dear whomever - aff&tumblr; roleplay PLEASE CHECK CH. 4



To Whomever It May Concern...

this roleplay is based on both aff and tumblr.
well it's simple.
you will be roleplaying on aff.
but you will also be filling
out a diary or journal
on tumblr.
course you may do it in any format.
like a letter to a person,
to future self,
or just regular dear...
it's your choice.


  one/ look through masterlist to see who is taken
  two/ reservations last for 2 days. extensions can be asked through pm
  three/ one account per person please.

  four/ be active at least three times a week.
  five/ try to write in your journal please. ( you can also reblog pics and stuff.)
         and you can follow anybody you'd like. ._.
  six/ follow everyone's tumblr and add everybody.
  seven/ shall be kept in pm please.
  eight/ yuri and allowed, but don't forget straight people
  nine/ there is a password.
  ten/ comment that you are here like this

        blank is here.
        ( tumblr url )

  eleven/ password is sincerely, idol's name
  twelve/ have fun everybody. 
  thirteen/ almost forgot. you can name your aff
             and tumblr anything you'd like.



Table of Contents

 one/ masterlist
two/ diary urls
three/ wishlist/couple list
four/ deactivated/hiatus list


yes that is my name LOL


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Chapter 1: may i be miss a's suzy? c:
sincerely, suzy.
* reply in pm please! thank you. (:
Chapter 1: May I please be EvoL's Say?
Sincerely, Say.
cantaberry #3
Chapter 1: May I be exo's Luhan?
sincerely, Luhan :3
Chapter 1: may I be exo's kai? if his reservation has ended.
sincerely,kai c:
updated almost everything.
limbo- #6
Chapter 1: may i be infinite's sungyeol?
sincerely, sungyeol.
-jiyoungsaur #7
may i be secret's hyosung ?
sincerly, hyosung

reply in pm please, thanks !