1 year

1 year

Today was yours and Kyuhyun's one year anniversary. You awoke with a smile on your face as you opened your eyes to a sleepy Kyu, looking like an angel as the sunlight seeping through the blinds made his face glow. You his face and kissed his forehead. He didn't budge. You smiled and slowly got out of bed, not wanting to wake him. He just looked so precious. Wanting to surprise him, you decided to make him breakfast. You went all out with it; bacon, eggs, pancakes, toast, and a tall glass of milk. Pleased with yourself, you put it all on a tray and began to bring it back to Kyu. Upon opening the door, to your surprise he was already awake. He was laying shirtless on his stomach with thin sheets barely covering him. He still looked half asleep. "Um.. Good morning Oppa. Glad to see you're awake." You tried to steady your voice. It was made a little shaky by your hear racing by the sight of Kyuhyun. "The smell of bacon woke me up" he rolled on his side and smirked. "Oh, right. I made this for you." You smiled and walked the tray over to him.
Kyu sat up and smiled at the tray. "Babe, you made all this for me?" You smiled and nodded. "Thanks, beautiful!" He kissed your cheek and began to eat. You began to wonder if he knew what the occasion was. "So, uh. What do we have planned today?" You asked. "I'm probably just going to go out with the guys for a while. What are you going to do?" "I, uh.. kind of wanted to spend the day with you.." You looked down in disappointment. "I'm sorry gorgeous, I promised the guys. I better go get ready." He kissed your cheek and jumped out of bed. You looked at him with sorrow in your eyes and a quiver in your lip, holding back a tear. "But, today is.. Special.." You whispered to yourself. You grabbed a blanket off the bed and dragged it downstairs to the couch. You just wanted to curl up and watch a movie our something. 30 minutes into the movie, Kyu came downstairs. "I'm leaving, babe! See you in a couple hours! I love you!" You didn't say a word. He paused, but continued out the door anyway. 

-a couple hours later-
You were so upset. "I made that jerk a whole breakfast and I planned for it to be just us. How could he have not gotten the hint, I never make that much breakfast, let alone make breakfast at all!" This is when you began to cry. You couldn't hold back anything anymore. This is when Kyuhyun came home. "Super girl, I'm ho- hey, hey, what's wrong??" You heard him drop something and he came running to comfort you. "Just stop, okay?" His face dropped a little. "What are you taking about?" "Do you even know what today is? At all?" There was a small pause. "Awesome." You laid back down on the opposite side of the couch. Kyuhyun got up and walked away. "Wow, and now he's just going to avoid this?" You thought to yourself. You continued watching your movie. A minute later, Kyuhyun came back. He leaned over the couch and smiled at you. "What." You firmly asked. He just continued to smile his big, adorable grin you're in love with and he giggled a little.

 You looked at him confused. He then dragged a giant teddy bear, a whole bouquet of sunflowers knowing it's your favorite flower, your favorite candy, and a card over the couch and sat everything next to you. You looked at him wide eyed. "Kyunnieee..." You sprung up from the couch and wrapped your arms around him. "I love you so much..." He held on to you tighter. "You're my everything." Still holding onto you, he leaned back and started into your eyes. "You always will be.." He then kissed you deeply. You felt every ounce of love he had for you in this moment. You wanted to be like this forever. The feeling was indescribable and like no other. The kiss ended and you were forehead to forehead. "I love you, Oppa. So much." He gave you one last, tight embrace before letting go. He took your hand and led you to the couch. "Lets finish this movie together." You cuddled so close together, your head on his chest while holding one hand and his other hand was wrapped around you. By the end of the movie, you were both sleeping in each other's arms, peaceful, and in love.

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Chapter 1: so sweet and cute
Chapter 1: awww ! this is so sweet ! :3