Summer special~(part 1)

We got married to U-kiss?!

Hello everyone! I'm sorry this chapter took so long, but that's because it's a... Summer Special! Many of you have been wanting a special so, I decided to make one dedicated to summer. Unfortunately I'm not too informed on Korean customs like Lunar special and all that, but through time as I get more informed, I promise they'll be more specials.

P.S. I've assigned couple colors for combined chapters like this one.

Sweet Choco Couple!

Musical Couple!

Powerful Couple!

Strawberry Couple!

Dorky Couple!

Bittersweet Couple!

Teddy Bear Couple!




"Dear viewers! You are in for a special treat today. As you all know, the all boy band U-kiss are all paired up with someone for this new season of We Got Married! But since their time on the show, they haven't been able to meet each other on the show, and many of you have commented that on our wall. Now, you'll be able to see how each couple reacts to one another, in this Summer Special! This is, We got married!"

Kiseop's point of view:

She started to blush, and it made me smile. Does that mean she likes me too? It seemed like the case, and I really desired it to be. She avoided any response to my comment, and said to the worker "I'd like something that's modern and European." She pointed to a section. "That section right there seems lovely. What's the cost for everything?"

The worker took out a book, and scanned it. She also took out a calculator, and punched in quite a few numbers. "The total for that purchase would be approximately $1,342,000 won." Shocked at the price, I anticipated her reaction. Will she end up changing her mind? Or will she stick to her guns? The ultimate test of personality, begins now.

She let out a small sigh, and said "It's okay, we don't have to buy the things today. Let's wait, okay?" She's such a sweet person, just like the chocolate bread we share together as our favorite food. "Sure, we can do that." I bowed down to the lady. "We'll come back later." We walked outside together, and received another mission card that said "Go to your newly wed house."

We went to our newly wed house, and got ourselves settled in. We were very tired, and didn't know what to expect.

Hyo mi's point of view:

I was a bit disappointed that we couldn't get the furniture today. It was some of the most exquisite piece of furniture I've ever laid my eyes on, and nothing could replace it. It's just like a wedding dress for a girl. There is nothing but the one, and if you don't have the one, you'll end up being very disappointed. It sounds a bit materialistic, but I think that people can be selfish to some extent.

Because if you don't make yourself happy, then life has no meaning. If it has no meaning, then why I am I even here? Anyway, we went to our home and it was empty, due to the fact that we couldn't purchase any items. I was happy enough that we did manage to get a house though. It was hard to find, especially in this neighborhood.

We went to sleep, and awaited what would happen to us the next day.


Soohee's point of view:

When I went home, I couldn't help but want to sleep. After all that? Who would still be awake? It'd require a lot of energy to do so. Besides it being bad on the first day, I realized that it was a bit fun. Being able to connect even on that  small of a level, was worth it enough. I wondered if we will get better, and how I'd adapt to it.

As I walked through the door, my oppa Park Sang Hyun from MBLAQ greeted me with a huge smile. "Hi dongsaeng! Are you doing ok? How was your first day?" I couldn't lie to him on this one. I pulled him to the side, and sat him down on the couch. "First off, I'd like to say I'm anticipating going to our newlywed house sometime. Secondly, it was bad."

Oppa brushed my hair with his fingers. "What went wrong?" I grabbed a pillow, and held it tightly, burying my chin in it. "He played a prank on me, so I decided to play a prank on him too. Mine was more harsh though, in my opinion. But in my defense, he deserves it." Oppa poked my head. "That's not the Soohee I know. Are you gonna meet with him again tomorrow?" "I am, and I don't think I can wait."

Dongho's point of view:

My dog, my bed, my home. I missed it all. Although I'm young,  I have to give it all up because I'm married now. Which also means moving into a new home, just me and her. Why did that seem so exciting yet awkward? It was an emotion that I can't even describe. It's not like she's a bad person anyway. I'm just scared because she pulled such a scary prank on me. How is that even possible?

I knew that I had to regain my manliness somehow. I promised myself that the next time I see her, I'd treat her better. Because if I didn't, I might lose her. Sounds cheesy, I know. While playing with my dog, I watched TV, and it seemed as if every single channel reminded me of the situation with her. It liked it was haunting me, and it was telling me something at the same time. Something important.

Getting ready for bed, I felt my eyes dropping. Dongho, you have to be better tomorrow.


