Happy Valentine's Day!



Your school was filled with pink and white balloons, female students giving out white chocolates to their boyfriends, and teachers calling the attentions of students who made too much noise. Today seemed like a holiday because your school would tolerate this day since it also gave them time to relax and stop thinking about their classes.

It was Valentine’s Day. And today, you were going to confess to him after how many months of hesitation. It was none other than the school’s well-known and most charming guy, Do Kyungsoo.

Of course, it wouldn’t only be you who’d confess to him. Almost half of the female population in school wanted him because he was very appealing and handsome. And he has a very beautiful voice. And those lips, they’re worth dying for. (Not being a byeontae, mianhe~)

His voice was the first reason why you fell for him. It was not about his manliness and other stuff. It was about his voice.


You skipped class because it was boring and you decided to wander around the school. That was the first time you saw him singing at the music room, he was playing with the piano and singing out loud. You approached him because his face seemed new to you.

He stopped playing when he noticed you, “Go on.” You encouraged him.

He stared at you with his wide-eyes and your heart started to hammer wildly inside your chest. “You…you’re new here, aren’t you?” you asked him. Or course you knew he was.

He nodded innocently and the funny thing was, after he did, you immediately ran outside the room. You were nervous because it was your first encounter with a very cute, doe-eyed guy.


After that incident, you kept seeing him every break and lunch time. He would look at you like you were someone very familiar to him then you would instantly turn your back on him and run away. You couldn’t help it, you were very nervous around him.

But today, there was no backing out. Hundreds of girls wouldn’t stop you from confessing to him your feelings.

Your spirits sank when you saw him flooded with gifts, his friends helping him carry it around. You stopped in the middle of the way and before you could turn your back on him, he noticed you.

“Hey—“ He called and pointed at you. Your heart pounded violently inside your chest and you immediately turned to walk away.

You pulled your friend with you at the same time.

“I thought you’ll give it to him, why did you run just like that?” Zelo asked as he tried to catch his breath.

“I was nervous!” You frantically shouted at him.

“I know! I know! I was also nervous just watching you breathe like you’re asthmatic.” He said. “But when are you actually going to give that to him?” He asked as he pointed to the box of chocolates on your hand.

“Many girls had already given me theirs. You can give that to me.” He offered. You smacked him in the head. “Shut up.” You told him.

“Just give it to him already. He’ll forget you face soon after you walk away.” He murmured.

Zelo was right, after you give him the chocolates, he’ll forget about you. And maybe your existence. It’s not like he’d fall for you if you tell him you like him. He’s not obligated to fall for you. He’s just there to accept your gift and eat it. So why are you feeling fidgety?

“You know, when everything else goes wrong, I’m always here.” He proposed.

“I have one favour.” You said.

He leaned in closer. “What is it?” He asked, his mouth twitching into a smile.

“Keep your mouth shut, or else I’ll stick it with some duct tape.” You replied, looking into his eyes.

“Okay, okay I will. But please, have mercy on your friend. He wants to eat the chocolate on your hand. It looks really yummy.” He said and his lips.

“One more sentence Zelo, and I’ll make sure to add stapler too.” You warned.

“Okay, I will keep quiet.” He answered and pretended to zip his mouth shut.

You breathed in, “Okay, let’s do this. But you have to do something for me.”

“I do?” Zelo asked, his eyes narrowing.

You smiled at him.



Sweaty palms? Check.

Heart about to explode? Check.

Nervous feels? Check.

White chocolate in hand? Check.

Do Kyungsoo?



Triple check.

He was being led by Zelo, just as what you had expected. Your friend had managed to get him after all. Your heart started to accelerate and you could feel your palms getting sweatier by the moment. You wanted to run away and hide but NO, today was the day. You had played it so many times on your head and now, there’s no backing out. He was already on his way to you.

You gulped and when he got to you, you squeaked a tiny ‘hi!’

He looked at you with the same doe-eyed expression. “Hey… You?”

