Waking next to you.

Awake Next To You

"Sokkie" Sehun cooed to the sleeping Minseok in his chest gliding his thumb down one side of Minseok's plump cheeks. Streams of sunlight lit the room with a warm glow hitting the bed and just beyond it, while the rest of the room was still a dim shadow waiting for the stream of light had not touched the rest of the room. Sehun set his thumb on Minseok's cheek rubbing little circles watching his lover sleep peacefully. Sehun watched for a while before Minseok's wide eyes fluttered open slightly, bringing his hand up to rub the sleep from his eyes.

"Sehun" Minseok yawned. The two basked in the sun now, which had created a soft glow around them. Sehun kept quiet and watched Minseok. 

"Sehun~" Minseok playful smiled into his chest before scooting himself up a bit more to lie against the head board as Sehun did facing him. They were quiet and no words were exchanged, just the look in their eyes were enough to know what they wanted to say. They just stared into eachothers eye-- into eachothers world before Minseok, the older, giggled filling the whole room with sunlight. 

"Sehuna you're face" Minseok giggled wailing around in Sehun's hold. 

"You love it" Sehun said with a straight face watching Minseok bubbling with laughter with no amusement what so ever.

"Sehuna of course I love your face" Minseok smiled climbing on top of Sehun to straddle sit on his abs holding his face, "but I also love you." Sehun watched Minseok sliding his hands from Minseok's leg to hold his waist. 

A small smile crept onto the younger's stone face as he continued watching his cheerful lover.

Minseok, who was having a little bit too much, lie on top of Sehun for a bit listening to his heart beat, since he was just a bit shorter than him, which was pounding in his chest but did not show on his face. Minseok smiled to himself knowing he was the one making Sehun's heart beat like that and rocked side to side, still on top of Sehun's body, before rolling off of him onto his claimed spot on the bed giggling. Minseok caught himself when he had noticed it was just his laughter bouncing off the walls and pouted at his lover. 

"Boo~ Sehuna why are you so boring in bed?" Minseok frowned because Minseok liked having fun while trying to get up in the morning and 'mister ball of sunshine' was just the brightest today as always. Sehun coughed taking it the wrong way making his ears turn red. Minseok looked at Sehun, puzzled before he figured out what Sehun interpreted 'in bed', who was now red. Minseok burst out in laughter for a few seconds before he could catch his breath and take a hand to carress Sehun's face. 

"My baby" Minseok smiled tracing up under Sehun's jawline watching his apple's adam bob up in a big gulp which made Minseok think even more. Minseok scooted up to match Sehun's height on the head board and trailed his hand, that was at Sehun's jaw, down and up his neck reaching behind, making Sehun shiver, tugging at the back of his hair softly before he set his foot in between Sehun's legs. Minseok showed his y thigh to the younger in a seducing manner, in which he was doing right now. Sehun turned to look at Minseok who was now biting his bottom lip. Sehun was about to lose it. 

"Minseok, I'm not so innocent anymore..." Sehun whispered which danced up Minseok's spine because they've never really done it and the way Sehun said it now turned Minseok on. Sehun slid his hand down Minseok's inner thigh which made him shiver, not in a bad way, because everywhere he touched was like the sun kissing his skin. Sehun gently hooked his arm under his thigh which made Minseok giggle and groan, that was enough.

"Sehun lets get ready now" Minseok smiled at Sehun as Minseok placed a hand over where Sehun left his hand on his thigh letting him glide his hand once more before Minseok pried his lover's hungry hand from his thigh. Minseok thought he could simply just get out of bed but was yanked back to the bed falling under Sehun's body.

Sehun smiled but his eyes were telling him something different, "where do you think you're going?" Minseok laughed, "to get rea--"

"Nice try but you're going to finish what you started Minseok." 








Minseok POV

Waking up next to the younger is scarier than I thought. I'm never doing that ever again. ever. Sehun made me scream... not only did I think we woke up the whole apartment complex but now my throat feels raw. 'Sehun the ball of sunshine' my foot! 







Longer than i intended. Hope it wasn't that boring >.< 



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1489 streak #1
Chapter 1: aaah, adorable!!
Chapter 1: oh my xiuhun feels ;______; daebak author-nim!
Chapter 1: I blush more at fluff then so cuteeeee and adorkable
bananaicecream #4
Chapter 1: ahahahaha. minseok. it is because you are being a tease for sehun so you need to be 'punished'. yay! more xiuhun = love <3
Chapter 1: I just read it and i'm already in love with this story? So sad that this only a oneshot lol
Chapter 1: Haha this was really to adorable~ <3
Chapter 1: xDD that was kind of super cute !
Chapter 1: YAY xiuhun fic! MORE!!
Chapter 1: waaaaaaa...
i've found xiuhun again

I am a happy fangirl now.