A Cake for You

A Cake for You


January 17, 2012

Seungyeon’s POV

“I really can’t stand this anymore.” I said, pinching the bridge of my nose. I was irritated.

“You know that I only love you.” Donghae murmured, taking a hold of my wrist.

“It doesn’t seem that way.” I jerked my hand from his grip. “The way you look at her, everyone would say you love her.”

“You’re interpreting things, Seungie.” Donghae said, annoyed. I shut my eyes as he called my nickname.

“You said she was the one who misunderstood that. I think it’s not her fault at all. You were the one who were misleading her.” I said and he ran a hand through his hair, frustrated.

“Look, look at me, please.” He said as he cupped my face. I looked into his brown eyes and fell for him again. I averted my eyes from his, and pushed his hands away.

“Let’s just end this.” I mumbled.

“W-what?” he was shocked.

“You’re busy with your tours and new album. I don’t want to get in your way. You could lose fans and all, I really don’t want to make you fall.” I tried to reason and grasped his hand.

“It’s not because I don’t love you anymore, but it hurts. Make things right between you and her and then…after that, maybe we can see each other again.” I said softly and let go of his warm hand.

“You’re giving up on me.” He spat. “Is it only because of Eunseo? Or is it because of Taesung?” he asked furiously.

“Don’t drag him here! You and I know that we only do that for work! He knows I have a boyfriend unlike Eunseo!” I was almost shouting.

He scoffed. “You’re defending him now-” I cut his accusation.

“No, I’m not. You were the one who started this, oppa. We were fine for almost a year, and then she came. And you went along with her. What am I to you?” My voice was rising and I felt tears welling in my eyes.

“I love you, I don’t love her! Can’t you understand that?” he asked, his voice was shaking. Was it because of anger or something else?

“I don’t need your sweet words, oppa. They can’t heal my wound.” I said and took a deep breath. “Goodbye, Donghae oppa. Take care.” I whispered and the tears finally fell once I walked away from him.


Third Person’s POV

That wasn’t the first time they had fought. Seungyeon had a mature attitude, a contrast to her childlike appearance while Donghae who had a manlike appearance was more childish than her.

His phone rang and he ignored the call from Seo Eunseo. ‘Because of you, Seungyeon left me.’ He thought bitterly. He flipped the channel, trying to find something that can make him forget about the fight. Kyuhyun walked out from his room and Donghae glanced up lazily at him. He was not in the mood to entertain his dongsaeng.

“Had a fight with that midget?” Kyuhyun asked, seeing Donghae so worked up. He entered the kitchen and the elder male followed suit.

“She asked for a break up.” Donghae said. Kyuhyun wasn’t a very good choice for you to consult, especially when it comes to love. But Kyuhyun and Seungyeon were pretty close.

“Then? Are you going to comply?” Kyuhyun asked making Donghae felt stupid.

“No, of course. But she seemed so…persistent.” Donghae said and Kyuhyun laughed.

“But what happened?” The maknae asked making Donghae groaned.

“Eunseo kept calling me and I answered her calls. Seungyeon found out and…you know the rest.”

“Seungyeon isn’t the jealous type, but I guess that irks her.” Kyuhyun shrugged.

“So, what do I do?” Donghae asked.

“Apologize, do events for her.” Kyuhyun shrugged. “Why are you asking me? How do I know?”

“But she said sweet words, events couldn’t make it up. She wants me to make things right between Eunseo and I.”

“Hyung, are you really stupid?” Kyuhyun asked.

“What?” Kyuhyun sighed. His hyung can be so dense.

“You do as she says. Tell Eunseo that you are not interested in her. Tell her that you have a girlfriend-wait, don’t tell me that you like Eunseo.”

“No! Of course, no.” Donghae said and ran his hand through his hair. He always did that when he is frustrated. Donghae’s phone rang again and he sighed before picking it up.

“It’s me,” Donghae said flatly.

“Donghae-ssi, what’s wrong?” Eunseo’s sweet voice asked, concerned.

“Are you free?” Donghae asked.

“Ne, waeyo?”

