Love remains the same




( Zoey’s PoV)


Oh no why was he awake and no one else?? Why he? Okay just go. I was kind of happy that the cute SS501 member stayed in the living room after pointing me the direction to the sleeping rooms.

Okay the first door I opened lead into a rather small room with one bed and only one man sleeping in it with a panda sleeping mask now I was so what sure that this here was Jung Min’s bedroom and so it was the most dangerous one and because I always thought that it was easier to do first the hard thing and then the easier once I didn’t turned around and went into another bedroom I went straight to the bed .

Okay not straight because everywhere lay socks notes shirts and hats. I couldn’t image to life in such a mess but I had luck in all that stuff lay also a besom which I thought could be good for me so I took the besom and poked Jung min with it when he didn’t reacted to it I went closer and then I pushed the placket back. I often see K-Dramas and also `Thank you for waking mw up` which I was very thankful for now, nut such a colorful Pym. Like Jung Min wore I never saw in my whole life. I tried it a few more times with poking him but it didn’t work. What should I do?? Ah my iPod!! I had some Scottish music on it I always used it to teas Ian and now it would maybe wake Jung min up, if I could find a player in this mess. Lucky me that just in this second Hyung Jun came into the room.

 “ Do you need help??” He asked. “ Yeah do you know where here is a Player which plays up music from my IPod?” I asked him. He went through the room and came back to me with a little green box where I could put my IPod in and just wanted to press the play button when Cutie just asked” Why do you need that??” I grinned he didn’t know what I wanted to do so I pressed  the play button and the moment the back pipes started to play his face changed and now it was in a weird mask he looked kind of surprised but also digested. 

I couldn’t blame him it haves a reason that everyone I know hates that kind of music. But to my horror Jung Min didn’t woke up or maybe he did but he didn’t make any try to end this and stand up but the music had it’s success all the other members in the rooms around us got up and came running into Jung Min’s bedroom. Leader who looked newly styled and ready for a foot shooting went over to me

” Can you please turn this off it’s really annoying!!” He yelled. I shook my head and yelled back” No not until Jung min over there gets his out of his bed!” Then Leader looked at the others and with a nod all jumped onto Jung Min and after a short fight he stood up and I turned the music off and went into the kitchen and hoped they would first go taking a shower before going into the kitchen and having breakfast.

 At least that hope got filled up or more or less because not everyone needed to shower. Hyung Jun or like I prefer Baby or Cutie because everything else was to long and these nicknames gave his character so good to show. He sat down on a stool behind the encounter. While I made breakfast we had a nice talk:

” So what are you exactly that you have a key to our apartment?” he asked clearly curios. “ I’m the daughter of your new managers which are my parents and because I’m their daughter I have to help them or more they want me to work for them. And you what about you why were you awake and not sleeping like the others??” I asked him. He smiled. He looked so beautiful when he smiled and so cute. He really was a cutie. “ I couldn’t sleep it was a rather exhausting night.” He told me. Now I was curios.” Exhausting?” I asked. He nodded.

 I wondered if he didn’t like me or if that  had be a too private question. I wanted to say so much more  and I felt so good with him and safe like I’m another person who couldn’t be commandeered my her parents I felt so free, but hen the other SS501 members came into the kitchen all blabbing  Korean and for the first time I regretted not to learn Korean. The only one who wasn’t talking was Young Saeng back in the States too well known as the Prince which he obvious was. I leaned against the fridge and watched them by talking and eating till leader interrupted them all and said again something in Korean but then they switched into English and I could understand them I never thought that I would feel that good in Korea and spending time with Korean guys was not that terrible I expected it. Okay this was special but it made me feel good it would always be like this.

“ So Zoey we talked  just about us yesterday and now it’s your turn was ask the questions and you answer. Right??” Leader said with a big grin over his face. “ Okay. What do you want to know?” I asked and I was also so curios to know what they wanted to know about me. The fist one to ask was Jung Min which looked a bit horrible I thought it wasn’t that good that just a few minutes ago 4 guys were jumping on him but he wore a half grin on his face. “ Where the heck do you get such terrible music? It should be forbidden to play it when you’re not drunk and you don’t care what for music is playing!!” He said clearly angry about the bag pipes which amused me. “ It’s Scottish folk music and you get it in the Apple music store and I know it from my English book there was once a chapter about Scotland. And there are much more annoying songs did you ever hear German Folk music it’s not better. Want to hear it??” I asked. And then 5 guys screamed at once a very loud no and I started to laugh.

“ Do you have a boyfriend?” Baby asked and got right after he spoke a slap from Jung Min who yelled something in Korean at him.” NO!!!” I half yelled. They asked questions like little girls.” Okay do you had male friends in the USA?” he asked. “ Yes. One boy he is 16 and his name is Ian.” I said this was getting really funny for me. “ Do you had a boyfriend before?” He poked I laughed. “ You know when you had only one male friend who you know since you are 2 years old who is then kind of a brother to you, no I never had a boyfriend!” I told Cutie. Then for the first time this day Young Saeng looked at me and spoke” Do you have any cousins?” He asked me and then everyone stared at him. He just shrugged and then the others looked away. I answered, not knowing what that was” No. No one I know of. Why?” I asked.

 Young Saeng just wanted to respond when, with a loud bang, the apartment door fell shut and my parents, their managers came into the kitchen. I started to put the plates and the rest into the dishwasher. I didn’t want them to think I wouldn’t take my `work` serious. 

“ So we are your new managers for the next 2 weeks you have vacations so there is no need to stand up early and if you have any questions ask now or come over to our apartment. We think you all now know our daughter Zoey. She is under contract since today. President Lee thought you might need some help in your household and that you will stand up early enough. Zoey is like your girl for everything so if anyone needs help just go to her she will do it. That would be all.” My dad said and with that they went and again the door fell shut behind them.

