Angel (천사)

Angel (천사)

I watched over her for a long time.

Watched her growing up, facing difficulties of many kinds and solving problems in her very own way.

Her name was Kim Taeyeon. She was a cheerful little girl who turned into a woman who managed to make everybody smile and happy.

Though she had a bright personality she also had to face difficult times full of sadness and sorrow. But whatever happened to her she never gave up. Her view had always been optimistic and looking forward to the future.

Life was the biggest gift to her for which she was grateful from the depth of her heart. To me she was like light. A warm bright light which drives out all darkness and embraces your heart.

Her light was brighter than that of the sun and more mysterious than that of the moon.

It was my task to protect this light. Protect her body and her soul from hurt.

I was the guardian of the most kind-hearted person on earth.

But when I think about it now, it was her, who protected me.

She protected everyone without knowing it.

Her light shone on everyone no matter who the person was or what the person did. She was kind to all people and treated everyone equal. Everytime she smiled it was as beautiful as a bloomin flower. Everytime she talked it was like the gentle breeze embracing you. Everytime she laughed it was like all birds singing their songs together in a harmony that reached the depth of your heart. I never knew how she did this. How she managed to be such a good human without any bad thoughts.

But now her light is out.

It had slowly been fading in the course of time.

She had also known it. She had known her time would come soon even though she was still young. But she didn’t say a word. She continued to smile, to laugh, to lover her life...

Keeping this secret to herself to protect the others from hurt, she died.

I was with her then. Had been by her side. It now was my time to leave her. During my existence I had never been that sorrowful like in that moment. The smile on her lips made it even worse. Why are you smiling? Why aren’t you saying that this world is unfair to take such a good person like you away so early?

Tears ran down my cheeks as I watched her, touching her hand slightly.

She then looked straight into my eyes, her glance weak but still warm. I could see her light flicker. I don’t know if she was able to see me but I knew that she felt a presence.

Her lips twitched a little. Though the white room was empty she silently whispered: “Heaven is a nice place, so don't worry about me...”  

Kim Taeyeon then took her last breath and closed her eyes for the eternal sleep. The smile remaining on her lips.

Gently I her hair and nodded with a weak smile. I looked at her for the last time.

I’m sure she’ll become someone like me. And then she’ll also shine over the heavens.

But she will never know about me and how I had been with her all of her life...

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MinYukiChan #1
Chapter 1: It's Beautiful !