I Love You, Why Can't You Feel It?




hi guys!! this is my first fic in this site~ please support me!!


This story is between you[the reader] and donghae.

This is supposed to be a eunhae fic but I decided to make it to reader+donghae fic~ 

Please read my story and comment!!! :)

I'm going to use "hyerin" as the reader's name cause this [~~~~~] makes me feel dizzy. so please bare with me. ^^


 Hyerin and Donghae are childhood friends. They are now in Junior High. In their school Donghae is very famous and so is Hyerin. They are both famous because of their talents and good looks. Donghae can dance and Hyerin can sing. Hyerin is a shy type kind of person, even if he is famous he is still humble, beautiful, a type of girl that a boy would die for. Donghae is the total opposite of hyerin. He 's the playboy type but can be cute and childish sometimes, he cares to the people he loves the most.. Some people wonder how  hyerin has tolerated donghae so much and still able to be with him.




sorry for the grammar and spellings.

comments, criticisms are loved!! correct me if I have any mistakes! 




is the plot good? should I continue writing the story? 


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Please tell me that's not how you're going to end the story, poor Donghae :(<br />
P.S. Aww I feel so bad for you, for the Accident, and the phone. Hopefully tour bad luck would pass soon :)
Wow you update fast! (is it my threat that made you write faster?) I wanna know what happens next!<br />
P.S. I've noticed that your witing gets better and better each chapter! Keep up the good work!<3
YAY BEANS!!! YOU Updated!!!!!! it's so weird it says that you updated yesterday the 26th and you only updated like a few hours ago. and it's almost night on the 27th here LOL<br />
ANY Way i was like checking for your update like every20 minutes since the time you said that you were going update today night! (no jokes litterally every 20 minutes.)<br />
I was like spazing when i saw this!<br />
Once again LOveD this chappywappy!<br />
UpDaTe soon? (or i'll find you, kid nap you, tie you to a chair and force you to write just so that you know)<br />
P.S. I'm not weid I'm just excited okay?<br />
lalalalala #5
who ask her out??? *jumping excitingly* yay!! they are good.... loooov ur update...^^
When i saw that there was an update i was like "YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY" *jumps up and down while my parents are thinking about me going to a mental hospital* <br />
but when it was done i was like *blink blink blink* *pouts* "no mooore"<br />
but any way that reminds me! I LOVE YOU FOR WRITING THIS!!! (There is nothing not homo about that btw) <br />
123456789024678 internet cookies pour toi!!! <br />
Update soooonnn? Pleashes?<br />
Sorry about the spazzing, okay i'll stop now...
lalalalala #7
kikwang and donghae... huuu~~~ she had a crush on kikwang since small and kikwang too.... n donghae had a undetectable feeling towards her... huu~~ love triangle here... loooov ur update...^^
MrsPenguin #8
i'm a new reader here.. please update soon.. :( can't wait for the next CHAPPIE :)) i really like your concept :)
wahhhyarntyouuuupdating?? I love this story <33333
lalalalala #10
new reader here....^^ I do hope they'll be okay soon... Its so sad to end a friendship like that...*sniff* looov ur story nway....^^