i'm in love, with a idol? One-Shot




Hi, my name is Ariana. I’m 23 years old.

I work as a designer for a very big company in Taiwan.

I live in Taipei which is in Taiwan of course. Taipei is the capital of Taiwan, it’s really nice here. I have 2 bigger brothers an 1 younger brother and 3 younger sisters. We are a very big family but it’s okay, then we know that we can trust at least one person in the family, it can also be a bad thing. I’m adopted from america, so that’s why I don’t look asian.

My mom and dad doesn’t live together so my younger siblings is sometimes at mom and sometimes at dad. I don’t have to do that since I live in an own apartment.

I don’t have a lot of free time since the work take a lot of my time but with the time I have left I like to train or rest that depends on how tired I am.

I have lived in Taiwan for about 4 years now. My family had to teach me taiwanese which i also learned in school.



So this is my first one-shot ever, i home you like it, i was having it for my english project, but it turned out like a one-shot, hope you enjoy!

And yes i know L.joes real name isn't lee joe but it was easier to write (:


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