“Can we meet at the café? The café when we had the blind date.” Donghae asked.

“Sure! I’ll be there in 30 minutes!” she said happily.

“Wish me luck,” Donghae said to Kyuhyun and the dongsaeng raised his fist lazily. Sigh, he’s so not going to be in a relationship.

“Ah, right. I’m in a relationship with my laptop.” Kyuhyun chuckled and went back to his room to continue his game.


“Annyeong haseyo,” Eunseo bowed when Donghae entered. Both of them were wearing caps and Donghae was wearing a face mask as well.

“I’m sorry if you wait long.” He said.

“It’s alright.” Eunseo smiled. She has a beautiful smile and is a nice girl, Donghae felt sorry for what he was going to do.

“Eunseo-ssi, I’m sorry.” He apologized.

“What for?” She asked, puzzled.

“I’m sorry if I was misleading you.” Donghae said and Eunseo face fell. “I have a girlfriend, and she thinks I’m cheating on her. I’m asking you for a favor to not call me if it’s unnecessary.” He said carefully and gently. Eunseo didn’t say anything at first but after a minute, she looked at him and forced a smile.

“I understand, Donghae-ssi. I’m sorry if I have troubled you. I’ll go first.” She said her voice breaking. Donghae didn’t make an attempt to comfort her, he didn’t want to give her any false hopes. He sighed.


Seungyeon’s POV

Donghae hadn’t contacted me, much to my dismay. Although I was the one who asked for the break up, I still hope that he will come back to me. He will make things right and ask me to be his girl again. But no, he didn’t.

I had somehow watched the We Got Married with Fighting Junior’s blind date and was disappointed. No, I wasn’t disappointed, I just felt like someone had stabbed my heart a thousand times.

I stared at my phone screen, I was about to call Donghae oppa. I missed his voice. I missed his laugh. I missed his smile.

I shook my head and turned the phone off only to turn it on a minute later and sent a text to him.

To: My Prince <3

I guess we have really broken up? Live well then.

“Yah, why are you crying?” I looked up to see Gyuri at the doorway and realized I was crying.

“Unnie,” I sobbed and she ran to me, pulled me into a hug.

“Shh, it’s going to be okay,” she rubbed my back comfortingly, rocking me back and forth.

“He has really left me.” I sobbed and Gyuri didn’t say anything. She just my hair and said it’s going to be okay. I hope she’s right. Gyuri unnie is always right.



October 14, 2012

I stared at the dough that I was whisking. I’m baking a cake for him. I’m baking a cake for the man who I had broken up with. I’m baking a cake for the man who doesn’t love me anymore.

“What should I do? I still love you…” I said longingly. It has almost been nine months. Kara and Super Junior were both busy with our own schedules. Performing on tours, vocal and dance practices had worn me out and I thought I had moved on. But now, when we have a break, when we didn’t do anything…I started to feel lonely again. Not to mention it was raining…I sighed.

“Oppa, don’t you miss me?” I whispered and sniffed. I wiped my tears with the back of my hand and continued where I had left off. After I was done, I place the cake in the oven and stared at it.

“You are doing well. I hope you’re happy.” I said and sighed.

“Unnie, bwohae?” Hara asked as she entered the kitchen. She was munching her snack and her eyes widened when she saw the flour and baking ingredients.

“Are you baking? Wah, what did you bake?” she asked excitedly. “Why didn’t you call me? I want to bake too-” she stopped when she saw my face. Why? Was I crying?

“Unnie…” she called. “Gwenchana?” she asked carefully.

“I really miss him.” I choked on my tears and Hara pulled me into a hug.

“Unnie, uljima…” she sobbed and I laughed through my tears. Why was she crying? Aigoo, pabo kkomaeng.

“I’m fine, why are you crying?” I laughed.

“This cake is for him right? Should I send it?” Hara asked.

“No!” I said too quickly and cleared my throat. “I’m sure he has moved on…” I said, suppressing a sigh.

“Unnie,” Hara sighed.

