Flashback to the Start

Brotherly Love


"Congradulations Mrs. Lee. You gave birth to 2 beautiful twin sons." said the doctor.

"Bring them to me." she replied tiredly.

"Of course." The doctor said

"This one will be named Lee Taemin. the other, Lee Jinki" The mother said.

"Beautiful names. I'll take them to the nursery and you can get some rest."

"Thank You" She said before sleeping.

~When she woke up~

"Honey, you know we can't take care of two babies" her husband said.

"I  know, but what can we do? I don't want to give up my precious babies"

"We have to do something though. With our income we can't raise two children. We could barely raise one of them."

"I know, but I can't give them to complete strangers."

"Well, they don't have to be strangers."

"What do you mean?"

"Didn't your friend always want a baby but couldn't have one?"

"You mean, Sooyoung?"

"Yeah her. She isn't a complete stranger, and you could still visit the baby."

"Okay, but we have to keep this hidden from both Taemin and Jinki. I don't want them to think we didn't want one of them."

"Okay. I'll go call Sooyoung."


~On The Phone~


"Sooyoung-ah. It's me, Leeteuk, Taeyeon's Husband."

"Ohhh!!! How are you? Did she give birth yet?"

"Yes, she did. To 2 sons."

"Awwh. They must be so cute!"

"Yes they are. We have a favor to ask of you though."

"What is it?"

"Taeyeon and I can't afford to raise 2 babies. We were wondering if you could raise one, since we know you always wanted a child-" he got cut off.

"Yes! Of course! I'd be honor to raise one for you. I will care for it as if it was my own!"

"Thank you Sooyoung"

"No problem. I'll go to the hosiptal right now to look at them."

"Okay. We're on the 4th floor, room 308."

"Okay. Bye!"


~Back in the Room~



"I just got off the call with Sooyoung. She said she would raise one of the babies for us."

"Really? She would?"

"Yeah, she said she will come here right now to look at them."

Tears started forming in Taeyeon's eyes.

"What's wrong yeobo?" he asked worried.

"Nothing. I'm just happy and sad at the same time."


"Im happy because Sooyoung will raise one for us. But Im also sad that I have to give one of my babies up."

"Don't worry. Like I said before, we can still visit Sooyoung and the baby later on. It's not going to be goodbye forever okay?"



~Knock Knock~


"Come in?"

Sooyoung walked through the door, into the room.

"Taeyeon!!!" Sooyoung exclaimed.

"Sooyoung!!!!" Taeyeon yelled in responce.

"Taeyeon! How are you feeling? Are you resting enough? Are the babies healthy?"

"Yes Sooyoung-ah. Don't worry too much."

"Okay." she seemed a little preoccupied.

"Sooyoung, are you okay?"

"Huh?" She snapped our of her thoughts. "Y-yeah! Im just a little....."

"What is it Sooyoung? Im your best friend. Tell me anything on your mind."

"Okay. Im just a little worried and unsure. Are you sure you want me to take one of your babies to raise? I mean, they ARE yours. I don't want to take something away from you." She started tearing up.

"Sooyoung." Taeyeon started after the tears went away. "I love my babies and I don't want to loose them. If you don't take them, then I will have to loose them. so don't take it as you're taking my son away from me. You're helping me. I promise." She said with a smile.

"Thank you Taeyeon. I promise I will raise him well. I will give him everything he need. And visit ANYTIME. I mean ANYTIME."

"Thank you."

"Sooo..." Sooyoung started.


"Let me see them!!!!"

"Of course." She motioned to her husband to bring the babies over. "This one is Taemin."

"Aigoo~he's so beautiful!"

"And this one is Jinki."

"He's beautiful too!!"

"Thank you. So, Sooyoung-ah, I can't possibly pick one for me to keep. Please, raise the one you want."

"Really? I couldn't. Taeyeon, I can't take one-"

"Sooyoung, I already said you're helping me by raising one for me. And now you're helping me again by not making me pick one over the other."

"Really? you sure."

"Im sure."

"Okay. I-I think I'll raise Jinki. Taemin should stay with you. He looks like you alot, and is beautiful just like you. I-I'm not saying Jinki isn't. It's just-"

Taeyeon started laughing. "Sooyoung, don't worry about it. I know you didn't mean it like that. Go ahead you can raise Jinki."

"Thank you Taeyeon. Thank you."

"No, thank you Sooyoung."

Sooyoung smiled, then hugged Taeyeon.

"Leeteuk." Sooyoung began as she turned to him. "I promise that I'll raise Jinki well. I will take care of him as if he's my own son."

"Sooyoung, thank you. I know you'll be a great mother."

"Thank you."

"I'll go get the paper works for you to fill out."


Taeyeon reached or Taemin and Jinki. She held both of them and whispered in their ears

"Taemin-ah, Jinki-ah. I, your Umma, love you with all my heart. You guys are brothers. Don't forget that. Jinki, you especially, please know that I love you. And Im not giving you up because I don't want you. I promise. I love you, but I just can't raise both you and your brother. Please understand. If you find out in the future that im your real mom. Please don't be upset with me. My firend Sooyoung will be your adoptive mother. I love you Jinki. I love you."

Sooyoung turned around not trying to let Taeyeon seeing her cry.

"Sooyoung, why are you crying?"

"Your speech....was just so....touching." She said in between breaths. "I promise you that-"

"Sooyoung, I know you'll be a great mother. Don't cry please. You'll make me cry. And I don't want to cry right now."

"Okay," She said before she stopped crying.

Taeyeon looked back at her babies and continued to talk to them, "And Taemin, I love you too. And your brother means alot to me too. Please don't be mad that you don't have a brother to have while growing up. I love you."


"Im back." Leeteuk said with the paperwork in his hands. "Sooyoung, let's fill out the forms."


After hours, they finally finished it all. She got up to leave but was stopped.


"Yes Taeyeon?"

"Don't tell Jinki that you're not his real mom. Make sure he believes you're his mom. I really don't want him to think I don't want him."

"Okay, Taeyeon. I promise you."

"Thank you Sooyoung."


Sooyoung was now the adoptive mother of Lee Jinki.


~End Of Flashback~


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NickisFace #1
love it its awesome!
Chapter 20: This story was great :D
I love 2min and jongkey keke ^_^
I would love a sequel!!!!!!
Chapter 20: ugh I really hate 2min; I'd have preferred that him and Onew got together than that; ;-(
Chapter 18: YAY JongKey are together, that was so cute; <3
Chapter 20: aww~~ the 2min ending~ hehe..
Chapter 17: this is so cute, so now that they know, will Taemin still like Jinki, Jinki was so cute when he got excited about meeting his appa; can't wait for more, update really soon. <3
Chapter 16: wow they took that really really well;
Chapter 16: haha.. taemin was so adorable <3
Chapter 9: onew finally met his real parents! ouuu~ i hope he knows it soon!! :) and you update fast author nim!!! ^^d hehe~~
Chapter 4: ouuuu~~ the ontae brotherd finally crossed paths :D