Chapter 1

Breaking up with someone I love the most hurt me a lot. It was her idea. She told me she did not like me and that all the time we spent together was only an experiment to her. That was my first time in love. I was only a teenager. She was already an adult. I knew nothing.


I was spying on her at the mall. She was clinging on her boyfriend. She looked really happy with him. I should have believed my friend. My friend told me that Dara was a playgirl and that she was only playing with me. I was stupid for not believing her. The couple walked away and I stopped following them.


Dara was my house mate. Although we broke up, she was still living with me. Since the break up, she came home really late to avoid me. She thought I did not know why she comes home really late every night but she was wrong. I knew her damn well. She even locked her door to prevent me from entering. Some nights, she would bring her boyfriend and I would hear moans from her room. It hurt me really bad.


I once stayed up really late, waiting for here to come back but she did not turn up. She knew that I was awake so she stayed at her boyfriend's apartment.


I decided to rest at the park for a moment. I was really jealous of couples cuddling close to each other, enjoying each others company. Here I was; lonely and a er for love. "This ," I muttered.


"Hey, is this seat taken?"


Then she came. Her name was Jia. She was a transfer student from China and her Korean was not that good yet. It was lucky thay I knew how to speak English.


"No, you can take a seat," I told her and gave her a friendly smile.


"You can speak English?" she said, surprised.


"Yeah. My father likes to tour around and I had to follow so I learned a lot of languages," I said.


"Oh, so I've no difficulty in talking to someone now," Jia said and smiled.


We talked for a few more minutes or so. However, I did not realise that Dara was looking at me from afar.


"I've to go now. See you in school?" I said to Jia and stood up from the bench.


"We should exchange numbers before you go," Jia said and pulled out her phone. I did the same action and we exchanged phones, typing our numbers.


"Bye," I said and left.


I came home and was surprised to see Dara sitting on the couch with an angry expression. I ignored her and went straight to my room but she stood up from the couch and followed me. She grabbed one of my arms and pushed me to a wall.


"I saw you with Jia just now. Since when did you get close to her?" she asked with a hint of...jealousy?


"Why would you care?" I asked her coldly.


She became silent. I pushed her away and she did not follow. I turned to look at her and saw her clenching her fist. "We would not be like this if you didn't break up with me Dara unnie," I said to Dara and slammed my door close.


I sat on my bed, leaning against the wall. Dara sounded jealous. Does she still like me? How does she know Jia? This was all so confusing. I took my most favourite Rilakkuma and hugged it tightly. Soon, I fell asleep.


Dara's POV

If only I could tell Chaerin the truth. I miss my Baby Rin so much! If Jia did not threatened me, we would still be together, happy. I was not even happy with my boyfriend. I was only forcing myself to laugh at his jokes and I hate it when he becomes all cheesy with me. I just want my Baby Rin back!! One of this days, I am going to tell Baby Rin the truth. Dara fighting!

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my description is missing...going to fix it now


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che21lo15 #1
Chapter 1: Oh this very interesting story...plss...hope pls. Update this story and finish i really find it very interesting...pls. tnx
Chapter 1: Why is there 2 chapter 1? and it's is the same....Please update soon. =_=