
Your Blockbuster Life

*Chirp chirp chirp* The lovely birds chirped while your father sipped coffee from his favorite coffee mug. He was reading another issue of a newspaper. The headlines heated things up in the morning. He always do this while waiting for you to eat breakfast with him.

The butler served breakfast when suddenly he became impatient waiting for you. He raised his eyebrow and asked the butler in an impatient tone, "Where is my daughter?" 

The butler gulped. The servants in your house find your father menacing.

"E-Err...I'm going to call her upstairs sir," he said in a humble voice.

"Hurry up!" Your father commanded. He just wanna eat his breakfast right now since he's begginning to get hungry.




When your butler arrived in front of your room, he knocked before he enterred. "Ms. _______, your father has been waiting for you to come down. It's breakfast already," he humbly said.

There was no response.

He continued knocking. Still, there was no response.

He grew impatient so he just barged in inside your room. Good thing, he has duplicate keys to open your room. 




As he opened your room, he went to the bed and tried to wake you up.

"Ms. _______,  It's time to wake up now... your father is waiting for you," he shook your shoulders.


He noticed that your shoulders was incredibly soft. *Hmm... this is weird. Ms._____ is a skiny person. How come it seems like she got fat all of a sudden?*
He continued shaking your shoulder when the blanket suddenly came off.
Your butler's eyes widened as he saw that he was just shaking a pillow after all. "Uhm... Ms._______... Uhh... Ms._______..." she stood up to look for you inside your room, but he couldn't find you. He even went inside the walk in closet to look for you. 
He looked for you in other parts of your room, but sad to say that he couldn't find you.
*Oh gosh, Ms._____ is not here... so that means she didn't sleep here!* He suspected. He finally called the other servants to help him search for you. 
Meanwhile at the dinner table, your father is getting hungry and the food is getting cold. He has reached his limit already. He can't wait any longer. He decided that he, himself, will be the one to go to your room to wake you up.
As he walked through the hallway of your mansion, he noticed that the servants are so busy finding something. 
He went to one of the servants and asked, "What are you doing?"
The servant gulped. She stammered and said humbly, "Y-your d-daughter, sir..."
"W-What do you mean?" your father asked, confused.
"We are looking for her... we can't find her anywhere in the mansio--" 
"WHAT?!" your father's eyeballs was almost popping out.
"Uh-- err... Don't worry sir, we are trying our best to look for her," the servant bowed her head and lowered her voice.
"JUST MAKE SURE YOU FIND HER OR ELSE IT WILL BE THE END OF ALL OF YOU!" your father was already full of anger. The servant bowed her head lower as the other servants noticed that she was being scolded by your father. Your father went on his way with clenched fists. The servant started crying after he was out of her sight. The butler went near the servant who got scolded and said, "Don't worry... I have an idea."
The servant looked up at the butler and wiped her tears,  "Really? What is it?" 
"Let's go to YG Detective Agency," the butler said.
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xui-jin #1
form the chapter 1 , i already falling in love with your fanfics .
this 7 boys always the badass , never let you leave alone peacefully....
please update .... please ... please ..... TT^TT
i will wait for you return..... ;)author-nim =]
Chapter 31: author-nim, why are you not updating again?:((
pekkungBBC #3
More .. please more .. ugh .. I love this fic more than any fics that ive ever read !!!!! Please update .. Im begging you T.T im so ually frustrated lol lol
Chapter 31: Please update! OMG MORE ZICO IS SO HOT DJDJH I CANT VJFJ
please update next chapter :(
I... love this!!! *-*
Badass-Kid #7
Chapter 31: Plz update soon ^^
fanficaholic #8
Chapter 31: plz plz plz update soon auther-nim~ ^-^