::chapter one:: lauren and leo

[TETRAOLOGY] Famous Married Couples

::chapter one:: lauren and leo

Six years has past. Gabbie and Jiyong have married as Big Bang disbanded and went their own ways. Gabbie was still a model and famous stylist, but a mother of twins; a boy and a girl, and the wife of Kwon Jiyong. Jiyong is now a famous composer and song-writer. The members have gone their ways as well. Most of them are still in YG, working there as a dance instructor or as an actor. Daesung left to be a solo while Seungri is a fixed MC Host with Kang Ho Dong for SBS Strong Heart.

Jiyong was at work, in YG's studio working with Teddy while Gabbie was at home cleaning up the house. The twins were at pre-school.

Get your crayon. Her phone went off. Gabbie put down her fashion magazine and picked up her phone. A smile crept up just at the sight of the caller ID. Seobang <3.

"Hi oppa~" Gabbie beamed

"How's my baby doing?" Jiyong said in a cute voice.

Gabbie chuckled.

"I'm doing fine oppa. You?"

"I'm doing fine. Isn't it nearly time you pick up the kids?"

"Well.. since Seunghyun oppa doesn't have any schedules today, he's picking them up for me."

"Which one?"

"The mature one."

"Ah~" Jiyong giggled like a little kid

"I'll be home in 2 hours s-"

"Have fun oppa~. I'll be fine. No need to tell me what to do." Gabbie giggled

"You repeat it too much."

"My yeobo knows me to well."

"Well, I was your number one fan and now I'm your wife so of course I do know everything about you."

"JIYONG-AH!" A males voice was heard in the background.

"Oops. Sorry baby girl. Gotta go. Bye. Mwa!"

"Bye~ oppa~"

Gabbie ended the call and smiled.

Ding dong. The door bell rang. Gabbie smiled and knew who was at the door. She got up and opened the door.

"Hey oppa." Gabbie greeted and let Seunghyun in and closed the door.

"Omma~!" Her two childrens beamed as they ran to her and hugged her by her leg.

Gabbie smiled and patted their head.

"Leo. Lauren. What do you say?"

"Kamsahamnida samchun." They both said as they bowed cutely.

Seunghyung chuckled as both Lauren and Leo were clinging onto him who was sitting on the couch. Gabbie had gone into the kitchen to make him a drink.

"Thanks. And to think Jiyong would be the first one to get married first!" Seunghyun exclaimed

"Well, you should find a girl first." Gabbie said before she sets down the cup of coffee.

"Hows the others doing?"

"Fine.. Seungri is still the cheeky maknae." T.O.P said as he tickled Leo.

Lep started to giggle and laugh while he tried to tickle T.O.P back. Lauren slipped down from the couch and hugged her mother. Gabbie looked down and carried her up.

"What's wrong?"

"I miss Seungri samchun." Lauren said quietly as she rubbed her eyes.

"We'll go meet him tomorrow okay?" Gabbie said softly, as she patted her head softly as she swayed to the side a little.

Soon after Lauren fell asleep in her mothers arms.

"Thanks for everything oppa." Gabbie said as she looked at Leo who has fallen asleep in T.O.P's arms.

"No problem." T.O.P said as he laid Leo down onto the couch, placing a pillow under his head.

"You should go now. You have schedules tonight don't you?"


"Tell Yongbae oppa I said hi."


T.O.P left the room and closed the door as Gabbie locked the door. She gently placed Lauren onto the couch as she went to lay out a bed matress on the floor. She went to grab some blankets and pillows for them. After laying them out, she carried Lauren up first and laid her down on the matress and pulled the blanket half way up to her chest and put her favorite toy; haroro beside her to cuddle. She then carried Leo up and before she laid him down, she placed a long pillow in between Lauren and him. After tucking Leo in, she too placed a toy beside him and pulled the blanket up to his chest.

Feeling tired as well, Gabbie laid down beside Leo and leaned on her elbow while she pats his stomach softly, she hum them a lullaby because Leo started to cry due to a small nightmare.

"Shh. Omma is here." She said softly.

A smile crept up her face as she watches her two angelic children's sleeping. Feeling tired herself, her eyeslids slowly got heavy. Her vision blurred as her head dropped beside Leo and soon soft breathing could be heard from Gabbie, Lauren and Leo. 

The three of them were fast asleep. Three hours passed and they were still asleep. Being a deep sleeper she was, she didn't hear the door click open. Loud laughters suddenly stopped when ten figures stood by the couch with a smile.

"Aww, how cute!" Seungri softly squeals before locking the door.

"Should we get started before she wakes up?" Dara asked softly.

They all nodded and quietly did the things they were assigned to do. Jiyong smiled affectionately down at his wife and his two childrens. He gave her a peck on the forehead, before heading upstairs to hide the presents in Leo's room.

I have such a sweet wife and wonderful childrens. Jiyong thought when he came back down, seeing the scene in front of him. Gabbie was hugging Leo who was snuggling into Gabbie's arms while Lauren was snuggling into her Haroro plush toy.


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pandawifeu #1
Chapter 2: Omg this is so cute<3333 I want more :c :c