“Yeah.” You breathed and you noticed Zelo giving you a sign of encouragement. If you didn’t leave with Kyungsoo’s heart, at least you had to leave him with a deep impression. You inhaled and felt the fighting spirits run through your veins. When you opened your mouth to talk and tell him the words you have practiced for so many times, nothing came out. You were speechless. You had forgotten everything!

You alarmingly looked at Zelo for help, but he was so busy flirting with another girl. You helplessly looked at Kyungsoo, who was still trying to register on his mind what was going on.

“I know this is going to be really funny.” You said to him.

“Don’t worry, go on.” He encouraged you.

“I forgot the words I’m supposed to say but I don’t want to scare you off so here…” You handed him the box that contained the white chocolates. “Happy valentine’s day.” You told him.

He took the box from your hand and muttered a cute ‘thank you.’ You smiled at him and slowly started to take small steps backward until you frenetically ran away. So much for deep impression.


That afternoon, you were preparing to celebrate Black day all by yourself since Zelo made appointments with his date. You sighed and imagined how things would turn out differently if you hadn’t forgotten your lines. Maybe you’d change Kyungsoo’s mind and you’d be friends by now. But your stupid memory and tongue grassed you.

You made your way towards your locker and sighed. This was the only thing you had right now, your beloved locker. At least he’s loyal.

You opened your locker and rubbed your eyes. You couldn’t believe what you saw.


It was a pink box. It wasn’t really that big but you could tell it was made out of effort. With skilled hands.

You took it. Now, someone thinks I’m very pretty.

Then you started to think twice, maybe Zelo was playing around with you. You pulled out your phone from your bag and started to call him.

“Yo, wazzup?” He asked from the other line.

“Are you planning something on me?” You nervously asked.

“Nope. Why would I? Okay, I’m hanging up now, I’m busy.” He said and before you could make another protest, he hung up on you.

You helplessly opened the box and prayed for a small little note to appear and gladly, it did.


See me at the garden as soon as you get this. It said.

You looked at the perfectly shaped chocolates inside. “Who’s your owner?” You asked it.

You wanted to run away and avoid the giver but you couldn’t because your curiosity was killing you already. With the pink box on your hand, you strolled towards the garden.

You almost dropped the box when you saw him. At first, you were confused because you thought it might not be him. But when he looked at you with that same expression on his face when you always see each other, you knew it was you.

And it was him.


Do Kyungsoo.


Your heart began to pound again as you took little steps towards him.

“I know this is going to be really funny.” He said. You remembered saying that a while ago.

“Don’t worry, go on.” You copied him.

“I forgot the words I’m supposed to say but I don’t want to scare you off so… hey, I already gave you the box. Anyway, happy Valentine’s Day.” He cheerfully said.

The smiled didn’t fade from your face as you asked, “Why me?”

“Because I like you, that’s all. You always try to avoid me when we see each other so I thought you didn’t like me back. Well, until you gave me a box of chocolates today.” He reasoned. “You left a deep impression on me.”

“Wow.” You muttered.


“I like you.” He said.

“I like you too.” You answered as he took you for an embrace.


So much for deep impression.

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Chapter 1: whaa, mad cute!!
love her moment, and then his moment which is like hers in a way.
gahlee... i like zelo in here too. lol
infinitelycesca #2
Chapter 1: omygod this is one of the most nicely written oneshot i've read <3 please do more kyungsoo fics :> hihi. good job author-nim :>
Chapter 1: OMAGAH. OMAGAH. GRAAAA THE BG PHOTO. you really evil woman youu!! It's nice oy. I hope this happens to me on valentine's day pud. /runs off with tears
Chapter 1: So cute !!!! I wish I was as courageous as the heroine ! Having the guts to confess to your crush is admirable !!
DO is such a cutie !!!
Chapter 1: Aiyaa! These two... so shy... DO you're supposed to be the man in the relationship...you should have the moves first... although... she made it worth his while to wait... hahaha... loving it^^
Chapter 1: toni, mamatay kos ka cheeseeeyy AHHHHHHH! HAHAHAHA