“It’s alright, we can eat this cake tonight. Do you want to help me with the icing?” I asked changing the topic. Hara nodded and helped me made the icing. When the cake was done, I had troubled in decorating it. How should I do it?

“Unnie, is it alright if I go?” Hara asked carefully. I nodded and she smiled before leaving me alone with the cake. She knew I wanted some privacy and I thanked her conscious for that.

After some thinking, I finally picked up the icing pen and carefully, wrote on the cake. I didn’t want to care what was going to happen anymore. I missed him so much. And if he didn’t want to accept this cake, it’s alright. I just wanted to tell him how much I missed and loved him.

Happy Birthday, Prince Donghae <3

I miss you

I thought about making it ‘My Prince’ but then I realized he was no longer mine. And to make it worse, I was the one who broke up with him. I kept the cake in the fridge, hoping none of the member is going to eat it.



The next day

“Hey, where’s my cake?” I shrieked and Gyuri laughed.

“I think I already gave it to Shindong.” She said bashfully. My jaw dropped. I didn’t want to give it to him! I was out of my mind yesterday! I wasn’t thinking straight!


“Yah, you always eat the cake without me!” Shindong said as he entered the dorm. The members were eating the cake and because Shindong’s schedule ended late, he didn’t get a piece of cake at all.

“I thought you’re on diet.” Eunhyuk said. “So I ate your portion.” He grinned and Shindong smacked the back of the anchovy’s head.

“Where’s Donghae anyway?” Shindong asked and everyone stopped laughing and talking.

“He said he wanted to go for a walk.” Ryeowook said.

“Okay, don’t eat this cake. This one is special.” Shindong warned and glared at Eunhyuk.



“No calls from you at all.” Donghae kicked the pebble. “I sent you a cake that I bake by myself on your birthday, did you throw it away?” Donghae grunted and kicked another pebble. “Haish, it’s so cold here.” He grumbled and jogged his way to his dorm.

Everyone had slept and he sighed. He didn’t want to answer their questions. He only ate a bite from his birthday cake although it was his favorite strawberry cheese cake and forced a laugh when they smashed his face with the cake.

He didn’t want to eat any other cakes. He only wanted Seungyeon’s strawberry cheese cake. He cursed under his breath as he tripped over something in the darkness. He opened the door to his room and was surprised to see the light was still on. Eunhyuk was nowhere in the room and his eyes stopped at a cake box. He opened it and saw another strawberry cheesecake. His heart beat faster as he read the message on the cake.

Happy Birthday, Prince Donghae <3

I miss you

Although his fans knew he loved to be called ‘prince’, the cake didn’t seem to be from the fans. It seemed like hers…

He reached for a card next to the box and opened it quickly, almost ripping the envelope. He thought his heart was going to jump out as he read the card. He felt lightheaded. Was she really the one who sent this?


Sigh, how distant have we become? I couldn’t call you oppa anymore. Are we strangers now? I don’t know if you have changed your taste, but I hope you still love my strawberry cheesecake. You are doing so well, I’m happy for you.

Best wishes from me,

H. Seungyeon.

Donghae didn’t know what to feel once he finished reading the card. He felt happy, angry, touched, sad, lonely and etc. Could she still have feelings for him? Could she still want to be with him?

Donghae smiled to himself.

“My birthday wish has come true…” he said softly. “But this thing that we used to have…it is no longer there. We’re like strangers now…”


I hope you like this oneshot! Happy birthday, Prince Donghae! I had always love this pairing! I know this isn't a fluffy fanfic but I really can't write fluff and romance. I hope you enjoy reading this and subcribe if you want more of this pairing! ^^

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Chapter 1: wah this pairing.. intresting story.. please make more story about them.. longer version.. but i know make a story are kind of troublesome if the idea are nowhere..
Chapter 1: Awww........ I expected a happy-ever-after ending.....
cinta88 #3
why not you continue this fanfic...i want to read more and more story....
cinta88 #4
Chapter 1: omg i love your fanfic...but why dont put them together...hu...can you make seungyeon and kyuhyun romantic fanfic plizz i really love them...but if donghea also nice...