“ WOW!! That are your parents?? They are creepy!!” Cutie said and he really looked scared. “Yep! That are my parents and if I could get you all a advice don’t try to be suborn and be like you want, they don’t like that.” I said to them. Leader turned around so everyone could see him. “ Okay, Young Saeng and Kyu you two had something planned for today , right? Good then Jung Min and me have a shoot today. Hyung Jun what are you going to do?” He said. Baby shrugged and turned to face me.” Do you want to see a bit of Seoul??” He asked me. I was sure that I got  red and just nodded because I couldn’t believe my luck. Hyung Jun, Baby  or Cutie however you wanted to call him wants to do something with me. This unbelievable. “ So it’s settled!” He said and smiled at me.


( Baby’s PoV)

After she had gone back to her apartment top get her bag we went to the elevators and down to the garage. I stopped in front of my BMW and she was looking at it with a question mark look.


”What ?” I asked her. “ Is that your car?! It looks more like a car from a president or a very important person and not like it is yours. Do you really need these black windows?” she asked me. And then I couldn’t hold back the laughter, which got me a worried look from her.” If you have forgotten I’m Kim Hyung Jun and as so I’m a member of SS501 a very popular band. So yes I need these and you too if you don’t want to be in any newspaper. Also I don’t like to be followed by a mob of screaming girls.” I explained to her and then she slapped her hand against her forehead.” I’m stupid. I really forgotten that you’re famous. when I talk to you, you seem so much like any other boy at your age, you’re not like `I’m popular and I am not interested in other people’ like so many other celebrities. “  she told me which really did make me happy because I like it that she sees me as a normal guy and not like a famous band member. ”Actually I like it!” I said to her and she flushed instantly. 


Oh my she is so cute and nice and beautiful. No don’t loose track you head. You promised,it sounded in my read, but I wished that promise to hell and decided that for this one day I would ignore it but only for this one day and not more.


We drove out of the building and in the direction of the city I had a place in my mind that I wanted to show her. One of my favorite places. The Namsan Tower. I stopped the car in a parking lot near the tower and stepped out. When I noticed that Zoey didn’t get out of the car I went around it and opened the door for her. When she still didn’t get out I pulled her out of the car, not harsh but nice. She looked around and then looked at me.” Aren’t you afraid that fan girls are going to see you I thought you didn’t want to be seen?” She asked and looked around again to make sure no one was staring at us. “ Yes, but this is the Namsan Tower and it isn’t often visited by teenagers, that’s one reason I like it so much and here is a very nice cable car which rides up the mountain to the real Namsan Tower. This here is just the station for the cable car and it’s 1 o’clock so there aren’t going to be that many people besides it’s also summer vacation in South Korea so you don’t have to mind the fan girl problem. Come on let’s go!” I said and Zoey didn’t looked around anymore but therefore much more relaxed.

 That suited her much better not a face that speaks of concern and worry. I don’t know but I had the feeling that with these parents,… okay I only meet them once but they didn’t made such an nice entrance which made be believe that her life hadn’t been much fun. I took her hand. She looked at me and I could see her clear.


“You know you already look so beautiful!” I said to her. She smiled bright and it looked so saticifed that I could not resist but being proud of me making her smile that way.” Did you know Namsan Tower is 479.7 meters high and was built in1969. It coast 2.5 million dollars to built it.”  I told her always trying to remmber what I had looked up on Goolge.


“ Why do you know so much about this Tower? Okay you said it was one of your favourit places but I only know where my favourit places are but nothing about when they were built and all that stuff. Don’t misunderstand me I liked it I think it’s very interesting, but how do you know?” She asked and looked at me. My heart began racing and I began to sweat. I held my cell phone in front of her.” There is something called Google and I know how to use it!! ”I said with a very, very bright smile on my lips. We both started to laugh and couldn’t stop. She was holding herself up by holding my shoulder. 

 Then suddenly the cable car arrived and like I expected, it was empty. We went inside. With a soft rattel it began to move. “ Wait until you the that amazing view! Look there!” I told her and she looked in the direction my finger pointed. Even through I knew this view very well it was amazing every time and this time was special it was the first time I brought a girl with me to this place.


You could see whole Seoul from here and it was very clear day and so the view was perfect. I was so happy I decided to o for the Namsan Tower and not for my plan B. It was breathtaking and next to me was the most beautiful girl in the world. This day could not be better and it was not going to end that fast. 


“ Zoey..” I wanted to start but then she turned to face me and cupped my face with one hand. Again ,my heat was racing like hell and I couldn’t get a clear thought. “ do you know that you always were my favourit member with Young Saeng? But I like you the most through. I really like you Hyung Jun!!” She said in a lovingly voice. “ You do really??” I asked her and she nodded maybe she hade the same problem I have, that her heart was racing and her knees were weak like butter. And then to make that moment perfect I leaned forward at the same moment she did and then our lips met. Her soft lips pressed against mine. She tasted like strawberries and then I put my hand into her hair, her soft blond hair, soon the kiss depend. We didn’t even realize that the door of the cable car swung open but with a scream that let us jump apart our kiss ended. We turned and in the doorframe stood Young Saeng and behind him Kyu Jong. Both staring at us. But it was Saengies face, which horrified me and the promise I gave him. His mouth gaped open and closed but nothing came out. I saw Zoey getting red and turning around so no one could see her face. How should I explain this to Young Saeng. But I can’t turn my feeling for Zoey off because even if I did love remains the same afterall.

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Chapter 1: I would die if SS501 suddenly showed up at my door! Amazing job! Keep it up
Stelena #2
Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee update sooooooon!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cannot wait to find out what happens next!!!! XD