted, i've alway dream of having. Your the only girl who made me punch the wall till my knuckles bleed. Your the only one who makes me feel truely happy. Your the only girl whose weird enough to take flavored water from strangers When i'm with you Jen, i feel like no one or nothing else in the world matters ~ Thats way i choose you. Because of you. thats what made me choice you. I love you."

Tears rolled down my face, "Ohh~ " he said in suprise. "Why are you crying?"

"Because ~" i said while wiping my tears away. "I made you wait for so long. I made you go through so much pain. ~ I'm sorry."

He kissed my forehead, "Dont be sorry ~ All the pain was worth it"

He wiped my tears away then said, "You were worth everything ~"

He then hugged me tight. "Thank you" i said.

"For what?"

"For waiting. Waiting for me for so long."

"Thank you to." he said, resting his head on mine.

"For what?"

"For accepting & returning my love for you." he kissed my forehead then said, "Promise me this?"

i nodded as he continued, "Promise me to never leave my side?"

I looked at him, "Not in a million years."

i kissed him in the lips. as we pulled away. i then said, "I love you."

"I love you too"

We stayed in that position. For the whole night.

JiYong's POV:

I couldn't sleep, i was too happy to sleep. I watched her sleep peaceful. For most of the night, i watched her sleep or i thought she was.

I decided to sing to her, but i guess she beat me. "Wae iroke dugun dugun dugun dweni sengakman hedo, Han gajishik maeil maeil maeil nowa da he bol koya, Nan naega iso haruga julgowo ijenun duriranun ge, Nae sojunghan no baby baby baby boo~"

I smiled, "I thought you were sleeping?"

she chuckled "I thought you were sleeping"

I smiled then sang, "Neol saranghae gu mal gu mal gumal han bon marhe bonun il, Neol saranghae ku mal ku mal kumal han bon duro bonun il, Naege wa jwoso nomuna gomawo negyote nega inunge, Namane sarang baby baby baby baby boo ~"

She chuckled, then said, "Do you think brought us food?"

i laughed, "I asked if you were hungry ~ but you didnt say anything ~"

"Its because i didnt want to leave -- Now you know who i love."

I smiled then said, "You know what i noticed?"


"We're wearing the shirts we got each other."

"Let them be our couple shirts" she said chuckling.

We slept at around 12:50. we woke up at 3 because Taemin kept banging on the door.

we were still in eachothers arms. "I'll answer the door."

"Ani ~" Jenny said still half asleep.

"Were leaving today --" i kissed her lips then got up & answered the door


"What did you & Noona do in there for the whole night, Hyung?" he said while entering the room. Jenny was still sleeping.

"we didnt do anything ~" i said rubbing my eyes.

"Noona's still sleeping -- what time did you guys sleep?"

"Like 12:50 --" i went to Jenny & started to shake her.

"Mmm ?" she said

i smiled then said, "Get up ~ Taemin's here --"

She then forced herself up then said, "Ohh ~ Morning Taemin why time did you guys come last night?"


I'm starting to have writters block o______O

I might not update tmrw because i'll be busy thinking of ideas for the next chapter --

Also -- sequel or no sequel ? Comment me :D

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teddiebears #1
just popping in to older fics to say hi .u.
I like the idea of your story! You gained a new reader!
eijiniizuma #3
just start to read..look interesting..
ItzJaeKay #5
Ahhhh this was good <br />
Now I got to read the sequel <br />
Arhhhh I just love JAY !!!! He's so cute XDDD
ItzJaeKay #6
Wow I was looking for a fanfic that has Dae Guk Nam Ah members in it<br />
Came across this<br />
Read the forward and saw my name in it lol<br />
So. Cool <br />
Now I need to read it xDDD
Omg O.O ... Jay!!!!! Jihwan!!!!! I love him sooooo much!! XD
@TheBigThoughtBubble: xD Thank you :D
Yoseob probably did something 'BAD' to her.. >_> or ALMOST.
What did Yoseob do?