
The One and Only

~~~~~Flashback to yesterday~~~~Sungjong POV~~~~~

I strode down the hallway as the bell rang.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a girl younger than me bumped into me. 

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" I shouted angrily. It wasn't a good day for me. Heck, it was never a good day for me. 

"Mianhe," she said shyly. I guessed she was the new honour student here. She seems like she has a nice personality, nothing like me. I noticed her staring at me. 

"What are YOU staring at?! Get out of my way." 


*Present time*

~~~~~Your POV~~~~~

"Oh no," I groaned. "Its almost the end of the day," I said to Eun Mi. We were walking to our lockers to drop off our stuff for the last period. 

"Well," she said, putting back the lock on her locker. "Good luck. And its not all of Infinite teaching you know. Dongwoo, Hoya, and Woohyun aren't. And then there's Mrs. Park, the actual music teacher.  And wish ME luck in Phys. Ed. I hear that this year in P.E, they're having some of the SNSD, SuJu, and SHINee members coach the students. And those guys are serious monsters."

"Umm, good luck I guess...?" I said slowly as she sprinted to her class. 

I grabbed my music book, slammed the locker door and headed for the band room. 

I opened the door and slipped into a seat. There was a lot of students already in here. Most of the members of Infinite were here but I didn't see that rude guy, Sungjong. 

"What do we do Sunggyu? Sungjong isn't here, and he HAS to be here!" a L asked.

"I guess we'll have to start without him, again," Sunggyu responded. 

"Alright everybody! Listen up!" shouted Sungyeol.

All at once, heads snapped towards the 4 good-looking guys. All of a sudden, the classroom door swung open, revealing Sungjong, who took his time getting to the front of the room with Infinite. 

"Why are you so late? All the time?!" I heard L  whisper harshly to Sungjong. 

He shrugged, like it was no big deal. 

Later, Infinite had us all sing a song for assessment purposes. As I sang, I blushed like a crazy red tomato. They complimented everyone equally, and the other fan-girls giggled hysterically with each other. 


~~~~~~Sungjong POV~~~~~~

When the new girl, who introduced herself as Ha Na, sang, her voice was as lovely and sweet as honey.

She's not bad I thought. I gave her a 9/10.

I saw L peeking at what I wrote. "Like the newbie, Sungjong?"

"What? No. I just think she did pretty well," I responded evenly, but I was starting to like her...

"Mmhmm... I gave her a 7/10. She looks shy when she's performing, and her face was pale when singing and as red as... I don't know, really red stuff when she was finished."


~~~~~Your POV~~~~~After school~~~~~

"hey! Ha Na!" called Eun Mi. "So, tell me, how was music?" she asked, panting after the workout she had done.

"Not bad. How's PE with the new coaches?" I asked her back.

"Actually, great! And I think I'm starting to like Minho! He's so....!" she said before bursting into giggles and laughs.

"That's nice. Hey, I heard, are there track tryouts after school tomorrow?" I asked, curiously.

"Oh, yeah! I'm trying out too. But then there's also training thats later to come in the next month. But its at 6 in the morning, all the way 'til dinner! But I'm still going for it," she said.


~~~~Tryouts~~~~The next day~~~~

"Eun Mi! You're up next! Now GO GO GO!!" shouted the track teacher, Ms. Shin. 

"Y--y-yes," she stumbled. 

"I want to hear some PRIDE in your weak little voice!" she shouted directly in her face. 

"Yes!" Eun Mi squeaked trying to get some 'pride' in her voice, only to sound like a yelling mouse. She started running lightning fast, turns out, she was great at indurance and running fast. 

"Next we have...Kim Ha Na... Ah, the honory huh? Show me what ya got!" Ms. Shin yelled. 

I started running slowly, but then Ms Shin screamed at me to run faster. As I increased in my speed, my lungs burned in pain, I gasped like a fish out of water.

Something caught my eye, I glanced to my right and saw Sungjong staring at me. His gaze got me distracted and I didn't see the tree root that tripped me. I stumbled and fell, landing on my knee, scraping it. 

"Ha Na! Are you okay?!" asked Eun Mi. 

"Yeah, I'm fine..." I looked at the peeling skin on my knee. 

"Newbie, get to the nurse's office, that has to be looked at," Ms. Shin said. 

"Nah, I think its fine. I don't need---"

"Yes you do! Don't tell ME what you need and not need! Get to the nurse's office now! Lightning Girl, go with her," she said, pointing at Eun Mi. Eun MI nodded yes. 

~~~~~Nurse's office~~~~~

I dabbed my knee with the antibiotics and applied a small bandage on it.

"Why do you guys...have such a--" I started.

"Rich life? Happiness? A really nutured kind of life?" she finished for me, as always. "Well, we ARE rich. Happiness and fun is basically the goal of this school, well that and learning of course. And the funders of this school are again, the richest companies and people in Korea. We have to be taken cared of. Every month, all the class gets to take a 'field trip' to the spa and salon and stuff!"

"Oh really? When's----"

"Its actually just the Friday of this week!! EEEK!! I can't wait!!" Eun Mi said.


~~~~~~~Friday morning~~~~~Sungjong POV~~~~~~~~

P.A. system *Good morning students! As you all should know, today is spa day! AND also the week before our first school dance of the year! This year, EVERYONE is expected to have a date! We have a suprise!!! The winners get to have a week off school to go to our Angel Resort with friends of their choice! Have a GRRRREAT DAY!*

"Cool! I am so going to try and ask out---" Eun Mi began.

"A date?! Already? But I just got here!" I protested. 

"Then don't go. Oh, sorry I didn't mean it that way."

"Yeah! I'll just stay in the dorms while you go have fun!" I said. 

"Is that sarcasm?"

"No," I said. "Honest."



Sorry for such a long update. This might be how its going to be like for this story...HEHE :\/ 

Hope you liked. Enjoy Infinite gif 






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I am thinking of making a sequel


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Chapter 5: ah!!! very interesting story~ but why is he the thief??? ah, i shall return soon...
you should make a sequel
Jimin_Sungjong #3
Chapter 17: already over? :(
good story I liked it a lot :)
Chapter 17: harharharharhar!!!!
Chapter 15: Omg Sungjoooooooooong~ ㅠ push Taehee off a cliff!
HeXm1_Park #6
Chapter 12: Ohhh snap..
well update soon~
Chapter 9: UPDATE SOON
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