Sanghee's point of view:

Soohyun oppa is just the cutest person I've ever met! We get along well and he's lively~ We take many pictures together, and it's sure to show our affection for one another once our relationship develops. I couldn't stop thinking about him, even long after I got home. Minho oppa looked at me strangely. "Why do you have a huge smile on your face? You have a good date today?"

I blushed tomato red. "Ne, oppa. He's one of the sweetest people I have ever met. He's exactly like the prince I was looking for. How do I describe it? He and I both love taking pictures, and he's like the knight in shining armor that girls typically dream about getting when they're older. Do you get what I'm saying?"

He looked at me as if I'm talking about nonsense. Oh ottoke? How could my brother not know what I'm talking about? "Oppa, do you understand or not?" He shook his head at me. "I don't know, I think I have to become a girl first before I understand." I playfully slapped him. "You're so silly!"

Soohyun's point of view:

I wish that we have went home together. Maybe that would have been so much better? That way it's easier for us to know what the mission is next. The rumor in the studio is that the next mission is going to be daebak. There is no way we can escape it, and they said it's supposedly was one of the hardest and most surprising.

I couldn't stop thinking about it. Maybe they'll give us a baby? I don't think so. I think it's too early for that. I really want to know now. I couldn't sleep for two reasons. One, I missed Sanghee. The other, well I was thinking about the supposed mission all night long. I can't stop being excited.

Will I get to do something fun with Sanghee? We are nicknamed the powerful couple for a reason, right? Then, whatever it is, I wouldn't mind anything happening. I know that me and her can do it, together. We'd totally make the ratings go up. Okay, now I'm sounding conceited. I should stop. 


Hyun Jae's point of view:

Yesterday.. was just so amazing. I couldn't believe that Jonghyun oppa let me go on that date, and then it ended up being really amazing! It was also an overnight trip, so we couldn't really get back home in time. That and by the end of the day, he and I were just flat out tired. It's kind of weird how energy can be abundant one day, but almost nonexistent another day.

We didn't really do anything bad like some adults would expect, instead we'd sleep in separate rooms, which the viewers of We Got Married must have been disappointed about. I know this is a show about marriage, but I still think we need to think about what we're comfortable with first before the wants of others.

I'm not wrong am I? Keke. Aniyo, I'm not. That's for sure. In fact, Kibum was the one who suggested it. His exact words were "I know that we're supposed to be a married couple, but I don't think we're ready enough to sleep in the same room. I think it'd be kind of awkward, and I'm not sure whether or not you'd be able to sleep. So, I hope you enjoy your rest!"

Kibum's point of view:

To be quite honest, I almost couldn't control myself last night. Maybe that's why I purposefully tried to drive her way. It's true, right? She's such a sweet girl. If I could control myself, I'd totally sleep in the same room with her. But I also thought about how it might become uncomfortable or not.

I've found out a long time ago that there are some people that can't sleep just anywhere. I didn't want to take that chance. We have a long tip ahead of us, since we have to go back to Seoul tomorrow. Oh yeah, wasn't I supposed to bring her home at like 11 or something? Oh well. I'm pretty sure her brother will understand, right?

Ani, I can't risk it. But.. we're already here and it's getting late. It's ok, I'll just take the beatings for her if they come my way. It would be such a waste to go now. Plus, I'm really tired. I could tell that she was too. I felt so bad for her. I hope she'll be okay tomorrow.


Jinah's point of view:

I woke up this morning, without knowing what to expect. There was an empty space next to me, but it seemed as if someone had slept with me last night. That was probably Eli. Speaking of him, where exactly did he go? He didn't ditch me for real this time did he? If he did, I'd be so pissed. But then again, everytime he left, he came back. There is still hope!

I skipped towards the living room expecting him to be there, but he wasn't. "Where did you go Eli baby~" I called out. There was no answer. I searched around the whole house, and he still wasn't there. "Aish you better come back. I don't know what I'd do if you didn't."

I sat down on the couch, waiting for him to come back. After a few minutes, he finally did. "Yah~ Where did you go?" I noticed a box in his hand. "What's that?" He looked down at the box. "This? It's just something I brought from my old house. It's what I need to move in."

I looked at it curiously, but I decided not to question it. "I'm just gonna put this in the other room ok?" I nodded. "Okay, I'll be waiting here." Again I waited patiently, when this puppy started walking up to me. I picked it up. "What are you doing here?" I noticed it had another box attached to it.

