Teaser 1 (Anonymous and KOMI)

KOMI and Anonymous [Two New Groups] --- Apply Closed!




Hi Everyone! I bring you news!!!


Applications will stop being accepted by 12:00 am (HAST) Saturday morning. (May I suggest you apply for Anonymous, if you still plan to do so? I have a lot of applicants for KOMI already.)


I will begin to reveal members as early as Saturday night or even afternoon.


So I thank you all who already applied, and those who plan to. I wish you all luck!!


Enjoy these two teasers! 


- Okurah Nii





>>YG Entertainment <<



“Yah! Lee SeungHyun have you any idea how much trouble we’ll be in!” The Kwon Leader exclaims as he puts his head down on the table in slight exasperation. All the members were gathered in YG’s office awaiting their “talking to” from Yang HyunSuk himself.



“It’s always you and your mouth getting us into trouble.” TaeYang adds shooting a joking glance towards the sulking maknae.



“You should come with your own warning label.” TOP announces earning low chuckles from the group.



“I already said I was sorry hyungs. I really didn’t mean to let it slip.” SeungRi apologized seemingly frustrated now.



“We know you didn’t mean to let it slip.” DaeSung explained while smiling widely at the frustrated panda.



“When do you ever mean anything that comes out that hole you call a mouth?” G-Dragon asks as he lifts his head with a light grin on his face. 



“You always manage to make us look bad maknae.” TaeYang finishes the conversation causing SeungRi to visibly deflate in his seat. Before another remark could be made the President walks into the room causing Big Bang to give him their full attention.



“Annyeong Big Bang.” He greets as he takes his seat and shares a surprisingly wide and happy smile towards his group. The members each smile (accept for a slightly pouting SeungRi) and greet their Papa YG.



“So,” He begins switching his happy look to a slightly stern one. His stare seems to direct specifically at SeungRi, causing him to fidget in anticipation. “What exactly did you say?”



“Uhh...” SeungRi hesitates and glances at his fellow members before continuing, “I didn’t say much! I just mentioned something about a new group, I swear!” Papa YG seemed to think about it for a moment and nod after a bit.



“What?! You’re not mad?” SeungRi shouts causing GD to reach over and cover his mouth. YG laughs before shaking his head letting the group of five know they weren’t in too much trouble.



"Not at all. I wanted them to be a surprise, but evoking a little excitement from the public can be a good thing." The president states before leaning back in his chair. "Plus you couldn't have said too much because you guys don't even know them." Big Bang silently agree with the statement made.



"May we know about them?" TOP asks slowly.



"Of course." He answers with a light tone while pulling out five folders. Placing them in front of the group, each member reached out and greedily opened one to snoop through their profile. YG sits back once again and watches the successful group with an amused smile.



"What is this?" SeungRi shouts once again receiving an elbow to his side by YoungBae. DaeSung places his folder back on the table.



"What's wrong with their face?" He asks revealing a photo of a masked male.



"This can't be his actual name right?" TaeYang also questions placing another folder containing a masked man down.



"Why are they all masked hyung-nim?" GD asks looking at the almost identical profiles. With about 60 percent of their faces covered, each photo looked alike.



"They are Anonymous." YG states. Confused a bit, the group repeats the word in wonder.



"Anonymous? Is that their group?" TOP asks. YG nods and leans forward to place his hands on the table.



"It is their everything. It is their slogan, it is their identities, it is their look." Eyebrows furrow together more as their confusion intensifies. 



"What does that even mean?!" SeungRi asks receiving a stern stare from Tae and GD for his tone.



"You guys are looking at the five members of Anonymous. Their goal is to show that they don't rely on looks, but pure talent.” YG states causing the brows of each member to rise in interest.



“So, they don’t go by their names?” SeungRi asks. “Only their stage names?”



“Yes. They are to remain absolutely anonymous.” President YG says as Big Bang seems to take the idea in to consideration.



“That’s a pretty cool concept!” TOP voices as GD nods enthusiastically to show his approval .



“Why are you only sharing this with us?” TaeYang asks. The rest of Big Bang also pay attention wondering the same exact thing.



“Yeah! What about the rest of the family?” DaeSung adds.



“Well, simple. I want you guys to watch over them.” YG answers surprising each member.



“BWOH!” SeungRi states, “Aren’t some of them older than me!!” He exclaims scratching at his head a bit. GD reaches over and pats his head.



“You’re their Sunbae. They’ll respect you despite your age.” He states calming the younger.



“Just mentor one of the younger ones.” YG states. Each member glances at their President.



“We mentor one member individually?” DaeSung inquires receiving a nod from their “Appa”.



“You’ll watch over them as a group, but you’ll receive one member you’ll pay closer attention to.” YG answers.



“Don’t we have our own schedule though?” SeungRi states once again receiving an elbow to the side from Tae.



“We won’t be breathing down their necks.” GD states secretly eyeing out the profiles on the table, he was debating which member he should want to mentor.



“Well what are you guys waiting for?” YG asks earning five heads to glance his way. “Pick your member. You’ll be meeting them as soon as you do.” 



As soon as the statement leaves YG’s mouth the members of Big Bang instantly shoot for folders. As they fuss and fight over members; Arguing how one would be better for the other, Yang Hyun-Suk chuckles at their childish behavior.






