Insanity Strikes Again

A Winter Confession

"Gosh, if it wasn't for Eunkwang's idea to go to Jeju Island, we might as well be at an airport with our passports and go to England right now. Don't you think so, Ilhoon?" asked Minhyuk. "Yeah, sigh I could have meet Zayn Malik. But it's okay, besides I've never been to Jeju Island at all. So I'm pretty much excited right now!" Ilhoon replied as he plays the game Temple Run on his iPad. The other members were busy camwhoring, talking and gossiping about K-idols, but not for Sungjae, the emo maknae. He murmured "5 days left till Christmas, which means 5 days left and I'm going to confess to Peniel." Out of a sudden Peniel came to Sungjae, sitting beside him and asked "You're confessing to who? And who is that lucky person?" Oh crap, he heard about it. What now?! "Wait... what? Who said that? I-I didn't say anything about confessing...." he lied while rolling his puppy eyes. "Come on, Sungjae, I heard everything... Well.. almost everything. But I know that within 5 days, you're going to tell someone about how you feel! So, spit the thing out and tell me who it is!" Peniel said with anticipation. "Oh, hey look out there, Peniel! Snows are everywhere!" he looked outside and suddenly Sungjae took Peniel's iPad and starting to search something. "Ya Sungjae!!!" Peniel screamed and jumped into Sungjae and sat beside him. Oh no, here comes Sungjae's 'Peniel feels'. "So Peniel, have you ever been to Jeju Island?" Sungjae asked. "Is that even a question? Of course not!" "Well then, I myself have never been there too. Let us Google to find more about Jeju Island while waiting for our van to come!" Sungjae replied while doing that aegyo of his.

Sungjae then googled about the island and let Peniel read everything about it. "Jeju Island, also known as the "Island of the Gods," is a popular vacation spot for Koreans and many Japanese. It remains one of the top honeymoon destinations for Korean newlyweds. The island's mixture of........"  "Newlyweds, honeymoon? What is this thing? Do hyungs know about me having a major crush on Peniel till they suggested Jeju Island as BTOB's vacation? But.. how do they know? I didn't write anything about Peniel on Twitter nor my phone. I don't even have a diary!" wondered Sungjae. Seems like his problems are getting bigger each day, poor kid. 

"Hey guys! The van is here!! BTOB leggo!" shouted Ilhoon. The boys were excited and left their dorm immediately. The van was big. Like super big, yet very classy too if you go inside the van. Oh typical kpop stars, they own everything that people always want. Luxurious life, billions of money, and last but not least, good looks. Their journey from Seoul to Jeju Island probably took hours because you need to take a ferry to go there. So, Changsub and Eunkwang decided to sing Apink's BUBIBU and some Christmas songs to lighten up their day, followed by Ilhoon and Minhyuk. Hyunsik didn't sing because he was busy eating ketchups. He can't actually live without ketchups, it's like someone put nicotines in it. But as for Sungjae, he was looking at the window while enjoying the scenery. Then, Peniel dozed off and began sleeping at Sungjae and his arms were wrapped at Sungjae's body. Dup.. dup.. dup.. dup.. the sound of Sungjae's heartbeat.

"Oh God like finally we are here! Hello beautiful Jeju Island!" Eunkwang shouted. Good thing no one was there at that time. People might think that he's insane. "I think I should post a selca of mine and upload it on Twitter!" said Minhyuk. "Ya! Wait up, I wanna be in your selca too hehehe!" said Ilhoon. And so they made their way to their chalet, put their bags there and start doing their activity.

It was around 6pm that time and so they might get a chance to see the sunset. "Hey, why don't we play volleyball?! The team that loses will do the BBQ! Who's in?" suggests Ilhoon. "I'm in your team Ilhoon, well as always." said Minhyuk. And so it has been decided. 

Team 1 - Ilhoon, Minhyuk, Sungjae, Peniel whereas Team 2 - Eunkwang, Changsub, Hyunsik

As a conclusion, the first team wins the competition. As a reward, they get to do nothing whereas the second team does the BBQ. "Look guys, it's the sunset!!!" Peniel shouted. The boys looked as the sun sets slowly, it was a beautiful yet unforgettable day for the boys.

The first four days had past and yes, it was already 24th of December 2012 which remarks the day where Sungjae is/might confess. He was nervous, and was very insecure, indeed.


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mnyn_prk #2
Ah, I loved it ;o; It was so amazing that I read it again !
Ah, moreover, I trulyyy love penjae ! so amazing story <3
Chapter 2: Love you! akfhwifhrf <333