"And what is this?" I opened the box, and it had one ring inside. Could it be? Eli came from behind the walls and started smiling. "I hope you like the dog and the ring. You can name the dog, since he's yours." He held up his left hand, and there was a matching ring. Wow Eli, you're so romantic..


Alexander's point of view:

Yesterday was the worst day ever. She's so annoying! If it wasn't for her, I probably wouldn't have to be living like this right now. I mean seriously? I can't stand that I can't even watch a game of basketball or soccer. What is a guy supposed to do? Just sit there and wait for us to entertain each other? Tch. Like that's ever going to happen.

She's probably so absorbed in herself. Ugh, I think I should be nice to her just for the heck of it. I'm not going to spend my whole time on this show fighting. What would that do to my image? It'd completely ruin it! I'm not going to ruin it for a girl ever.

Ae-mi's point of view:

Someone. Please.. Just get me out of here! I can't even stand to be here anymore. It's not the place. I'm not materialistic. But it's HIM. He seems to have this judgment that I'm a spoiled brat that likes to flaunt her wealth. Like I am! If I don't want others to do it, would I be hypocritical? Nope.

No, get yourself together Ae-mi. This isn't like you. You have to get along with him, even if it feels like it's killing you inside. You can do this. I know you can. Hwaiting! Don't ever give up. Oh? Here he comes. And here it goes..


Kevin's pointof view:

It was such a weird night, that I didn't think that Minju could digest it either. Heechul, as our room mate.. But then again, it'd be fun to do missions with him. It'd be like.. Hyungdon and the Ant Couple. Boy.. everything happened to the Ant Couple. They got a baby, they got Hyung Don hyung. And what else? Idk but everything that happens to a married couple, happened to them.

To me they were the most realistic. Anyway, getting back to the story. It wasn't just a weird night, it was a tiring night. Heechul hyung didn't want to sleep, and made us stay up with him throughout the whole night. He was even on twitter the whole night saying "I want to be a twitter king."

The fact that Minju and hyung were getting along, I thought this was the work of the gods. I thought she'd be afraid, but it seems that they're compatible after all. This for sure is going to be one of the best times of my life. I'll never forget it. The only thing that bothered me, is that Heechul can tend to be a skinship king too.

Minju's point of view:

I'm actually glad Heechul oppa joined us. Would it be as fun? Probably not. I can't wait for our future adventures~ It seemed as if there was something up. There were rumors about some kind of special mission? I wonder who heard it and where they heard it from. It mattered to me, because I wanted to see whethr or not I was going to worry about it.

I'm actually a type of person that worries too much.



All of the couples were unaware of the mission coming to them. They were all busy at home, awaiting for the dreaded envelope to come. Will they be able to survive what's ahead of them? They all receieved it at the same time, and it read:

"Hello We Got Married Couples!

We have a special mission for you today. 3 of you will be paired up with another couple, while only one couple is by themselves. You are to pick up your partners. Arrange the pick up by yourselves. Here is the list of your partners, and the phone numbers are on the back.

Kiseop <3 Hyo mi & Dongho <3 Sohee

SooHyun<3 Sangee & Eli <3 Jinah


Alexander <3 Ae-mi & Kevin <3 Minju + Heechul


Kibum <3 HyunJae


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DivineHarmony #2
Mianhe >< I'm taking so long.
kimhyunjae #3
update soon please T^T huhuhu
lalalalala #4
hee... cant wair for d next part... A get together...kya...><! Im so excited... hee...^^ thanks 4 d great update...
kimhyunjae #5
yay!!!! my summer special request XD ahahaha<br />
thanks Divine... you're so damn great ^^
DivineHarmony #6
@Kweester: I know right?^^<br />
@min_min1108: Haha your comments are always so filling :D<br />
@jolove02: Thank you :D<br />
@flightless :I'll be working hard asap :D
flightless #7
Wow, I can't wait for the next part! All of the couples are going to be together! It seems like it's going to be so much fun!<br />
Oh and Eli is so freaking cute and sweet and I can't even- aasdfghjkl; :D<br />
Update soon!~
yay! bittersweet couple and the Teddy bear couple + Heechul! I can't wait to read part 2 :) what a great update, keep up the awesome writing
woah.. i like this chapter a lot~~~<br />
it's like all my favorite ice cream melted into one~~~<br />
kekeke...<br />
i can't wait for the next update~~~<br />
2 thumbs up on the update!!!
Sho cute x)