>> komi <<



Knocking could be heard as ChoPD glanced up from his work to see a smiling young man. With a wave of the hand the stranger comes in and sits down in front of him.



“Have you chosen the four yet?” PD asks the male; who last time he checked was having trouble narrowing the numbers down to a mere four. 



“It was hard, but I think I’ve got the perfect four.” The male says placing the folders on the table. Joong-Hoon reveals a smile as he leans forward and opens the folders to study them.



“That’s my boy! I knew you could do it and you thought you weren’t fit to be a Manager.” He responds ruffling the younger boys hair. 



“What am I five? Sheesh there’s no need to mess with my hair hyung.” Says the boys pushing his older brother’s hand away. “Why’d you even choose me for this job?” Joong-Hoon glances at the male before giving him a “isn’t it obvious” look.



“You’re Cho Yong Sun, my younger brother. I trust you enough with my new project.” ChoPD announces.



“Yeah about that... What exactly is your new project? Didn’t you just release a girl group? Why am I picking four more girls?” Yong Sun asks causing PD to chuckle and shake his head.



“No, I’m releasing a boy group.” The statement throws Yong Sun into a dark and deep pit of bafflement.



“So... You made me pick girls, for a boy group?” Yong Sun asks receiving a nod from the elder. “You’re really something aren’t you Hyung.” He responds slowly, more as a statement than a question.



“I know, right! I’m glad you see it my way now.” PD answers laughing slightly.



“Why though? Why make a girl group disguised as a boy group?” Yong Sun asks confused, though the small smile on his face instantly told Joong-Hyun that he liked the idea.



“Why not?” The answers provokes a sigh from the latter. 



“Alright, I’ll do it. What do I do from here then?” Yong Sun asks as he sits back and gives his full attention to the CEO of Brand New Stardom.



“Easy. Keep their true identities a secret and go to the salon to put them in disguise.” Joong-Hyun states.



“Do they know what’s going on? Or do I have to tell them they have to be boys.” Yong Sun asks, praying they already knew.



“You can tell them that. It’s their choice, if they don’t like it, they can find another company to try out for.” PD states waving it off. Yong Sun messes his hair up a bit in frustration before nodding.



“What are you going to do about their voices?” Yong asks trying to find a hole in his older brother’s plan.



“Don’t worry. I’ve got everything taken care of.” PD responds leaning back in his chair. Yong nods before standing up and taking his leave. However, before he exits the room his brother calls out for him once more.



“I just thought of something.” PD says causing Yong to tilt his head. “I’m thinking they might need an actual boy in their group... What do you think?” He asks for reassurance.



“I agree with you. That way if they ever need to “prove” themselves he’d be there to do it.” Yong says after a thoughtful pause. PD nods with a smile as he begins to look throw some other trainees they had in file.



“You can go Yong Sun. I’ll find the last member.” PD announces causing Yong Sun to wear a grateful smile.



"Oh! One more thing! Don't tell BlockB about this project, I know you're close with them. No one knows their secret but you, me, and them." With that said Yong Sun takes his leave to deliver some possible hectic/interesting news to four lucky girls.








I might of actually accidentally revealed one of the chosen members unconsciously already >~< But, oh well...


I’ll see you guys in a day or two! (Depends on your time zone!) I’ll probably release the members one at a time or not... I’ll decide late XD 


Hope you liked the teasers!!!






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Sheesh alright got an update out finally!! Hope you all aren't too lost while reading it!!!


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kipi9899 #2
Chapter 14: omg. I can't stop reading this over and over again xD
Chapter 14: I had to admit that was a really long, yet detailed chapter. I love it! o u o
Hahah. I had to look back at the previous chapters and apps to know who's who. ._. Anyway, it was great!
They quickly got along. :D And the cockroach... /laughs hysterically/ xDD I can't believe such handsome men got scared of a roach. Tsktsk. Lol
Take your time, okay? You don't need to rush. o.o
Chapter 14: wow such a long chapter lolols not complain tho, but I need read it slowly to catch all things since I kinda have fever now u_u
I still need to get to know better of Anonymous members and their character, I think Ace will be the hardest members to handle but he can bit comical too hahaha and the maknae is mysterious one, despite his mature act. I see you made interaction already with one of KOMI members, is she Joker love interest? xD
If yes, pedo hyung hahahaha xD I kid I kid hehe
So another thing, except their own members and manager even BigBang don't know their real name? It must be hard to practice with mask on :3
and I wonder who will reveal their name first to BigBang, I think.. either Nyx or Ace? Hahaha
arasso thanks so much for update, will wait KOMI chapter patiently, take care and hwaitaeng~ :'D
Chapter 14: Lmao the roach scene though hahaah
This chapter is spectacularrr *o*
I love the interactions between Big Bang and Anonymous <33
Chapter 14: I love the first chapter!! I love the way you wrote Jihoo; he's practically perfect!! And the roach scene...loved it sooo much

and Minsoo, oh man, these two ;)) I also Nyx he's such a cutie!! ><
Chapter 14: Omo~ authornim~ i thought this story...kkk~ kwenchana, i understand~ kkkk~
authornim, hwaiting !!