Dream Team.


The dream barkada. The dream friends. The dream team.


Being the only rose among the thorns, one knight tries to steal you away...
How will your prince charmings react then?


Your friendship was ideal- envied- wanted- and coveted.

It's crazy, chaotic, wild but fun.

But what if someone gets in the way and try to spoil the everything?




What to do? What to do?



Thank you,


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for the Poster!!!! :))


© 20blackstars ©

This is a work of fiction.
The events and characters are purely fictional;
The celebrity names and images are merely borrowed and are not intended to represent the person in real life
Distribution of any kind is prohibited without the consent of daydreamer20.

If this story is somewhat similar to others (which I highly doubt)
Please do understand that is just a mere coincidence.



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