Who's That?


Jiae and Soojin have been the best of friends for many years, and they know each other like they were sisters. Like any other girl that goes to Yonsei Academy they dream about making it big in the entertaiment industry whether it be a comedian or singer. But others are forced to live a life that is destined to become a doctor or a well known lawyer. They are influenced by many people be it stars or the ordinary people around them. Jiae was raised to be very subservient girl and excelled in sports and academics, while Soojin excelled in sports and academics as well but never allowed anyone to push her around and was always hotheaded when people disagreed with her.


This is just me trying to be weird and write a storyline that makes no sense at all...I probably will be updating the description if any characters are going to be added and if I do make them a vital part of the story...I am writing this off the top of my head, so senseless chapters will appear. It will go off topic and updates will not be every single day...


so yeah~


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